posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 01:19 PM
You mentioned sungazing, this sounds like the same ethos as what the breatharians follow, namely they claim not to eat or drink, and instead live off
the prana of the Universe.
I would love to see you implement this ideology to see what truth it bears.
In theory it makes perfect sense, but like all theories, it is just that... a theory. I have never met a sungazer/breatharian so I cannot comment on
it's validity.
PS Other people are recommending that you live out in the wild in more hospitable places (Alaska, Canada, etc). Not a bad idea. After all, why opt for
the most extreme place on Earth, the desert! You can just as easily discover yourself and be at one with the Universe in more forgiving places and
still reap the same rewards.
Which ever path you choose, my thoughts are with you.