posted on Apr, 11 2009 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by alyosha1981
This is my state that they are discussing in this and I have to say that I am absolutely outraged. This is flagrant dishonesty. I'm so angry that I
can not see straight. I'm going to write a rather heated letter to my representative, not that I think it will do any good.
This is just disgusting. It makes me want to tear my hair out that they would do things like this. It completely goes against the spirit of democracy.
If someone isn't there to cast their vote when the vote comes up, then they should be marked as absent and abstaining for the vote.
The contemptible wench they interviewed says that things like this have to be done of necessity? That's absolute BS. Several of the illegitimate
votes that were cast in the video weren't for people who weren't there, but were for people who simply didn't press their button fast enough.
And even if the person is there, they should not have other people voting on their behalf. If they aren't there, then they should simply be marked as
not present and abstained as I mentioned earlier. I'm going to have to investigate to see what can be done about this, but I wager it's not much.
For my part, I'm going to try and get this message out to as many people as I know.