I have researched and filed away many many survival websites that cover almost all aspects of knowledge.
Silo13 has a great thread about Kyoto
When another poster mentioned he/she would like links in one place.... so, that of course got me thinking, since I have a ton of links, I should put
them up for others to look at and learn from, if they wanted to. I didn't see any other thread that was on a whole aspect of surviving covering
almost every type situation... so here we go.
**This one, I have wanted to do, and have asked a shop person if they could make one for me. Right here is a very important link....in my opinion.
Below the site details and gives the plans for building your own wood gas generator. What is also interesting, is during WW2, this is what most
people used in Europe to fuel their vehicles. A vehicle can run off this. It is great info to know and have in case gas is ever hard to come by.
Plus if you have a generator for your home and can't get gas, you can run it off this wood gas generator. the gas is from wood fumes.
www.windward.org... ***
This blueprint is actually from the Oak Ridge DOE lab site, where you can download the blueprints for a wood gas generator, which is what I have done.
Another gas generator site:
Making steam power:
How to make your own bio fuels:
Fema - water storage:
Now I want to mention, there is a water filter, which I have purchased, it is the only kind like it. The
Water Filter is a filter you can take gross green water full of bacteria and it will filter everything out. In other words any kind of water
will be filtered out and be completely clean and drinkable with no chemicals, bacteria or viruses. It is a gravity based filter, no electricity is
needed. I use mine, and it filters all those bad chemicals in that are put in the water. You can get the "flouride" filters too... will take the
flouride out. I will warn you right now, they are not cheap. But as I look at it, spend the money now, or possibly regret later. This filter works
in any situation.
From Mississippi State College, preparing food with no electricity:
Here is a site with many different option plans on building a solar cooker, out of boxes and tin foil,
Building your own solar water pump:
This next site, is about surviving a disaster and you will find a ton of different information sites on every type disaster. All around good info.
All about dehydrating foods:
And perserving your dehydrated foods:
An online backcountry cooking book and preparedness for the wilderness:
backcountry cooking
This is very interesting, this is a site that shows you how to clean your used motor oil to be able to use it again, great info. Also at this site,
it explains how to get the old and dead engine batteries alive once more -
How to build and use a solar still:
How to make a solar power generator:
Solar heat grabber:
Here is a site about Edible plants:
I have actually purchased two books on every kind of edible plant we have. There are many available, I like the ones with pictures!
So I can
identify them.
More edible plant info
another edible plant site, what is interesting here, is all about catails plants, they are very versatile in what you can make with them.
For those, who are possibly storing food, here is info on waxing cheese - when you do that, it will last for a very long time and it will just age. I
can verify this works, I won't even tell you how many pounds of cheese I have stored and waxed.
You can buy wax online, There are some inexpensive sites, I purchased 10 pounds at one site for the same price others wanted 2 pounds of it.
I have a ton of information on individual things too, which I have looked at to do. This includes all the things that could be aquired by having a
milking goat, besides milk. I have learned about how to make cheese, sour cream, yogurt from it, mind you - I don't have a goat at this time, but
good info to know.
I won't put those links in here, but if someone wants them, I will be happy to provide them.
I have searched sites for making soap, but have only come across ones where you have to buy the products compared to using items that may be close to
where I live and natural.
Here is a bit of alternative info, if you are so inclined:
BLOCK: In 1982, the FDA approved IOSAT potassium iodide tablets for blocking the thyroid's absorption of cancer-causing radioactive iodine (only
the thyroid absorbs iodine). Saturate the thyroid with potassium iodide's stable iodine so it won't absorb radioactive iodine, the predominate
radioisotope released from a nuclear reactor release or nuclear bomb fallout.
You can find these on ebay or other stores online, just do a "nuke pill or radiation pill" search. *Ebay sellers are the least expensive - I
Okay, that is a start, though there are other considerations, the above are for emergency preparedness. there are many many sites about preparing for
anything and the sites listed will take you to even more places and more information, needless to say you can spend hours and days learning from the
links of the site provided.
If anyone has more links and sites they would like to share please do, I can see if a mod would put them in the main OP here, with your credit of
I think these are good sites and information for everyone to look into for the "just in case" scenerios.
This doesn't cover all those other alternative conversations of alternative type disasters and preparing for those, this covers the basics and what
everyone should at least do some of.
Okay, some may think I am extreme for getting all of this info together for myself, but ask anyone who has been through a hurricane, of which there
are many of us. I happened to go through one while living in the islands and I did not have electricity for almost a year. So I know, we all do need
to prepare and have on hand many things for the unexpected.
Tentickles has these links on her podcast link below:
Survival Forums
Simple Survival
Zombie Hunters
Survival Essentails Checklist
Abjutant Briefing
Gamma Watch
KI4U Radiation Pills
BetweenMyths links:
Survivalist Site
Survival related websites
Wikipedia - Survivalism
[edit on 11-4-2009 by questioningall]
[edit on 11-4-2009 by questioningall]