You shouldnt tell your employers if you have HIV. Its the only way for you to get a job.
Its a Question of getting a job
If you walk into a job interview, you need to hide the fact that you have HIV, because that is a huge check against you. If they know that you have
HIV you are less likely to get the job, due to the health risks that you pose. If you get cut while you are cooking in a restaurant, it would be a
danger zone. Then your employer would have to call the CDC to find out how to clean it up properly. Where as if you dont tell them, You can get cut,
clean everything up in a hurry, throw it away, and clean yourself up, there would be no problems from the management.
In my opinion, if I was an employer, I would have ignored the comment of them having HIV, and then after the interview, I would have said no. It would
have been my duty to protect my crew from any form of viral infections.
It's a question of advancement.
They would think of you as a liability, therefore hindering any chances of advancement. Because they would try and keep you as far away from
themselves as possible. they wouldn't try to take the chance of them themselves getting infected. Your position would probably be in the back
cleaning the dishes, but even then, If you wash the dishes and you just so happen to cut yourself under the water. All those things are contaminated.
If you let them know. There will be a very slim chance that you would get hired, and if you did you would always be on the chopping block. They
wouldn't want you there unless they were sure that nothing would happen as to compromise the safety of the rest of the crew.
It is a question of situation.
If you are jobless with HIV, you walk into an interview knowing that the employer may or may not ask you about your HIV, take a look at your personal
life. Do you live in a shack on the outside of town. With no one to help you, if so then you shouldn't let them know. It may be your last shot to get
what you need, to actually start having the comforts of your won home. To actually have food. Just stay careful, don't get hurt and everything would
be fine.
The question asked is "should you tell your employer if you are HIV positive????" I believe you shouldn't because in a day and age like this. You
are competing with people who have nothing physically wrong with them. Chances are that the healthy hopefuls will get the job before you. Keep your
disease quiet then everything should go smoothly.