posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 01:28 PM
vcwxvwligen - "Maybe you could explain how this could be a spaceship, like structural features which would enable space travel."
To be honest I have very little knowledge when it comes to physics (especially how those physics apply in space)...I can only speculate when I say
that it looks aerodynamic enough for flight and with the dimensions (of both the front and rear) of the object that it could possibly have a very
central point of balance?!
King neptune117 - "its a weather baloon or swamp gas lmao"
That's what it is! Why didn't I think of that before posting this? lmao
greeneyedleo - "I would guess ISS too or some other satelite...but I could be wrong"
It could definately be a satellite...there is some resemblance in the 2 pictures you combined apart from the solar panels are missing?!
Phage - Thank you for the background knowledge of the images which make up Google Sky
I was unaware that they were produced between the
DaMod - "If this was a satellite we would see wings"..."IF this is an alien ship it would probably one of the first of its kind ever seen here on
earth. (I've never seen a UFO like that)"
I agree...I will also say that I have never seen a UFO of this shape/kind nor have I an asteroid?!
I'm glad that this "object" is sparking some interest/ideas
...I'm going to go through the close proximity to this "object" later on tonight,
playing with the contrast to see if/or how many other symmetrical objects turn up and whether similar objects appear in a totally different area of
the sky
Let's keep the ideas rolling...