posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 11:51 PM
Alot of you need to understand more about physics before jumping into this. Quantum Theory is a wierd thing. Not all the galexies are being seen at 14
billion years in the past... The only galexies being seen at 14 billion years in the past are the ones that are 14 billion light years away. Besides
we don't even know how far we are from the point of origin. Trying to figure out where our galexy is in the universe is like trying to tell what your
countries entire layout is from down in your basement. We don't even know exactly where we are in our own galexy... We do however know that our
galexy is a "spiral galexy" and these "spiral galexies" have arms and our star lays somewhere on these outer arms of our spiral galexy.
I do however believe if there was two points in space, one being point of origin, and the other 14 billion light years away. With a straight clear
view and no gravity to bend the light we might be able to see the beggining of the universe or at least in very early years. But it would have to be
before anything actually happened, because of emence gravitational forces between point a and b, we'd never be able to see what happened. Theory