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Im tired of people ripping on me because I cant think of evidence on the spot

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posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 03:38 PM
Alright so my friend is getting me really pissed of sometimes because he brings up how stupid I am for studying UFO's and aliens. I tell him that he just simply doesnt understand because he hasnt done the research

To someone that has never researched the subject, ufo's and extraterrestrials are a laughable subject. I told him about the greys and the reptillians and he was like on the floor laughing.

Hes like "OK ROBERT THERES ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE." I told him about the photos and videos and he says that they could all be fake.

Oh, and I also told him about all the military and airforce officials that came out about their experiences with ufo's and aliens. He says that they would be killed. This statement got me the most pissed off because that is total bull crap. I told him that by killing the person the government would look even more suspicous. Hes like, "Hed just be dead"

God hes so ignorant please help me.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by King neptune117

yeah i would laugh to at the reptilian part if you told me that too, i would be on the floor as well

for actual UFO documented proof that is 100% there is none, as of now its all subjective and open to speculation

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 03:43 PM
It's very difficult to provide acceptible credible evidence even when one HAS done the research. The thing is, Robert, your friend has it easy. All he has to do, apparently, is state that your beliefs are "rediculous". That's hardly a valid logical arguement. Perhaps you can require him to provide research countering the belief in extraterrestrials. You two could set a date, say a week in the future, and then research your tails off, and meet and have an actual debate. Maybe you'd both learn something and have some fun at the same time. If you phrase the debate topic correctly, it might be easier for you: "Do UFOs exist?" Well, then, by definition a UFO being an unidentified flying object, then you should be able to easily demonstrate the people see and have seen and presumably will see aerial objects all the time that they cannot positively identify.

Best of luck to you

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by King neptune117

The thing about people who act like they aren't interested or say they don't believe are the same people who demad proof. They are the people who seem to want to kno more than anyone. When you aren't able to give them proof or the proof that they believe it is great for them to be able to say "I told you so" or "I knew there wasn't anything to prove" and so on. Don't worry about those people, dig through the things you research and pick what makes sense to you. Don't believe everything though, because there is no doubt more hoaxes out there than there is truth. You may ask your friend what type of evidence would convince him. When they tell you try to help them find something that will satisfy them if you want, but don't make it your mission to convince someone, it's hard enough to convince yourself, one way or the other. Anyway, I'll quit rambling. Good Luck with what ever you choose to do and I hope you find what YOU are looking for, don't worry 'bout the rest.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 03:51 PM
Tough one. The biggest hurdle here is that if any of it could be proven, I mean really proven, your friend would believe too, and you wouldn't have made this thread.

When it comes to arguing for the existence of extraterrestrials, photos and videos are never a good bet since they're so easily faked.

Research thoroughly and prepare a bit of a presentation for your friend. Focus on factual discoveries that make it difficult to not believe. Research ET influence on ancient civilizations. Show him pictures of cave drawings and figurines depicting "space men" and flying machines. Point out the extreme discrepancies in the rate of advancement of human civilization. For example, at the turn of the century, most people were still walking, riding a horse, or cruising in a horse drawn carriage. yet a mere 69 years later we put a man on the moon?

In the end, all you can do is thoughtfully explain why you feel the way you do, and show him the evidence that makes you feel that way. You can't show anyone proof until, well, until we have it.

To me, the sheer probability of their existence is proof enough. I simply don't think that we're that special, to be the only intelligent life forms in this universe. Of all the planets orbiting all the stars in all the galaxies in our universe, we're to believe that ours is the only one capable of supporting intelligent life? I think not.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 04:04 PM
Tell him:
that millions of people believe in God, Allah, etc..
they don't only believe, they talk and pray to him also...
they go to churches and holy temples in His honour to group with others who share their believes
they study the bible and other holy books
and sometimes... sometimes they even hear his voice, that's right, he talks back to them.

and ya know what, there is absolutly no proof of Him whatsoever.

It's a more realistic thought that a ufo lands on earth one day and give the entire world 'proof', then that God will appear.
(sarcasm intended


posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by King neptune117

I have one word for you...


You have the biggest knowledge base known to man available to you day and night without restrictions. (right now anyway) That's all the proof you need friend.

Don't bother arguing a point with people who simply DON'T want to believe. You need to make your case and then back it up with youtube. Mind you not everything on there is legit, but there's more than enough to convince most people that ET's are a valid hypothesis.

Anywhere you go there is usually a way to access the internet, your friend may disgree, but show him the NASA STS-75 video or something like that, I'm sure he'll respect your opinions more.

As far as the reptilitans thing goes, that's to be taken with a grain of salt. We all know that there must be multiple species of ET's if ET's exist at all, but saying that they control some part of our world or heavily influence our leaders is a little much.

I hope this helps.


posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by King neptune117

I know too well what dealing with ignorant people is like, so you have indeed my sympathy. Give him some good info to look through and give him some time to "digest" it all. If he continues laughing at you without being able to even discuss it properly, there is really no reason for you to keep him as a friend. It will only make you feel bad and give you an ulcer.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 04:33 PM
Sure there's some crazies in the UFO and Alien scene but there's also a lot of people who are VERY CREDIBLE.

I'd say the Disclosure Project is probably the best rebuttal to any argument. They're all serious people who've had serious jobs in our military and other Government and civil agencies. They're not foil hatters by a long shot. If these people say that they saw something and that they're willing to testify before Congress about it then I take them seriously.

Download their press conference video and show it to your friend.
Maybe that'll shut him up.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 04:35 PM
All you need to do is point out the theory of infinite. Ask your friend how big he believes the galaxy to be. If he answers anything logical, it is quite easy to turn it around then and say: "isn't it logical, then, that at the very least, that there are microbial organisms on just ONE of the planets out there?"

There really is not come back for that one, and it shows that you are smart enough to think beyond "little green men" which usually helps people get passed the whole "UFO Cooks" idea., as most who do not research the topic generally dont consider that bacteria, etc, is life, and it is FAR MORE PROBABLE that it DOES EXIST than not.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 06:19 PM
you are american, and he is american .... wow! asnwered!!!!!!!!

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by MurderCityDevil

Oh yeah, like the 100s of accounts from the Phoenix Lights incident? And the LA UFO where thousands of rounds were let off into the sky and martial law was instituted for a period?

Yeah, the phoenix lights we're flares, and they we're shooting and a flying barney.

Plausible enough, eh

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by King neptune117
Alright so my friend is getting me really pissed of sometimes because he brings up how stupid I am for studying UFO's and aliens. I tell him that he just simply doesnt understand because he hasnt done the research

To someone that has never researched the subject, ufo's and extraterrestrials are a laughable subject. I told him about the greys and the reptillians and he was like on the floor laughing.

Hes like "OK ROBERT THERES ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE." I told him about the photos and videos and he says that they could all be fake.

Oh, and I also told him about all the military and airforce officials that came out about their experiences with ufo's and aliens. He says that they would be killed. This statement got me the most pissed off because that is total bull crap. I told him that by killing the person the government would look even more suspicous. Hes like, "Hed just be dead"

God hes so ignorant please help me.

Evidence is not something you think of, its something you present. You shouldn't start an argument, unless you have evidence... ready to present.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by King neptune117
Alright so my friend is getting me really pissed of sometimes because he brings up how stupid I am for studying UFO's and aliens. I tell him that he just simply doesnt understand because he hasnt done the research

To someone that has never researched the subject, ufo's and extraterrestrials are a laughable subject. I told him about the greys and the reptillians and he was like on the floor laughing.

Hes like "OK ROBERT THERES ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE." I told him about the photos and videos and he says that they could all be fake.

Oh, and I also told him about all the military and airforce officials that came out about their experiences with ufo's and aliens. He says that they would be killed. This statement got me the most pissed off because that is total bull crap. I told him that by killing the person the government would look even more suspicous. Hes like, "Hed just be dead"

God hes so ignorant please help me.

Maybe its your presentation and lack of material to show him.
I can easily discuss these topics with people and they never laugh at me. They actually show interest. Presentation and communication is everything.

Did you bring him to ATS and point him to the many good threads with excellent presentations on unexplained events in our history? Im not talking about all the crap YouTube videos posted. You wont find truth on YouTube....or all the crap posted by The Sun....or all the out of focus, long exposure photos people swear are ET crafts.

Threads such as (just to name a few):

You know, threads with substance and vast amounts of information.

And really "evidence" is all in the eye of the beholder. What some people here swear is evidence, I say is crap.

Regarding your reptiles and greys stuff.....there is no evidence of this at all....there is speculation and stories people tell.

Your friend is NOT ignorant. Just be careful not to feed him ignorant information or he could get turned off forever. Present to him the threads I posted above. Those should spark his interest and PLEASE stay away from YouTube videos.

[edit on 4/8/2009 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 06:44 PM


posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 07:00 PM
Hi again King Neptune,

You recently posted a very similar plea here:

I felt like you got some very good responses.

Apparently, you deem it is necessary go through this once again.

Last time you stated your friend was stupid and now he is making you upset/angry.

You may very well be early on the path and this place can be a valuable resource if you will only consider and heed the advice given. ( The last thread should have provided a vast array of alternatives to assist you in dealing with close-minded people who you want to remain as friends.)

This time, my advice is:

People don't really have the power to "make" someone angry / upset. That can only occur if you "allow" them to. They don't control others emotions unless given free reign. Don't "empower" them to upset you or else.......they win.

Or better yet, choose your battles. Some you just can't win. Study "The Art of War."

Good luck on your continued journey. You seem young, yet well on your way.


[edit on 8-4-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by kinda kurious

Good post! Words only have the power we give them.

For the OP, maybe you should just ignore the subject when you're around that person.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by GypsK
Tell him:
that millions of people believe in God, Allah, etc..
they don't only believe, they talk and pray to him also...
they go to churches and holy temples in His honour to group with others who share their believes
they study the bible and other holy books
and sometimes... sometimes they even hear his voice, that's right, he talks back to them.

and ya know what, there is absolutly no proof of Him whatsoever.

It's a more realistic thought that a ufo lands on earth one day and give the entire world 'proof', then that God will appear.
(sarcasm intended


I couldn't have said it better myself!!.... This is what I try to explain to all the people that give me the (laugh out loud reaction!) usually shuts them up!

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by kinda kurious

Ah. Thanks for posting that. Didnt realize this was a dupe thread. Eh.
So, Im sure all that I posted will be ignored too. Oh well. I try.

[edit on 4/8/2009 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

No worries. I can certainly relate.

Despite my own heartfelt advice, I am allowing myself to "feel" a little silly.

I enjoyed your contribution.


[edit on 8-4-2009 by kinda kurious]

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