posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 06:35 AM
Hi All,
My name is Arto, I am new to this site , and as an Artist and Writer..
Why I have wrote on this forum page regards Carl Munck, somebody who tweaked my interest in cryptoarcheology and made me realize our ancient
forefathers didn't need PI/Radians, PHI, feet and inches which Mr Munck and his followers seem to think where used for every monument on earth. I like
Carl he woke me up the skeptic in me, he has given me courage enough to expose the tricks and number games that most new-agers seem to adore. I was
misled for awhile and had to rediscover the magic of numbers without the occultish attachments that most have with PI, PHI and Geomatra numbers.
The use of Phi when you create a painting or sculpture is not a conscious and deliberate act of the mind, it arrives out of need to present beauty to
the viewer through the emotional responses that are fractalized thought the pencil, brush, chisel, fingers or hands. You can measure it after the
artwork is complete and all the ratios are present and in abundance. I have added whole numbers to my pallet of art, not common in the arts, as it has
taken me a life time to master and would take even longer to explain. So when I see someone who draws conclusions from a reversed condition such as Mr
Munck has done, it is a duty to my art that I need to explore his reasoning and expose its hidden forms.
edit on 19-4-2013 by Byrd because: Personal information promoting user's blog has been edited out, per our Terms Of Service.