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Bush backs alien evidence

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posted on Feb, 3 2003 @ 05:37 PM
George W Bush says there is mounting evidence to suggest there is alien life on other planets.

The US President used his budget document to declare that there may be "space aliens" to be discovered.

A passage entitled, "Where are the Real Space Aliens?", states that important scientific research over the last 10 years indicates that proof of "habitual worlds" in outer space is becoming more of a reality.

Evidence for the current or previous existence of large bodies of water, an essential element for life, has already been found on Mars and on Jupiter's moons.

Astronomers are also discovering planets outside of our solar system, including around 90 stars with at least one planet orbiting them.

The document says: "Perhaps the notion that 'there's something out there' is closer to reality than we have imagined."

posted on Feb, 3 2003 @ 06:40 PM
They are preparing us for the big announcement.

I've heard 2003 is the year of the alien
, we'll see....

posted on Feb, 3 2003 @ 11:11 PM
I hope this is true

its about time something was revealed

posted on Feb, 4 2003 @ 12:26 AM
If they do know the truth they need to poll people to see if they are ready to be told... On the other hand peoples real reactions will probably greatly differ.

If they do not know whether or not aliens exist then they need to increase NASAs budget and let them explore the universe....

posted on Feb, 4 2003 @ 12:29 AM
Here is another story on the matter:

And here is the budget pdf file from the white house, aliens included.

posted on Feb, 4 2003 @ 12:39 AM
It will be interesting to see what Bush has to say about Roswell. Is it possible that President Bush may have more trust ( than Clinton ) from the people who know what happened ?

posted on Feb, 4 2003 @ 02:51 AM
it would rock if they finally let us know something, but it could also be some type of scare tactic. Who knows, let's wait and hope eh?

posted on Feb, 4 2003 @ 03:19 AM
It is said that JFK intended to release UFO information to the public and we all know what happened to him.

If Bush intends the same, lets hope he has the full backing of the military and authorities who conduct the cover-up. If he doesn't, who knows what will happen to him!

posted on Feb, 4 2003 @ 03:24 AM
It makes absolutely no sense for a government to withold proof of extraterrestrial inteligence from the people.
even if that inteligence is hostile.

The political coup surrounding being the first leader to make contact with another life form is far to great, the publicity extrodinary, a place in the history books assured.

frankly I'm amazed a world leader hasn't tried to fake it.

If The US govt. had any proof you'd see pictures of Bush shaking ET's hand on the front page of every paper in the world.

posted on Feb, 4 2003 @ 03:51 AM
Lupe disagree entirely, if the life was hostile given the state of the world today there would be good reason to keep it quiet ie people make a conspiracy out of a simple plane carsh, what would they make of a Alien/saddam tag team? people would go potty if the government announced there was a hostile life just round the cosmic corner.

I don`t think one leader would gain as much political backing as you think by annoucing this. Would you want George Bush negotiaiting with aliens the possibilities for a disasterified situation would be hugeificated. no you would shudder and think that man is representing us to these guys, you`d soon vote in someone smarter. (and hopefully any inter stellar travelers would have better taste and sense than to present themselves to Mr Bush)

If the gov`t did have proof and that proof being hardware (ie spacecraft etc) they would n`t want to share it because it gives them a technological edge over the world and they would give up their dominant global position.

I think this is a red herring just to keep us all guessing, you know will they won`t they, another line in the info/disinformation game.

posted on Feb, 4 2003 @ 03:58 AM
Yes but you don't have to mention hostility, technology, or anything else.

If you have proof then you can release it and manipulate it as you wish.

Lets say the US has a reverse engeneered UFO.

How hard would it be to land it in front of the white house in front of the worlds press and have a young blonde haired and blue eyed girl emerge from it and present Bush with a dove before getting back in and flying off.

Hell you could make him practically Messiaic

posted on Feb, 4 2003 @ 04:09 AM

Originally posted by cassini

and hopefully any inter stellar travelers would have better taste and sense than to present themselves to Mr Bush

Don't think that these aliens are thinking like you. And who will be a better taste candidate ? Al Gore may be ?

posted on Feb, 4 2003 @ 04:43 AM
I think the point was that they're likely to at least contact somone who can speak his/her own language before introducing them to theirs.

posted on Feb, 4 2003 @ 04:58 AM
All that statement actually states is the belief that other planets may harbour life, not that those life forms have actually arrived or visited or that the US govt's is harbouring aliens or recovered craft etc.

This is only what many scientists have been saying for a number of years. No more no less.

posted on Feb, 4 2003 @ 06:34 AM
"How hard would it be to land it in front of the white house in front of the worlds press and have a young blonde haired and blue eyed girl emerge from it and present Bush with a dove before getting back in and flying off.

Hell you could make him practically Messiaic"

I do believe you can keep a massive conspiracy going but i just don`t see how you could fake a landing and keep the deception from the world indefinitely.

Bush a messiah, .
cant stop laughing....

"This is only what many scientists have been saying for a number of years. No more no less."

your right, absolutely, its just a fairly mild statement with no real insinuations or revelations,

posted on Feb, 4 2003 @ 01:12 PM
laying good groundwork for revealing the truth...but not public enough of an announcement for such a release soon...

When it's ready to come out, you'll likely see a slow, but steady buildup of the idea...first, to acclimate the public to the real possibility of life on other worlds, then, the confirmation of microbes, etc., and then finally, the face to face with intelligent life, but probably over a few years of conditioning.

There are actually many valid reasons for keeping such a thing as knowledge of extra-terrestrials a secret. I'm sure many of which have already been listed in countless threads on this board, so no need to do so here...

posted on Feb, 5 2003 @ 07:08 AM
Freemasonry is basically the knowledge of Alien life (my theory) as the symbols used have been passed down from alien life since the start of man. These symbols, studied like a Bible in Masonry are slowly revealed to individuals who merit the knowledge.

It is said that Ancient Egypt held 360o of enlightenment, the Masonry holds 33 of these degrees. Obviously, the enlightenment comes from alien life.

However, the existence of such alien beings will continue to slowly become revealed as we come closer to the New World Order. Freemasonry is ultimately what will one day become th One World Religion as it is founded from what will be realized or interpreted as living Gods once Alien life is revealed.

Get my meaning?

In other words,
Freemasonry studies the symbols and lessons passed down from Alien life eons ago. They infiltrate all forms of moden society so that these Alien beings might one day come back in safety to rule the lands as God. For these Alien beings to return to Earth in safety, all guns must be taken away and man must slowly become more confortable with the idea of Alien life, hence the new shows lately such as Roswell...

I am sure there will be people in these forums to pop up and flame this theory, however, those are the ones who think they actually know something that others do not. They are fooled...

posted on Feb, 5 2003 @ 07:23 AM
Terribly sorry old boy but what are you twittering on about?

"I am sure there will be people in these forums to pop up and flame this theory, however, those are the ones who think they actually know something that others do not. They are fooled..."

well if you know something we don`t, then don`t keep it to yourself, spill the beans, let me know and I`ll try to avoid flaming your theory

posted on Feb, 5 2003 @ 07:57 AM
I agree, slow dissemination of facts, I guess in some ways its more important to make the ppl who make the decisions in the countries more comfortable with the possibilty, after all, they need to be confident that should such a possibility occur they will be able to handle it and try to keep things running as normal as possible. Putting it in the budget statement may not reach millions, but it reaches the ppl who make big decisions on a day to day basis, having them on board is half the battle I think.

I expect the Beagle 2 mission to be a major step in this direction of expanding this notion with the finding of bacteria on Mars.

For the record, I think the Yanks almost went for it in '76 with Viking, but bottled it at the last minute and blamed the success of the experiments on contamination - something that the chief scientist refutes absolutely. A similar accusation has been applied to recent discoveries of bacteria that has been found in our upper atmosphere which is possibly extra-terrestrial in nature.

Anyway, lets see what happens eh.

posted on Feb, 6 2003 @ 04:07 PM
I know that there is no authority higher than to president to explain this but I still can't help but be suspicious. How do we know this information wasn't "discovered" by some crackpot on the street and that it's actually valid? It may just be some cheap ploy to make Bush seem more trustworthy and a "person of the people" than any substainsal evidence. The government doesn't seem to deserve much of our trust, I'm sorry. The largest likliest accouncement is that he's sending out a couple of probes through the slar system and he's going to have to raise the nation's taxes to finance it.

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