posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 07:31 PM
A couple months ago, I had a weird 'experience' if that's what you want to call it?
I was laying in bed, and I couldn't sleep. As usual, my mind was running and I was having inner conversations with myself. I'm unsure why, I was
just talking to myself in my head. Except, unlike any other time I've done so out of boredom, I could not predict nor control the answers I was
receiving. I figured I was just too tired and my mind was running rampant, it happens right?
Well I was conversing with 'myself' and it asked "Is there anything I can do for you?"
Being obsessed with and trying to pursue an Astral Projection at the time, I asked for this 'being' to pull me into the Astral Plane. Again, I just
dismissed this as playful chit-chat with myself, until something scary took me by surprise. I actually felt as if being pulled out from my body! I
can't say being pulled, but I definitely felt like there was some force separating me from my physical body. Terrified, and now fully alert and
awake, I felt myself 'snap back' into my body as if snapping an elastic against the skin.
I have not 'spoken' to this 'being' ever since. I'm wondering if this was just my mind subconsciously trying a different method to help me
achieve my goal, something less traditional, or if I actually had some help from my 'Spirit Guide' or whatever they are properly called?
Does anybody know? and if it's the latter, how can I try to contact him again for help? I'm confident that if I took it seriously and it happened a
second time, I'd be able to remain calm and succeed. It just completely took me by surprise as I thought my mind was playing tricks on me.
Or maybe it was?