posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 04:30 PM
Hi folks i was just forced to re-evalate an idea that i had, at first i found this rather frustrating but then found it rather healthy as we as human
beings can become rather to focused on one thought and blinded to all others. And then it occurred to me(an i know i am coming late to this discussion
and dont mean to try and teach you all to suck eggs). The greatest obstackle to human freedom of thought and liberty is the modern press in all its
forms, they FEED us "facts"(i have had expericence of these facts as i grew up in a world htspot and saw both sides of the media propanda machine so
know first hand how facts can be twisted to suit to speaker). So my basic thread and question is to get the true information out there how do we get
past the ain stream media and get our message recognised by the masses?? I know that opens up a whole can of worms like who owns the media, the govt,
the illumnati? the nwo who whoever, but unlless we ask this stuff we dont get answers..
thanks for reading.