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Is It Just Me thinking this about YouTube?

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posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 02:50 PM
Ok first off i have to say what are the record companies thinking??? The only thing that can explain this is that the record companies have only recently figured out a way to give hidden "messeges" in their recordings. Who ever owns the over all banking interests etc.... Now all you have to do is post a song on youtube from one of your favorite bands. It will be taken down, ive seen it happen numerous times!!!! and i ask myself why?? We would like to hear a sample of the song!!! We all know that the highest quality you can listen to is the actual Reel that the original recording is made on. Even in the industry today all digital is transferred on to reels because the sound resonance is the best. From the reel they put it on CD. Now again you are losing more sound quality with the best being hearing the musicians live. Now when you burn it onto the comp or from cd to cd they are losing even more sound quality!!! (ever wonder why people say your tone deaf or cant sing it might be because you are listening to such low quality recordings!! you hear more static and electronic " humming" on lower quality recordings.) Now all you have to do is think of your computer. Everythiung is run by electronic pulses. all these pulses make a "hum" that distorts music. From hard-drive to the speakers, GIVE ME A BREAK, harddrives are run by the cycling of electronic pulses!! So all in all, If you want the highest quality music buy the CD, The record companies are choking off themselves, making it hard to access our old beloved music(to make room for NEW recordings with their agenda miley etc), Why not explain this to the public?? And no matter WHAT no technology will ever be able to emulate the sound resonance that is produced by musical instruments made from wood grown in dirt,metals formed at the beginning of our universe, that is essentially old as time having all known elements come from that pre-origin before the big bang. We dont understand that, what makes tech guys think they have the materials to record those types of objects to the "full" capacity?? Why not inform the public of this to boost CD sales, hell use some clips from american idol and ask, " Do you burn your Cds?" HA Ha Ha

posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 03:07 PM

posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 03:12 PM


posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 03:19 PM


posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 03:34 PM
I dont quite get what you are trying to convey here, but Ill say this; If you like a band, go to a show if they tour in your town. Record companies are one of the worst things about the industry. Pure evil. making money off of anothers creativity because they have all the toys and means to the musicians ends.

IF you want to talk quality, Records/Wax/Vinyl is about the best a consumer can do to emulate the actual recording for home listening. Cds can not compare to records. period.

Youtube is a joke. They already have MTV and the like for selling their agenda, youtube just helps to keep people entertained while real life is happening outside. youtube BASTARDIZED the video industry and now you have a bunch of middle school kids posting on every video in existence with their "rotfl lolz!1! dats whur it be at"

If you like a band, you should buy their stuff, its that simple. or if its pop, turn on the radio and you can hear it 10,000 times a day.

posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by drsmooth23

"IF you want to talk quality, Records/Wax/Vinyl is about the best a consumer can do to emulate the actual recording for home listening. Cds can not compare to records. period."

Well i would say Yes for older music with equipment designed to be transferred to record. When you had 4 tracks or 8 tracks and you said wow!!!!! that was when you had NO room to make things such as you see in Rap insignificant sounds etc 100 overdubbs on the vocals (bc pros rappers use that many and MORE)
Not to mention every million dollar compressor turning the music waves into "blocks" its all artificial and no one will buy it. we crave REAL music from REAL instruments thats why rap and hip hop has killed the record industry.

All these things take up tracks on the recording. Protools alone can handlie hundreds of tracks. Your telling me with 2 speakers your going to emulate the sound of hundreds of different sounds going on not to mention wood, plastic, and metal is going to give off the same sound resonance of a guitar made from wood that pre dates the big bang origins?? Use reason.

"If you like a band, you should buy their stuff, its that simple. or if its pop, turn on the radio and you can hear it 10,000 times a day. "

Here once again we see the radio which is not the same as the CD. Each radio station has its EQ's set to a standard settings IE Rap has theirs rock pop country etc to learn what a band is doing why not set it to EQ's they intended the recording for? They play it off a Cd which is then "broadcasted" through satellites losing more sound quality using more electronics....can you understand formed sentences because if you could you would understand the point is to cut out electronic hum, why do you add all these other techs?? IN recording the most expensive equipment is designed to cut out the hum and make a silent mike.

"write like your english teacher taught you"
Ha Ha i got the goveners award for english in grammer school off the standardized tests. Only 10 were given to a school of like 2,500.
I wont dumb myself down for nim wits PLus i was passing AP classes in grammer school which were graded by professors from ivy league colleges still being young im working on the last 2 years of my 4 year.

[edit on 7-4-2009 by romdog11]

[edit on 7-4-2009 by romdog11]

posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 04:09 PM
Youtube is like an encyclopedia to me, its a shame I can not look for songs I can not name but have more chance of finding on youtube because it has many avenues to finding it. Same with other media's its a shame youtube is not a tool for finding information anymore that was part of the fun and education and resource from it. Youtube probably helps promote music and probably helps people to find the music they want, so in a way they are all losing out, leave them to it ban everything.

posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 04:09 PM

Listen Please....

Its not the spelling, or the punctuation, its the MESSAGE in the post that counts.

So, debate the post, and not the poster, or their style. Simple as that.

If you can't do that without resorting to sniping, then don't post.

Courtesy is Mandatory

posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 05:34 PM
Youtube is taking those videos down by court order pursuant to lawsuits regarding illegal distribution of music without paying licensing fees per song play. I can guarantee you there are probably hundreds of thousands of songs being played each week on there, meaning a lot of royalties are going unpaid.

It may be cheap and convenient to put music on there but you are in fact committing theft by doing so. They orginally got away with this because many of the original posters and users were art school students who fell under a student-use exemption but that is definitely not the case now. Why do you think myspace removes unlicensed songs from individual profiles?

posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 09:23 PM
Why do they broadcast it on the radio? We could easily copy it onto tape without ever purchasing it and agreeing to their end of the bargain. They offer it free, we make a copy after they leave it open freely then they want to attack who ever wants to listen to it again??? Anything you buy can be shared on the internet. You can legally purchase one cd for a family and make copies for each person in the house hold(a family gift. thats like buying a painting and not being allowed to paint it yourself). Now you put this over the internet and whos to say who a close friend or family connection is? Can someone in theory have millions of "friends" to share with what they bought? Could these people who they share it with offer a family support?? Anything you buy you can make a copy of. You just cant go around selling it. No one is making money on you tube so the royalties were never there to began with. What if someone could make mercedes benz cars appear out of no where. If that person wanted to do this for his friends would he be violating trade mark? Hes not making money, stealing a car he just makes copies of it. Copies of what is essentially avalible to anyone to draw or whatever. Are you going to have mercedes sue that individual telling him not to practice his "inherent" ability? The only reasoning for the above is that he would design new cars for each person, then he could in essence create every model you can think of copy right it and sue whoever tries to make a car lol. So its a catch 22.

posted on Apr, 9 2009 @ 12:13 AM
ill buy local cds or saller bands because I would want people to do the same with my band....but nowadays an its there...I am a music adict but I' not paying 16 dollars for a cd that I only know 1 song off of..
I do have a fair amount of the...but the rec industry failed...they take so much from the artists...the decide in the end what direction alot of bands or groups or whatever go in
and the people who already have alot of money...I mean have you seen MTV cribs
youtube has its positives and negatives
good for showing people info
bad for sifitng through mindless garbage

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