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The best comeback ever about Guns.

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posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 08:04 AM

The best bits? What? That hard black stuff that's found underground? Coal? Too right, the Welsh can't be trusted with combustibles - look at what happens to holiday homes in Wales.

Sorry but thats tickled me.


posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 08:14 AM
Laughing my ass off! That is funny...

I live in America, and I am so damn tired of everyone wanting to limit guns, or take them away from their citizens. If you teach children about guns and safety and teach them to respect the gun you would probably have alot less of the senseless accidents going on. Besides that it is the criminals who have easy access to guns... not the average citizen.

Thanks for posting the interview!

posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by ManicKat

Glad you got a giggle out of it. I have been a critic of guns in the past, but little urban tale has me questioning my paradigm.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 08:43 AM
Are you kidding?!

NO ONE on this site even remotely finds SO MANY FLAWS in this argument?

No offense, but please, think a little harder! It is HUMOROUS yes, but in no way is it a good defense for gun rights!


Please, see that this is NO LAUGHING MATTER, and understand what is weak:

1. Can boobs and vaginae kill?

Clearly, no. Unless these are poison boobs spewing poison ivy sap, and the vagina of this woman is tipped with razor sharp blades that shred dicks to pieces each time intercourse occurs, female organs cannot be used to kill. "Equipment of a woman" does not a gun make. In fact, quite the opposite. Equipment of a woman is used for more JOYOUS occasions, and not for murder.

2. Is it a temptation to use boobs to solve life's problems?

Perhaps, for sex. But this brings pleasure to them. Solving a BIT of life's problems. What does gun violence solve? Nothing. And it brings exponentially more social problems than prostitution.

3. Are girls exposed to prostitution early?

Well, sure. I mean, unless you're in the child sex trade, or your mother happens to be a hooker herself, girls aren't actively told by people, "Go. Learn how to # to make money" when they are 13 or 14. These boys, probably the same age, are being told "Go. Learn how to shoot moving targets" already.

4. Which does nature play a bigger part in?

I don't think girls even HAVE the equipment at 13 and 14 to be fully attractive. Just like some boys don't have the equipment at 13 and 14 to kill someone. But then... nature dictates when girls blossom. You can't go to a military base and suddenly come back with big flashing boobies ready to go around and be attractive enough to have mass orgies. However, these boys CAN. Not be able to have hot sex parties, but be able to SHOOT TO KILL.

5. Which has been 'glamorized'?

I don't even know if 'glamorized' is a word. But this is media-related. Does the media depict prostitution favorably? It depicts SEX favorably. But prostitution, i.e. mass sex (like mass gun-shooting, apparently), is FROWNED upon by the media. I mean, I can only think of a handful of movies that portray sluttiness in a good light. Whereas guns are in nearly EVERY action movie that comes out of Hollywood. Hence, people are more inclined to use guns in this 'glamorous' light. Few people are inclined to slut around having mass sex for pay.

6. Do people ask to be shot?

Clearly, no. Who in Binghamton's English Language Speaking/Writing skills class raised their hand and declared, "Please, take my life!" NO ONE, and that I can say for certain. Whereas the "victims" of prostitution, the people who have sex with the prostitute, probably ASKED for it. They PAID for it. It's probably fully consensual. They KNOW what they're doing. They're fully aware that they're having intercourse, and they DO NOT OPPOSE.

7. Is there such thing as a professional shooter?

Oh, yeah, there is. Professional Olympic shooter. Professional crow shooter. Professional pigeon shooter. Similarly, there is a professional sex worker, i.e. a prostitute. But wait wait, where in this list is there a "Professional human shooter?" Even criminals on death row don't die by shooting. There is NO such profession that exchanges the act of shooting humans for money.

8. What are the odds of depressed women becoming prostitutes?

High, you say? Well, I would think that depressed women are more likely to kill themselves. First, kill their husbands. Kill their bosses. Kill their bullies. THEN will they kill themselves. They won't turn to prostitution as a means to resolve their depression. I mean, I guess it's POSSIBLE. But you'd have to be really, really... weird in a horny sort of way.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by atlasastro
reply to post by ManicKat

Glad you got a giggle out of it. I have been a critic of guns in the past, but little urban tale has me questioning my paradigm.

PLEASE CONTINUE to be a critic. Critics are what makes the world better. Well, of course we all wouldn't like critics all the time, but undoubtedly, contrasting opinions serve to improve our stances and views and ideas on issues.

CONTNUED from above reply:

9. How many people have the ABILITY to be prostitutes?

Not everyone has what it takes to be a prostitute. You gotta have a smokin' body. You gotta have contacts. You gotta hustle. You gotta know tricks. You gotta get the max $$ for your services. You gotta know your math. You gotta know how to keep people coming (no pun intended). You gotta know how to stop unfavorable comments and to improve. As for shooting... well, as far as I know, in some Southwestern states you just go to a gun shop, buy a gun, check your mental HISTORY, register, and BAM! You're all set to kill! There's not even a need to improve! Just do what Jiverly Wong or Cho Seung-Hui did and EMPTY your rounds! Few people will escape THAT sort of rapid-fire!

10. Accidents can happen.

Now, here I'm deviating a little from the conversation between Cosgrove and the interviewer. She asked if he was "equipping them to be violent killers". Now, assuming this violent killing is ACCIDENTAL, i.e. teen boy plays with gun, shoots his father in the chest, we open up a whole new Pandora's Box worth of arguments. How many women can say that they "accidentally" prostituted themselves? NOT ONE. This I'm certain of as well. It's pretty self-explanatory.

The full post of my argument can be found here:

PLEASE think about it with more detail. Don't just take an urban myth for truth, or accept that just because it's funny, means it is a good analogy and hence means there's nothing wrong with giving guns to young people. ATS is a site for determining the TRUTH, and the truth is all within each of us.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by KarlG

Thanks for your imput. Your points I have considered and believe that you may be missing the point of the tale.
That merely being equiped with what we may deem as tools for being a killer or a prostitute does not automatically render anyone as such, at all, of course this would be pro gun in nature but it is not by any means the logic one would apply were children and guns are concerned. Your blogg seems to assume that this is the point of the urban myth, I choose to disagree with you.
Its a pertinent arguement. I think your focus on the female side of the equation misses the mark, but that is MHO.

Thanks for your replies.

[edit on 8-4-2009 by atlasastro]

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by Osmoses

what, n,ireland and scotland ,lmao..
2nd line ATS aware!!!

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 09:32 AM
When me and my brother were 8 years old my step father took us to the shooting range every week end. So while I was growing up guns were no mystery and we never played with them at all. I think most kids end up playing with guns because their parents never teach them how to use them properly. I keep all my guns really high up so my 4 year old can't reach them and I am looking forward to her getting a little older so I can teach her to use one. Hell We even got her a BB gun the other day and I have spent several days shooting in the backyard with her. She has a blast doing it even though she couldn't hit the side of a barn but its fun none the less.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 09:45 AM
TRue or not, it was funny. Thanks for the laugh.

(chad, you had to be downer.:lol

YOu know, in the 7th grade we went on a field trip. And law says that if your not in school you gotta take classes. But instead of math we did kayaking, horseback riding, and rifle target practise.

We did not think anyhting of it at the time. It was a neat experience. since it was Pennsylvania, most of the boys knew how to use them anyways being hunters. (i dont know if it is still this way but when i grew up, school was closed the first day of hunting season cuz no one was there.)

even then it was just girls the rest of the week. lol

There were no problems, except a few uninterested girls who would rathr be horseback riding.

It was actually an esteem booster for me since i actually outshot all of the boys. after all their bragging. I have great aim. Later years in paintball I was nicknamed deadshot.Ok that was my little brag for the week. *blushes*

I have learned from that and living in AZ. that when people have bun rights,they actually respect them. People treat their guns with respect like their cars. Even though in AZ you only have to take a little course to carry a gun, many would take additonal courses.

There were far more pool drowings out there then shootings.

Like most things, guns are misunderstood. and people are afraid of what they don't understand.

Much like the story of the tigershark in Hawaii. People want the sharks removed because they eat two people a year( i think they are protected now)

But of course, surfing could go on in which 42 people drowned a year.

edited for typos though i left bun rights in there becasue i thought it was funny

[edit on 8-4-2009 by nixie_nox]

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by KarlG

Originally posted by atlasastro
reply to post by ManicKat

9. How many people have the ABILITY to be prostitutes?

Not everyone has what it takes to be a prostitute. You gotta have a smokin' body. You gotta have contacts. You gotta hustle. You gotta know tricks. You gotta get the max $$ for your services. You gotta know your math. You gotta know how to keep people coming (no pun intended). You gotta know how to stop unfavorable comments and to improve. As for shooting... well, as far as I know, in some Southwestern states you just go to a gun shop, buy a gun, check your mental HISTORY, register, and BAM! You're all set to kill! There's not even a need to improve! Just do what Jiverly Wong or Cho Seung-Hui did and EMPTY your rounds! Few people will escape THAT sort of rapid-fire!

this is also the funniest thing i have heard all day.

obviously you have never seen a prostitue before. I think you are thinking of a high paid escort. But most prostitutes you have to wonder why someone even has to pay for it.

even some of the better paid ones i find questionable. But then I am picky.

[edit on 8-4-2009 by nixie_nox]

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by nixie_nox

Sheltered life I guess.

Raise your hand if a toothless crack-head has ever offered to suck your straw for $5.

Can anyone see my hand?

Smokin'-hot to be a prostitute. Puhleese.

*No, I didnt take her up on it. I only had a ten at the time and she couldnt make change.*

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by jkm1864

Hey JKM,
I really like your reply, it highlites the logic in the myth. You see the gun for what it is, a tool or resources for an activity, and who treats it as such. I get from you post that its not really about giving your child a gun, but sharing the experience and activity which you obviously enjoy.
I guess those opposed to guns, and I'll raise my hand here and say that I was guilty of this, only see the negative end result of the abuse of weapons and transfer that perception onto gun owners. Throw children into the mix and the debate gets inflamed.
Thats why I like this myth, it opens these perceptions up to examination.

Great post cheers.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by nixie_nox

I tried to politely suggest that this poster missed the point, but I like your reply better.
This poster has a blogg, about this topic. Which is linked in this post post by KarlG. Enjoy.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by atlasastro

sorry a little off topic but a friend of mine just moved to Sydney. How are things down there right now?

Also, i have not heard much, have the fires been put under control? i would assume they were by now but you never know.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by nixie_nox

Fires are out. Totally under control. They were mainly in Victoria, the state south of NSW which Sydney is in.

Noth of Sydney has some really bad flooding, coastal regions. I hope your friend isn't there. Sydney has been fine though.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by invisibleman11

If Guns kill people my pencil causes my spelling mistakes!!!

Same logic different utensil, people kill people and does it really matter if it is a gun, knife, fork, spear, or phone cord? Should we outlaw everything?

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by KarlG
Are you kidding?!

NO ONE on this site even remotely finds SO MANY FLAWS in this argument?

No offense, but please, think a little harder! It is HUMOROUS yes, but in no way is it a good defense for gun rights!

Here's What's WRONG WITH IT!

Please, see that this is NO LAUGHING MATTER, and understand what is weak:

Karl, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, but you have absolutely no freaking clue about which you speak.

In answer to your points
1) Can boobs and vaginae kill (that would be Vagina)
A) YES, ever hear of AIDS? Syphilis? Both can kill.

2) Is it a temptation to use boobs to solve life's problems?
A) YES Women do this CONSTANTLY or have you never seen a low cut top?

3). Are girls exposed to prostitution early?
A) YES Children are being exploited all over the world, and responsible parents will teach theirs how not to be exploited, which means informing them.

4). Which does nature play a bigger part in?
A) Ever hear of TEENAGE pregnancy? They didn't get pregnant because someone DIDN'T find them attractive.

5). Which has been 'glamorized'?
A) Prostitution is "trading" sex for what you want. In a nutshell this is ALL that media does.

6). Do people ask to be shot?
A) Ever hear the phrase "Give me liberty or give me death"? Death by firing squad has been used to execute criminals (sometimes innocents too)

7). Is there such thing as a professional shooter?
A) YES. Hunting Guides, pretty much any soldier.

8). What are the odds of depressed women becoming prostitutes?
A) Prostitutes are not generally the happiest of people. Depression is a very common attribute.

9). How many people have the ABILITY to be prostitutes?
A) Pretty much every woman on Earth has the ability, they may not have the circumstance that would put them into it, but try going without food for a couple of weeks. I could imagine hunger would be a pretty good motivator. MANY crackhead girls are prostitutes, and many of them have a very nasty body. There is something out there for everyone, and some people have some pretty bad taste in women.

10. Accidents can happen.
A) Many of the women sold in the sex trade thought they were going to a party or some such and ended up being sold to some idiot. I'm pretty sure these instances weren't intentional.

Personally, your points ring of a naivete that I haven't heard in a very very long time. Of course every woman isn't a prostitute, but the facilities are there. This is the point that the retired general was making. Just because a person learns responsible firearm use, does not mean that they will become killers, anymore than just because a woman has a vagina they will become a prostitute.

Thanks for reading.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 11:32 AM
Firstly, I WILL have to admit... Prostitutes are NOT my thing... And yes, sheltered I am. What's the fugliest pros you've seen?... Ok, anyway, back on track.

Yes, pencil causes your spelling mistakes, because it carries out your spelling misconceptions. Just as guns carry out the work of the humans who wish to kill. But my issue is not with killing per se because ANYONE can die, falling down the stairs, knocked by a car, getting stabbed, getting strangled, etc.

And I will have to say...was it nixie? Who talked about the experience of shooting and sharing it with his/her daughter? Now THAT is definitely respectable and really sweet. You are probably the norm, too, the average citizen who uses guns responsibly and purely for recreation.

However, what I have an issue against is MASS SHOOTINGS. You can't kill 30+ people with a knife. You can't kill 10+ people like McLendon did WHILE DRIVING if you were to use a chopper. All those are caused by guns. And while I know that these people are exceptions and are psychologically unstable, I feel that this whole issue can be circumvented in the first place if guns were not sold easily or people had easy access to BULLETS, for example, a point Chris Rock mentioned in one of his standup routines.

And hence while I say if (BIG IF) I were to become a politician, I would NOT change the constitution. Senseless as it is to me, the 2nd Amendment is well-respected by many. What is needed are laws to PREVENT sales of BULLETS, for e.g., to people with tendencies of violence based on correlations with a family member/friend whom they need to state when registering to buy the ammo.

And btw, pencils causing spelling mistakes cannot be related to guns carrying out human actions, on the bigger picture. Spelling mistakes are probably due to carelessness and lack of knowledge of how to spell the word. Human actions are premeditated, calculated, and intentional. They sent videotapes to NBC/local TV stations. They planned their route across AL. They reassured each other that they worked best as a duo.

Really, for me, none of the analogies to guns really work because of the nature of gun violence. It is destructively VIOLENT, precisely so, and crimes are carried out because of precise premeditation.

Although I clearly will not object to your preference of teaching your daughter how to shoot BB guns... As long as you are responsible, it is respectable indeed. However, I do not agree with cases like the military wanting to teach shooting to younger boy scouts. There is no sense of the personal or familial there, and there is nothing sweet about promoting shooting moving targets especially when, as the military, it is clear that they shoot moving targets to KILL.


And if you have any bad-lookin' prostitute photos... you can describe but I think I would like to keep my memories intact and remember only the good times... Thanks. Haha.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 11:47 AM
I am NOT talking about teen pregnancy. That's a whole different topic of teenage idiocy, which IS a result of wrongful media promotion.

I am NOT talking about manipulation by the sex trade. Did anyone manipulate the shooters to killing those innocent people? I would daresay no.

the media does trade sex, it IS the media, after all (hence, MORE teen pregnancies) but it does NOT promote prostitution, at the very least not outrightly as it is promoting the glamorous side of shooting and killing. I am talking about the PERSONAL DECISION to become a prostitute, just as it is a personal decision to take the guns a-shooting to the people.

And yes, there are snipers. There are soldiers. Likewise, how many people can be snipers or soldiers? But think...Are you telling me that Cho Seung-Hui and Michael mcLendon and the Columbine boys were snipers and soldiers out to punish students?

And if boobs and vaginae kill... well then, it's as much fault the man as it is the woman. They don't put on condoms. They don't practice safe sex. Compare this to a classroom full of immigrants trying to learn English who didn't have any role to play in their own deaths.

The fact is, I'm not as naive as the people who insist that humans are the only reason why there are massacres.

When have you last heard a massacre with a broken wine bottle, where people huddled under tables and pretended they were dead so the killers won't double back on them? This isn't Friday the 13th or Leatherface.

At the same time, I UNDERSTAND that these are EXCEPTIONS to the rules, but in no way can you use the analogies of "having equipment but not using them" or "pens do not cause my spelling errors; only I cause them" to justify the ownership of guns. The fact that there ARE exceptions and these exceptions result in innocent lives lost, without fighting chances, in so short periods of time and WINDOWS of periods of time between each other, is a significant factor into saying why some ASPECTS of guns should be relooked at, for e.g. sale of bullets, sale of licenses, types of guns sold.

Those that ARE responsible, brava to you. You are the people that oppose me and tell me not all gun-users are bad. But at the same time, I have yet to find the person who has given me a reason why guns are GOOD.

And that is the primary reason for my stand.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by v3_exceed

You hit the nail on the head. KarlG seems intent on seeing a gun and a women as being the same so as to dismiss the arguement, when this was not the intent of the expression within the conversation between the General and the Interviewer.
I didn't bother to break it down for Karl but I am glad you did. Well done.

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