Originally posted by se7en30
What the world is experiencing is a "population density" issue i.e. too many people living in one location. Any debate on this would be
welcome...all points of view appreciated.
There are a couple of reasons why people tend to cluster together in cities. One reason is because it gets way WAY too expensive for goods and
services to be spread out more evenly according to how much available land there is. Sure, we could move some people out into the desert. But those
people still have to get water, food, electricity and so on in order to live. So you're still going to have to build all kinds of individual houses
roads and pipes and wires for that to work. And that's actually going to eat up land.
Another good reason for people to cluster together is it maximizes the land available for farming and mining and either gathering or creating the
things people need to live.
So, ultimately, spreading people around isn't going to work. The only reason we have so many people living now is because we learned how to
efficiently consolidate. The problem we're running into now is that in spite of our efforts at being efficient, there are still limits to the amount
of food we can grow or energy we can produce to sustain us within cities.
Yeah, our technology gets better all the time, so at the moment it's a kind of race between our technology and our rate of growth. A lot of people
are fine with that, and figure that our technology will solve a lot of energy or food problems before things get completely out of control.
But here's an idea. Why just use some technology to solve the problem, but not others? We already have the technology to safely limit our births.
Since we're already aware of the race we're in, rather than it get to the point where we let "nature" handle itself (let millions of people die of
starvation), why don't we step in soon, limit births randomly and fairly so we're not being genocidal, and get a better idea of what the total
population of Earth should be where we can all live good, productive lives. Not the maximum number of people we can jam onto the planet. But the
maximum optimal population.
We're going to find out one way or the other, and we can either do it the relatively easy way, or the hard way. Unfortunately, our religions and
customs and innate instincts to survive on an individual level are making that real hard. We're killing humanity with the love for our children and
our desire to keep them safe and healthy.
A lot of people are of the belief that they should "be fruitful and multiply." But as any good farmer knows, sometimes you have to cull, and if you
don't periodically trim back fruit trees and bushes, they produce less and lower quality fruit.
I don't see people wising up anytime soon, though. So, sooner than most people think, we're going to be in really bad trouble.