posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 01:00 PM
I would first eliminate human intelligence. We are the most unhappy species on the planet because we over-think situations where instinct should take
over. We have created this complex and dysfunctional society, and the major gap between the intelligence of the top 1% vs the bottom 99% only furthers
this. Intelligence is controlled and used against the least intelligent by the most intelligent.
I would eliminate all material possessions. All humans would be forced to work, and they'd be forced to work only for what would keep them alive.
I would eliminate all law. The laws of nature would govern people. Nature balances everything out in the end. If a person murders another, let the
family of the victim take care of it. Who says it's the job of the state to handle this? Nature will handle it. Emotion is far too involved in the
rule of law. It should be instinct and destiny. What ever is meant to happen will happen. Outsiders should not get involved.
I would dismantle and destroy all infrastructure, including cities. Personal homes (excluding mansions and other ridiculously large homes) would be
permitted. But corporate buildings, oil pipelines, cities and towns - all signs of economic power would be eliminated. I would clear all the pollution
that the construction of this infrastructure caused, and I would restore the land to how it originally was.
Finally, I would eliminate all government, all money, all corporations and companies, and all national borders. There would be no politics or
economics. People would work for what they need by exchanging favors. People would establish their occupation as what they do best - whether it be
growing food, buildings homes, and anything in between - and others would exchange favors with them to pay for their food and their homes.
We are heading in the completely wrong direction. We are devolving. Our intelligence, need for material possessions, human law, infrastructure,
politics, and economics are all used to distract, divide, and conquer humanity. Without this, we would surely be more happy.
[edit on 4/7/09 by NovusOrdoMundi]