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A question for the anti masons here.

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posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 09:21 AM

Seriously, how many times must we go over this? The statement above is false. Always has been, always will be. Reasserting this claim incorrectly time and time again as fact will not make it any less false.

Actually no it is not false, the Scottish rite, of which I was talking about, does have 33 degrees. And also as a reply to Masonic light on the same subject, yes I was speaking of Scottish rite.

I know there are other orders, but the most common one, at least to me, is the Scottish rite.

Oh and on the whole "go all the way in one day" promotion you were talking about... come on man. Respect, but that sounds like a money making scheme to me. You don't think that a one day 33rd degree would have any idea of the "true going on's" (if there is in fact anything devious going on at all.)

I don't claim to be an expert in any thing mason, I was just giving the OP my two cents.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by x_Jon_x

And also as a reply to Masonic light on the same subject, yes I was speaking of Scottish rite.

I know there are other orders, but the most common one, at least to me, is the Scottish rite.

I'm not sure the Scottish Rite is more common. I'm a member of both the Scottish Rite and the York Rite, and for the most part, it's the same guys.

Oh and on the whole "go all the way in one day" promotion you were talking about... come on man. Respect, but that sounds like a money making scheme to me. You don't think that a one day 33rd degree would have any idea of the "true going on's" (if there is in fact anything devious going on at all.)

In the Scottish Rite in the United States, a 32° is a full member. When one joins the Scottish Rite, he therefore reaches the 32° pretty quickly. The 33°, on the hand, is reserved as an honor to be bestowed in recognition of service.

I agree with you that new 32° members don't usually know a lot about the Scottish Rite. The newbies are generally given books on the subject, and are encouraged to study them. Obviously, the longer one has been a member, and the more he participates, the more he's going to learn. So there are a quite a few 32° Masons that know lots about the Scottish Rite, while there are others that know practically nothing.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by Sparkey76
I think freemasonary may have`started out with good intentions, but has become corrupted somewhere down the line.

What has corrupted?

Originally posted by Mintwithahole.
If you're right and the numbers, and the secrets are meaningless then do us all a huge favour and tell us what they are. You can't say they are meaningless and then say but I can't tell you what they are. If you're trying to tell me that the 33 dgrees are meaningless and unimportant then I would have to ask what all the fuss is about? Put us all out of our misery and spill the beans before someone comes along and claims you're all satanic lizard people.. .

We've promised to never reveal our secrets. Whether or not they have been revealed before we will keep to our fidelity. Call me crazy, but loyalty and integrity are important to me.

reply to post by Saurus

I agree with that.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 05:18 AM
The biggest "experts" on the Craft are always Youtube arm-chair researchers that claim to know more than the people attending the lodges!
Why bang your head against the wall?

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by x_Jon_x

Actually to be quite honest with you, i have traveled to the East coast a lot and been to lodges and what not, but i live on the West cast, and i have particularly found that Scottish Rite is more popular on the West coast and has more people in it as compared to the East Coast where i found that the York Rite is more prevalent there. It all just depends on where you are located at. If i were to get into the line here and make it to the top seat in the west coast of the Scottish Rite, it would take a long time as opposed to the York Rite were it takes a short time to reach the top seat in York Rite and Vice-Versa with the East Coast.

Of course this is my opinion and what i saw comparing the West Coast to the East Coast. So to me it seems like there is not a prevalent Masonic body which has more influence or what not, but rather that the blue lodge is the most influential (obviously).

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 07:36 AM

in a simple allegory, the great soldiers all the way up the ranks and the honourable deeds they perform with good intentions towards peace and the betterment of mankind can in no way be diminished by a corrupt or virtuous command. They are good soldiers and will be judged as such. pax vobiscum

Yes and no. Part of any human's responsibility when optionally entering and staying in any organisation - military or otherwise - is to take responsibility for the uses to which they might be put, and the establishment they're lending their good name and efforts to. Even things like donations where it's not clear how the money will be spent, or even where the money will certainly be well spent but will support the organisation's public image, introducing further members, lending credibility, or adding 1 to the membership that might then be paraded for influence of politicians, are possible ways in which a member's good intentions might be abused or strengthen a corrupt organisation. Some of these things can be very subtle. A society without completely open, audited financial records and agenda is indeed worrying.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by Tonester

the money is generated by the members. And the members have complete control over what happens with the money. It is dispersed by democratic vote. Only the members can vote, but then agian I don't vote how you pay your bills either. And since you have not posted your financial records for the public to inspect, I would expect the same privacy in any group I was part of. I think that any person wanting to erode the privacy of an individual group is much like the people in the government trying to erode the freedoms granted by the US constitution. It is not right there and it will not be tolerated here. Privacy is not a bad thing. The removal of your privacy is a bad thing to you.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by x_Jon_x

The Scottish Rite has 29 Degrees. I am in the Scottish Rite. You can look it up yourself.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 11:40 PM
maybe people are antimasonic not because of the religious aspect but because their a waste of time.

their old people and they have no money

money equals power
my lodge had no money
so they had no power
now ther consolidating with a few more lodges into one lodge and giving up our building since they cant even afford that.

their a joke i mean seriously, i checked it out was a member and after a year i was like geez this is never going to change or get better. in pa their so useless and weak they dont even have alcohol in lodges i mean how pathetic is that. there is an actual bylaw against it.

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