posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 01:42 PM
We have all heard the news stories about the mass shootings that have been taking place lately. The story line is basically the same:
someone, for reasons unknown, goes crazy, gets a gun, shoots a bunch of people, and then ends his rampage by killing himself. Have you noticed that?
They always kill themselves.
The aftermath is just as predictable. People who knew the victim say the same thing: either they had a hunch something just wasn't right with that
person, they knew they were really angry about something (job loss, divorce, etc.), or they would never have imagined that this person would ever do
something like that and can't imagine why. Then there are the equally predictable responses of authorities and community leaders, crying about how
tragic it is, and can't something be done to prevent more tragedies like this?
The link I posted for my tag is the latest in this new manufactured crisis. Those of you who have been here for a while can already guess what will
happen next. These shootings will undoubtedly be used to "justify" (read: rationalize) even more restrictions on firearms ownership, and more
police-state legislation.
I probably sound paranoid for suggesting this, but this is simply too much of a coincidence to believe that these shootings happened the way they're
being reported. But here is my alternate theory: agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE, formerly BATF) got
enough information about who the supposed perpetrator is associated with that they manufactured a "reason" for him to take revenge. Then they shot a
few of his associates, then shot the perpetrator. They then concocted the story as we read it in the papers, reporting the "perpetrator's" death a
suicide. With enough stories like these being reported on the mainstream media, the general public eventually begins DEMANDING more gun-control
legislation - a demand with which the government is only too happy to comply. In short, the people don't protest the police state that America has
become because they are convinced that this is exactly what they wanted! More restrictions on gun ownership? Yes, we want that! We have to stop these
dreadful shootings from happening again! That's how public consent is manufactured. The people believe what they see. And that is why people like us,
who come to sites like this to have these types of discussions, are generally called conspiracy mongers and are brushed off as paranoid. The
Establishment knows what they are doing, and they are quite skilled at it.
An all-round increase in wealth (would be)
the destruction of a hierarchial society. (If
we lived) in a world in which everyone
worked short hours, had enough to eat,
lived in a house...the most obvious and
perhaps the most important form of in-
equality would have disappeared...If it once
became general, wealth would confer no
distinction...if leisure and security were
enjoyed by all alike, the great masses...
would become literate and would learn to
think for themselves.
- George Orwell, 1984
[edit on 6-4-2009 by rentacop1976]