posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 12:17 PM
I have been listening to Jones' shows daily, ever since I got my own computer back in early Dec. Even though --- I'm left wing (except, I'm not
an athiest and am anti-abortion) and HATE guns. Well, I had been subscribing to PrisonPlanet TV, but got mad and cancelled my subscription when I
first heard Alex announcing his not-yet-released The Obama Deception. I said, "You are just an angry white male who's unhappy Republicans lost."
BUT: This past week, especially, I kept hearing items on news outlets, --- every day ---- of Obama doing or saying a TOTALY NEOCON action. I COULD
NOT tell him from George W. Bush, mainly, in terms of foreign AND financial policies. I was for Obama because I --believed-- he would remove troops
from Muslim countries, bring them home, and focus on helping the POOR. Boy, was I ever wrong. Every time I hear him raving on the media against
Iran, North Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq, etcetera, I yell, "shut up and mind (OUR) own business!" Alex Jones is to be heeded. I am convinced he is
sincere and crucial.