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black holes create universes

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posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 05:17 PM
cant remeber where i heard this but sounds interesting.

Our universe was created by a big bang

Black holes suck in matter light time everything into a single point, when this single point reaches a critical mass it explodes through the fabric of time and space in our universe to create another universe. This is how our universe was created from a black hole exploding in another universe and is what is going to happen to black holes in our universe. So are we litaraly playing god in the LHC by creating blackholes, potentially universe makers.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 06:17 PM
It's not proven that a black hole was responsible for the big bang, however it is a plausible theory, since both events revolve around singularities. This also creates opportunities for a multiverse of sorts.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 06:19 PM
dont mean to burst your bubble here

But a black hole does not make another universe.

I black hole infact is not a hole its very very deep indentation with a singluatriy at the end

missconception of the lack of understanding

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by symmetricAvenger

yes i know its not a hole but all that matter light and time being sucked into a singularity..can it just keep going forever? Its only my theory but kinda makes sense to me that at some point it reaches a critical mass and the explosion is so massive it rips open a hole in this universe and the stored matter goes to create a new universe.

thanks for the reply

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by symmetricAvenger

actually, the bing bang was a singularity as well.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by symmetricAvenger
dont mean to burst your bubble here

But a black hole does not make another universe.

I black hole infact is not a hole its very very deep indentation with a singluatriy at the end

missconception of the lack of understanding

lol, that's not proven. Ask yourself this:

Has any satellite, or anyone been in a black hole?

Answer is simply this:



Nobody knows if a blackhole goes into another universe, if it is a singularity, or if it is an indentation; or anything else about what is inside a blackhole (Other than this -->): The only thing we know is that a blackhole sucks in everything in its path, (including light), and also that matter can escape a blackhole (At least Reader's Digest believes this.) Reader's digest claims that a Blackhole releases matter and gases that can start planets such as earth.

We also know how a blackhole is caused:

A dwarf star implodes due to its' size and weight, and a blackhole has been known to swallow up a whole galaxy.

Outside of that we can only speculate, and that is what you have done.


[edit on 5-4-2009 by onehappyangel]

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by insider15
reply to post by symmetricAvenger

yes i know its not a hole but all that matter light and time being sucked into a singularity..can it just keep going forever? Its only my theory but kinda makes sense to me that at some point it reaches a critical mass and the explosion is so massive it rips open a hole in this universe and the stored matter goes to create a new universe.

thanks for the reply


Good thread. It will get a lot of hits, I guarantee you that. I have a fairly good imagination as to what blackholes can lead too. Bare with me, as I like this one... The other side of a blackhole is the bottom of our deep black sea(ocean bottom) in which we can not get to or see. lol I think it's a good hypothesis!

Have fun with this thread. No need to get overly serious. Hope the members don't get to carried away on ya.

Take care,


posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 06:35 PM
im sorry but you are infact incorect..

the universe as we understand is infact one of many and is only made via the smashing of other expanding usiverse to create another


The big bang was 2 attoms hitting each other and resulting in the universe

you can not have someting without a something .. a singluatrity is only a super gravity that does indeed have an end

or why would one have a dormant black holde?

the dont create a new universe they do infact emit dark matter / energer witch provides the expantion of our universe "theorised"

we dont infact know what made the universe.. we only infact theorise what a black hole is. we understand it emits radiation

please see Professor stephen hawkins lecture on this..

and to answer the other question: stated by the op.. as far as we know the universe is infinite.. noting wrong with a black hole doing the same.. as we dont and cant comprehead the outcome of a infinite thing yet..

black holes do not make universe.. becouse if that was the case the universe would be a nothing

as we would be the other side of a black hole that is not one to begin with..

there is alot to understand about it... but going by theorticas as we understand.. a black hole is a mega giant recying dumpters.. turns matter into anti matter

please also loop up metaphysics and dynamics and thermodynamics

alot to take in but then again i have 20 years under my belt studying the very subject matter "pardon the pun" hehe

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by onehappyangel

hey no probs angle. one can not take it as granted how or why we have them we can only hypothersise really untill we know the facts..

But a black hole as we know it is infact "inside" a universe so would not infact create one as the mass and energy reqiured to do so would suck the entire energy and matter from one to another.. and the force would be as that the black hole would infact swollow itself!

its based on logic .. hence why we have other theroies on how the universe(s) came to be..

and its simplistic to use a black whole tho they play a very meaningfull part in our obersvible universe they infact do not create others based on the data we have and mathmatical equations..

very complex stuff but im happy to help out thoses who are not so into this subject as myself.. as i said 20 years is alot of time thinking about this and even befor this subject..

I have had to stupid big bang mtheory string theory and a string of other evidence to make or postulate what infact a universe is..

I can and will go into more details on this if one wishes in regards to black holes vs creation of a universe

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by symmetricAvenger

Hi thanks again for the reply i thinks its great to have a healthy debate on topics like comes the but..but i think we are going to have to agree to disagree

you say"The big bang was 2 attoms hitting each other and resulting in the universe" where where these atoms b4 our universe was created?? in another universe? are there universe being created right now by atoms hitting each other?

A black hole cant emit raditon the super gravity is to high but its event horizon can.

"black holes do not make universe.. becouse if that was the case the universe would be a nothing

can u expand on this as i dont realy understand what you mean?


posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by Dr.D00M

yeah about 30 years ago befor we had quantom p

please read more on the higgs partical

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by insider15

ahh hey im not here to prove you totaly wrong just debate

no one is correct in this only one can asume what it is infact we know and understand by todays standard..

bing bang theory was along time ago in respects to our understanding of the universe.. we use to infact the universe was static.

This link may help you understand what and why i ague against the very theory of the subject matter at hand :

its alot to take in so please be aware of that befor reading and its long as hell!! but it will give you some idea about how strange the universe is and how being simplistic in our assumption is and will prove us wrong in that respect.

but please read it.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by symmetricAvenger

hi yeah i will certainly read the link u sent(thanks i do need to swot up on the subject matter)

The more debate we have on this topic the closer we get to understanding.


posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by insider15

ah ok let me answer the question of why a black whole can not infact create a universe "but infact it does create a singulairy of some kind" and i can say i aint got a clue what infact that is.. just gravity atm "as i understand via data"

But becuase i have a wide range of topics i do not like to rule out anything in that respect.. so please dont think im trashing you idea im just pointing out my own understanding of the things i know so far..

A black whole is only a propent of the universe..

now think of a black hole as a giaint recycler first.. not a hole one would go through "ie tunnle" a tunne has a open point and an end point that trafic can flow thrugh..

now if one was to say a black hole creates a universe then every black hole is infact the "holder" container of a universe.. or a cradle..

But if that is the premis of creating a universe then what infact created the black hole? that would lead one to think its back to the loop correct??

so we can postulate that black holes DO do something "recyle" as theorised.. but do not infact create a universe..

a universe comes befor a black hole on order of magnitude as its "inside the black hole"

u understnad? you can not create something if one was infact created by the very thing you postulate created you?

or we would not ecsist in that respect..

now if we can say a multiverse is the actions of another universe then as you said "particals in another universe created ours" was infact the premis of the big bang

the singularity was infact the void the atoms were inside.. as logic dictates you need 2 things to make something or the one thing would not infact exist!

i hope u get that part>> now with this in mind.. we are infact no closer to understanding how the universe came about but it did require the collistion of something to get logic and infinity from the eqautions "LHC" better known as god partical or "higgs" not god ; )

its a very old equation that has a partical that we have not found to understand why the universe is infact the universe "the oddnumber"

its called HIGGS

happy to add more to this thread coz its my fav topic of debate

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by symmetricAvenger

sorry that was my brain exploding!! lol

I am going to have to do more research on this topic,

with regards to this"But if that is the premis of creating a universe then what infact created the black hole? that would lead one to think its back to the loop correct??"

This is how i think it goes..bare with my simplistic explanation here its just the way my brain works

1 super massive star collapses in on itself
2 forms a black hole(singularity, not a tunnel just a very very very heavy mass about the size of a pea i think)
3 over time(millons if not billions of years) the mass gets to a point where it cant exist in our universe so explodes ripping a hole in our universe and all the matter it sucked in goes to create a new universe in a big bang.
4 in this new universe stars and planets form, some of these stars collapse into black holes and we the process starts again.

just a theory but i think it makes more sense that a guy with a white beard.

sorry to any creationists reading this.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by insider15

I totaly agree its only a debate. I may understand more about the ongoings but that does not make me smarter or right

Im just giving my understanding on the givin subject.

I think the universe was infact created for a reason.. i dont know why or by who "god refrence" but from what i do understand after 20 years.. and the questions people ask about our very reality.. is this

we have infinity logic and chaos..

Infinity is the ongoing question the logic is the question we ask and the choas is the question itself..

you see its like the all seeing eye.. each level is an understanding of the enitire universe..

some people use it as a refrence to our place in sosicity when i see it as an understanding of the very question you ask in this regard..

let me point out something i notice:

The question in life we all ask is WHY

this is and has a value:

The answer to WHY we can not get = infinity

The very question is infact the creation of the universe we understand ..

acording to quatum physics would mean you would need LIFE in order to ask why?

what would that mean? well it would mean the universe itself propigates the very reason for its own exsistance in this repsect..

so what does that mean?? well it means that infact YOU are keeping the universe going..

no one asks why we give birth to kids but we do? so what makes you think the universe asks why it gives birth to the very thing we ask?

the universe is alive but the gestaation of a universe / via life is sooooo long that one can not fathom it..

we are the universe in that respect "flower of life" symmerty and ever other logical thing we understand is the very answer "the not logical part" is the question..

its important to understand the question as it is "do you wish to keep asking?" or do you wish not to and become ecstinckt?

This is our dielema not the question why because we know that to ask why leads to infinity

does a leaf on a tree why it is infact a leaf? nope
but how many leafs are on a tree?

the entire thing is a tree and our universe is just one of many leafs on a very very big tree

that is the best i can do.. i dont ask why because its never ending but i do ask the question in this respect

what is the equation that resulted in WHY in the first place ?

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by insider15
reply to post by symmetricAvenger

sorry that was my brain exploding!! lol

I am going to have to do more research on this topic,

with regards to this"But if that is the premis of creating a universe then what infact created the black hole? that would lead one to think its back to the loop correct??"

This is how i think it goes..bare with my simplistic explanation here its just the way my brain works

1 super massive star collapses in on itself
2 forms a black hole(singularity, not a tunnel just a very very very heavy mass about the size of a pea i think)
3 over time(millons if not billions of years) the mass gets to a point where it cant exist in our universe so explodes ripping a hole in our universe and all the matter it sucked in goes to create a new universe in a big bang.
4 in this new universe stars and planets form, some of these stars collapse into black holes and we the process starts again.

just a theory but i think it makes more sense that a guy with a white beard.

sorry to any creationists reading this.

haha ok let me point out afew things that you may not be totaly aware of "and trust me iv been doing this for 20 years".. so i dont mind trying to say how some things are "im not always correct as its only a theory" so please dont feel stupid thats very incorrect im here to help not put you down

1 super massive star collapses in on itself

this is incorrect as the star would need to be in its own universe : problem 1

2 forms a black hole(singularity, not a tunnel just a very very very heavy mass about the size of a pea i think)

and this singulatiry would be a universe ?? help me out if i got that wrong

3 over time(millons if not billions of years) the mass gets to a point where it cant exist in our universe so explodes ripping a hole in our universe and all the matter it sucked in goes to create a new universe in a big bang.

if infact it did this as you understand the universe would infact be created as fast as it ecsisted "ie we would live in a loop" of compleat chaos and not logic "hard to put across" in that respect "no life no nothing just continued singulatires" ect so fast that life would not arise "or the question"..

4 in this new universe stars and planets form, some of these stars collapse into black holes and we the process starts again.

This could be true but if you look at my other answers one would only require one black hole to create another.. what happend to all the rest of the stuff?

crappy anogoly for this is having one and sock constanly turning it inside out?

you still need something to make the sock "turn" inside out

get my drift?

something came befor a black hole we just dont know what.. or why we get them.. but we can say for sure its not to create other universe..

thats bassed on mass and energy and time.

hope im helping here and not making ur brain melt like mine did lol

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