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Mood Drugs Found in Drinking Water

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posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by andy1033

It has been shown that here in the USA, maybe even world-wide, our bottled-water is nothing more than tap water that has gone through some type of "filtration" process. For a long time many people were under the assumption that the bottled-water was from pristine fresh water springs. Makes you wonder if they ever really get out what's in it, or if "they" put it in or leave it in on purpose.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 11:50 PM
Does Gtace Slick live in any of the states where the mood enhanced water was found?

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by Now_Then

"Did you know you can drug test a town by taking samples from the sewerage treatment works?! No joke, you can build up a picture of what prescription and illegal drugs are being taken and in what proportions by running the samples.

The birth control pill is a particular worry I think - Don't get me wrong, I love boobs! just don't exactly like the idea of growing my own.

So it's not really a surprise to me that certain levels of drugs are surviving the treatment process - if you think about it perscriptions for these things are always on the rise - and clearly they don't break down all that easily, the minuscule levels would slowly increase.

In the old days you could boil your water and it was more or less safe to drink, but no more, man made contaminants can often survive and even combine under the heat."

I went to a sewage treatment plant once for a high school field trip and they said that they filter out 99.9% of impurities. Following that logic, for every 1000 deuces you drop, one gets through the system. 1st post.

[edit on 5-4-2009 by omgwtfkfc11]

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 12:28 AM
OK so how do these pharmacuticals get into the water supply? Wher i live, in CT, our water cows form in my case, i am thinking then, pharmacuticals would have to be put in intentnionally then!
These 24 states..are they states that recycle/reuse used tap and toileet water?

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by ziggy1706
OK so how do these pharmacuticals get into the water supply? Wher i live, in CT, our water cows form in my case, i am thinking then, pharmacuticals would have to be put in intentnionally then!
These 24 states..are they states that recycle/reuse used tap and toileet water?

Well there's a few ways it can happen. As a fellow CT resident, I know that there are sewage treatment plants placed before anywhere before drinking water is extracted, so we reuse our water as well. While some traces from pharmaceuticals can make it back to the water supply, larger amounts come from people flushing their prescriptions.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 01:08 AM
My cousin is a marine biologist working for the state of California. He has said time and time again that they have proven that bovine growth hormones in milk do not die in the human digestion process and pass into water via sewers. He and the people he works with have found enough evidence to basically prove this is WHY girls are maturing so much faster now. Boobs on a 14 year old used to be unheard of. If it gives any insight he has told me that on a board of scientists vs. drug companies he and his teams of scientists have basically been written off. He actually walked out of a meeting at one point because he said they brought proof that these hormones and drugs passed along in cattle do not die and the "industry" called them "items of interest" when his entire team was calling them flat out dangerous pollutants. You make the call. Our water is jacked.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by Seany

Mood Drugs Found in Drinking Water

I'm thinking perhaps there may be something to this. Watch this clip ( sorry about the quality ) to see what I mean -

(click to open player in new window)

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 01:46 AM
Whereabouts in CT from OMG? Im in stamford CT, southwest part of CT. Here in stamford, we have a main reservoir, Laurel Reservoir. MY great gradnfather helped make it. I am under the impresion, for example, the water comes from Laurel Reservoir, then is treated, chlorine, fluoride, then goes to homes, buisnesses. After use, goes to seweage treatemtn plant, and then is treated and released. HEre in stamford, our seweage treatemtn plant, is 1 block away form the beach
Usually around late august, and throughout september, sometimes thiers sigsn posted, warnign of high bacteria levels. Its commmon, to see brown stuff seep up to the shore, at cummings and west beach.
So, at least where i am, i dont see how our water can be contaminated! IDe have to call them i guess, and see if we use recirculated water or not!

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 02:01 AM
pteridine made a commment, about using carbon block fitlers instead of RO.. the research ive done, si that RO is supposed to be better. Because carbon block filters, can remove down to.02 micorns, if desigend and rated too..but they cannot remove things like fluoride, pharmacuticals, becuae thier not tight enough..RO units are basically the same, but the ater is being filtered 2 or 2 times better with tighet material..hence forth the 98%+ removal propertys..
any truth to this, compared to carbon block filters?

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 02:42 AM
Of course the claims that 'tap water makes you sleepy' are offset with the general rise of 'insomnia' worldwide.

If 'the powers that be' are purposely trying to drug our water, then the general effects of living in an increasingly stressful society (partly down to the same 'powers that be') is, to an extent, undermining this policy.

I'm another one that thinks this is due to filtration not fully removing legal and illegal pharmaceuticals rather than 'the Man' purposely poisoning the water. For that to work it would mean falling to the 'inflationary conspiracy' process where somehow politicians and the military have a different water supply than the rest of us, which would mean that there's an army of covert super-secret plumbers out there that install and maintain their water supply.

Also, it's a pretty poor conspiracy if by boiling tap water (for hot drinks) it seems to remove the 'sleepy' effect.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 02:45 AM
Now some of the bottled water businesses have joined the 'Drug America' effort. Though well there's a whole lot of firepower out there just sittin around waiting for the fire works to go off.

Kind of sad though that's why so many visit the site now.

We know it's going to be any day now.

Stay tuned to the 'next' episode.

Right here on ATS.

The 'people' channel.

[edit on 6-4-2009 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 02:48 AM
Does anyone know the story of the old days, when everyone used to drink "small beer" (weak beer), even children, many pints a day, because it was safer than the water?

"In medieval England, beer was safer to drink than water and was seen as a wholesome, healthy drink. Boiling the water in the brewing process and its alcoholic content, had a sterilising effect."

People who drank the beer instead of the water didn't get all the usual diseases, and were much healthier.

I think we need to get back to that.

[edit on 6/4/2009 by RubberBaron]

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by andy1033
In london our water tastes like sh1t. I tested it once, and it ws close to contamination levels. When i drink it from the tap, i just feel sleepy, and have no desire to do anything.

So you would suspect that is not normal drinking water, and i can test it by drinking bottle water from the shop. Totally different.

Why would drinking water from the tap, make you feel sleepy. Thats our water, in our home in london.

So what are they adding to it?

Who knows and how would anyone be able to find out, can you goto a test lab or something to see. Anyone????

I think its just that its recycled so many times and the thing they can't get out of the water are the drugs people take.

So i drink from the tap and drink from bottled water. Tap water makes me fall to sleep, and bottle water feels ok. So you telling me something is not in my tap water. This is a fact. I assume others notice this too.

Our tap water smells so bad, i never try to drink it anymore, i do not even want to bath in it.

[edit on 4/5/2009 by andy1033]

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by RubberBaron

What if they add the Flouride to the beer after it's been brewed?

If the first arrow misses, try the second one idea.

Are you claiming this is/could not be done?

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 03:40 AM
there will always be impurities in water. quit whining about conspiracies! think back 100 years or so when there was no pipe water in every home and you did not have a Britta/Pur filter at your corner grocery store... people were suffering from all sorts of nasties and disease outbreaks/epidemics were quite common.

bottled water is just a nice lie for those who can't stomach the facts. i for one prefer Britta/Pur filters although i'm still getting the "good" fluoride. gotta die from something right? at least i'm not ripped off paying 50 times more for the same tap water in a bottle.
as for boiling, that's only good if there is biological contamination which is quite rare. fluoride and all other contaminants are not destroyed in boiling. in fact if you boil water or milk etc or you cook meat you kill off the bacteria but you still ingest their dead "bodies" and their "feces". so the "sleepiness" vs boiling argument is just your imagination.

filtration is a limited process. the water that gets into the filtration plant is pretty much sewage mixed from cities upstream and some of those people take medications. there are standards of how much dirt/contamination there can be in your water. in case you did not know it there are also standards of how much feces you can have in your burger or milk or other such things. but that's why you cook food and that's why you have an immune system.

jeezus people. growing up inside the bubble has made you weak. try to remember how the human species has lived (and died young) for millions of years and up to the 1950s and then complain about trace elements in your drinking water.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 03:41 AM
I have well water and it tastes terrible. But...I work in the city.

Does anyone know if they put Xanax or something like that in the water in the Charlotte, NC area?

I don't drink the water, but hell, if they put something useful in it I might start!

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 04:07 AM
reply to post by DarkSecret

My Great Grandfather grew most of his own food and had his own well. He lived to be 104. My current Grandfather is 94 and still has a girlfreind. I hear he still clims mountains too, though only when he's sleeping.

Can't beat the 'stuff' from nature itself. The fresher the produce, the more the enzymes you injest. Enzymes are a secret to longevity in humans.

Wonder if swimming in the ocean helps detoxify the body. Salts are cleasing in that they suction the toxins out of the cells. Good to put some body lotion on after swimming in the ocean or other salt water pool. Sometimes the good stuff is taken out to you need to replenish the cells with the vitamins and minerals that the salts extracted.

Little technical souding though should this not be common knowledge? Why is not?

You don't say?

[edit on 6-4-2009 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by Seany

I hate to be the bearer of bad news guys, but you can go out to a fresh water stream and have it tested and come back with contaminates. It is not unusual to find different chemical makeups in water that are similar too or even have the same chemical makeup as prescription drugs. The amounts is what I want to know. Water can actually be contaminated from many many places, in fact in can be contaminated with certain elements or chemicals that are processing plants do not filter out, they are just not set up for it, for example, if cows given growth hormones die in a creek that dumps water into a facility , there can be leftover traces of the hormones even after the filtration, our plants are not setup to filter out 100 percent of everything. There is more chemicals in the food you buy at the store than in the water you drink.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 06:37 AM
reply to post by andy1033

same up here in Manchester i always drink bottled water the difference is immediate.

I noticed people that drink tap water up here many times a day go depressed or chronic sleeping.

there is a campaign in manchester where the government are FORCING people to drink tap water saying it's healthier for the environment..i'm sorry but i'm not drinking that crap with god knows what toxins. leave the water for about 15 mins without drinking and swallow a small sip you can taste chemicals in it i have done the same with bottled water and it doesnt change in taste.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by Raider of Truth
reply to post by andy1033

same up here in Manchester i always drink bottled water the difference is immediate.

I noticed people that drink tap water up here many times a day go depressed or chronic sleeping.

there is a campaign in manchester where the government are FORCING people to drink tap water saying it's healthier for the environment..i'm sorry but i'm not drinking that crap with god knows what toxins. leave the water for about 15 mins without drinking and swallow a small sip you can taste chemicals in it i have done the same with bottled water and it doesnt change in taste.

I'm interested in this campaign as I live only a few miles from the city centre. Is this campaign on-line?

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