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Obama Should Thank

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posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 04:29 PM
yea the thread title needs to be changed immediately

i understand what you are saying

and i agree, you are correct, and it is truly sad that the american people have absolutely no knowledge of how their government works

but for as long as ive been on ats, ive seen many threads will misleading titles and thats not fair to ats members

please change the title and lets get past that and start informing each other as to how the government really works and make people understand about congress and our government

when i 1st read the title i thought the world was about to change

i really believe the day that obama can give credibility to ats, is the day we will learn an immense amount of information regarding a wealth of topics

and i dont see that ever happening

not until hes ready to declare we are in contact with aliens

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 04:38 PM
Well if any one of you really believes... and I mean REALLY believes that Congress, the House of Representatives, or Obama, has authority over you, then you have already LOST!

That's right LOST!



Annoyed yet? Good.

Here's why you should all be really angry. Although, you are probably all angry at me, and if you are, then you have misdirected rage.

Your anger should be directed at yourself. For being so stoooopid!

Have you ever heard of the word sovereign? Some of you will think of gold coins from Britain, or even the Queen. If you think that you think incorrectly.

You, that's right YOU are the sovereign. You live in a Common Law society. Just like the peoples of the land that created it (Britain).

In a Common Law society, you give your authority to the Head of State of your nation, and that HoS uses the authority granted to do what is required.

However, as you should know (but clearly don't), you can take that authority back. Not in a LEGAL way, but in a LAWFUL way.

There is a huge difference between LEGAL issues and LAWFUL issues.

American society is a photocopy of British society. It might have a different flag, a funny accent or two, but it is the same at the basic level.

If you people really want to learn something read about this:

That is how we Brits tell the Queen where to p#ss off! It's also how we regain OUR sovereignty...

Think, read and learn, read and learn.

Do the research people. Congress has NO power over you, unless you consent to it.

VIOLENT REVOLUTION is NOT, repeat NOT the answer. Peaceful, and LAWFUL REBELLION is the answer.

Check out and learn a few things. Britain led the way, and gave you your society... now we are leading the way again, and we will give it back to you.

I do not say the above to be arrogant or egotisitical. Instead I say what I have in the manner I did to annoy you, to bruise your ego and hopefully make you realise that it is your ego that stops you from realising what you are... a SOVEREIGN.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by Iamonlyhuman
He has stated many times that he will take responsibility for all of this - this is because he wants us to think that the responsibility is his to take.

This is a most powerful sentence.
Both - In referring to congress and in reference to how we
see ourselves and our responsibility in the big picture.

We need to remember that the message that this sentence sends is racked with
deception - that results in the happy turning over of our rights to someone who has assumed the right for us.
We want to make our own decisions.
We are big boys and girls and we have minds.

Do not be misled by a pretty smile.
Listen to the words and watch the actions.
Read the bills. Pay attention to what is being changed - taken away.

You do not want to find yourself in a locked box surrounded by rules and
regulations that should never have been -
by those who felt "responsible" for you.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

Although technically you are correct about the president's authority to make treaties with other bodies, that is not how it has worked since George Washington first stood before the senate and asked for their advice concerning a treaty. The fiasco that followed in the senate chambers frustrated Washington to the degree that he said "I will be damned if I ever come to the senate for advice again." and since that day, every president has made treaties without the consent of the senate.

Here is what the Constitution says about the presidential power to make treaties; "He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur." This has not been done since George Washington made that statement.

There are many examples throughout history of how the president exceeds his authority, the most notable would probably be FDR and the "new deal". The supreme court had concluded that part of the new deal was unconstitutional, FDR's response was that if the supreme court tried to block his legislation that he would expand the supreme court by 3 justices and appoint those whom would swing the balance of power in his direction. This is just one example out of possibly a million where the presidency exceeds its authority by manipulating the governmental system as it was intended to function.

Besides there is a loophole for the president to crawl through just in case anyone decided to hold him accountable to protocol. The Constitution states specifically that 2/3 of the senate present must concur. A simple obstacle, how many other times has 11th hour legislation been passed to avoid the will of the people? The federal reserve act is a perfect example that immediately comes to mind. If he cannot garner the support he needs, he will just get those whom agree with him to be there alone one night and then vote on his treaty, law, or whatever else he wishes to have passed.

So in that sense, he has won, at least from that perspective.

You are absolutely correct though in your assertion that congress is the body to blame though. No money can be spent that is not approved by congress. Congress is the nations financier, and congress is supposed to be made up of the people's representatives. Thus, I would say, that congress needs an overhaul. The problem; in this country when you crap on the people that elect you, your punishment is re-election so that you have the opportunity to smear it in their faces the second, third, fourth...etc time. This will never change until the American people stop being too lazy to seek information for themselves. Candidates are not voted for because of qualifications, they are voted for because of notoriety, popularity, and/or how they look. Just take a look at the big deal with the Sara Paulin bikini hoaxes. People supported her because she was pretty and had nice boobs, who cares if she is going to sell your children into poverty. This is the mindset that the country has and until that changes we will never have true representation.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by Iamonlyhuman

Originally posted by Merriman Weir
Could the title of this thread be any more annoyingly misleading?

Misleading? Not at all. He does thank ATS for the distraction.

[edit on 5/4/2009 by Iamonlyhuman]

Really? In which speech did he thank ATS? I'd love to hear it ! That would be a great plug for ATS !!

I can't wait to hear the speech where he says that he thanks ATS for something.

When will you post it?????

Unless you posted a misleading title........... You didn't do that right?

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 05:04 PM
i give you a douche and a bag for this thread, thanks for the annoying title.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

i like a lot of what you had to say, unfortunately your title is misleading and you insult the very people your trying to communicate with by doing that.

still tho... S&F

[edit on 5-4-2009 by dkman222]

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 05:19 PM
I disagree with everything about this thread - both title and content. To begin with, the first four sentences make no sense at all. Obama has not won ATS. I think somebody had too much coffee this morning. Without getting into executive orders and all that, the President of the United States is responsible for the direction the country is heading in - period. Naturally, whatever he says or does needs to go through the proper channels. I think the OP forgets that Congress or any other branch of government can't appropriate money or sign treaties without the President of the United States approving it. He has the ultimate veto power. To say that he is powerless is absurd. Nobody in government has more power than the President. It's been a long time since I've heard such nonsense. This is a very weak attempt at trying to reveal "special" laws regarding the highest office in the land that are supposed to bring oohs and aaahs. Well this topic has crashed and burned as far as I'm concerned.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 06:14 PM
#1 The Federal Reserve Act took power away from Congress on monetary issues. This is unconstitutional.

#2 The Council on Foreign Relations is who controls America. Not Congress nor the President. The Council on Foreign Relations takes their orders from the Committee of 300 - Illuminati!

People need to read about who really controls America. It's good to see people getting angry and attending the tea parties on April 15th.

Good has always overcome evil and will now!!

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 06:23 PM
I heard one post on this thread that hit the problem right on the head finally.

SOVEREIGNTY is what us yanks need to get back.

We still have it if we find out what is muddying it,I guess you would say....

There is this thing called redemption,as in redeeming your sovereignty.

Find out more yourself if you really want to know what it is.

Or just keep on being slaves.

Grow a pair,I dare ya!.

Oh...the financial issues in the U.S. were allowed to happen by rescinding the Glass-Steagall legislation during the Clinton years,which placed barriers between investment and commercial banks,and was implemented after the first depression to keep it from happening again.

Good job Billy!.

Round and round we go.......

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

I agree. The People have begged and cried for a true leader to stand up thinking that leader could solve all their problems, so when Obama came along charismatically calling for Change many fell into his web believing him some sort of savior figure to rescue us from the damage Bush had done.

Bush did much the same thing after 911 when the people called for action he responded by passing unconstitutional measures such as the Patriot Act and rearranging the whole government to create Homeland Security and most, at least at first, praised his response. Now Obama has been given essentially dictatorial powers by the People and, so long as the economy gets back on track, most Americans likely won't care what our Republic has become (a farce)...

We've become so used to letting those in "power" take care of us and now we're begging Mother Government to save us from the bogeyman bankers and monstrous financial woes that plague us.

The blame, however, hardly lies with Congress, it lies with every American who let their country get flushed slowly down the toilet and allowed their rights to be voided, trading them for the illusion of safety. We are the forgers of our own chains, begging to be saved by Presidents and the PTB at whatever cost. Too busy watching reality TV and texting on our cell phones to see our Republic slip out from under us and too lazy to do anything about it even after we've woken up to the truth...

To busy blaming the puppet government while the puppeteers behind the curtain get away with unspeakable evil and slowly set up their worldwide system of tyranny...

Is there no cure for the apathy pervasive in our society? Is there no way to stop the greedy malicious Elite from draining our planet and draining our lives? Is there a way to restore the freedom many men and women once fought for? Or has the world been delivered to them on a silver platter as the people beg for their chains to be tightened?

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by F15-Pilot

"Without getting into executive orders and all that, the President of the United States is responsible for the direction the country is heading in - period. Naturally, whatever he says or does needs to go through the proper channels. I think the OP forgets that Congress or any other branch of government can't appropriate money or sign treaties without the President of the United States approving it. He has the ultimate veto power."

Quoted, only to bring it into focus, as the statement was kinda buried, and for the reading challenged, as myself, it might have been missed.

You said it before I could.

With this congress, it seems that whatever BHO wants, BHO gets. I dare say, congress will get what they want, as well.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by F15-Pilot
I disagree with everything about this thread - both title and content. To begin with, the first four sentences make no sense at all. Obama has not won ATS. I think somebody had too much coffee this morning. Without getting into executive orders and all that, the President of the United States is responsible for the direction the country is heading in - period. Naturally, whatever he says or does needs to go through the proper channels. I think the OP forgets that Congress or any other branch of government can't appropriate money or sign treaties without the President of the United States approving it. He has the ultimate veto power. To say that he is powerless is absurd. Nobody in government has more power than the President. It's been a long time since I've heard such nonsense. This is a very weak attempt at trying to reveal "special" laws regarding the highest office in the land that are supposed to bring oohs and aaahs. Well this topic has crashed and burned as far as I'm concerned.

What I don't understand is why you bothered to post anything if you felt this way. From my perspective it appears as you only intended to belittle another member here for a post that you didn't approve of. This is exactly what gives the government all the power and us all the misery. We cannot even stop fighting with each other even when we are not personally addressed or attacked. We attack other individuals just because they have a different opinion or because they have a different set of priorities than we do.

If you didn't like the post, it would have been simple enough to just go to one you did like, but instead, you chose to belittle this guy for his opinions or because he titled the post in a manner which you did not agree with.

I am certain this will only incite you to attack me as well, but that is in fact part of my intent in order to demonstrate to everyone here just how powerless we are when we are divided and fight amongst ourselves.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by LDragonFire
Congress, The past administration and the courts have all betrayed us and the constitution. This guy has only been in office for a few months and all the problems we face are problems he did not create. Our Constitution has been eroded bit by bit. The real damage has been since the Reagan era, but there has been a effort to weaken the constitution since the beginning.

Don't blame Obama blame yourself! We have all allowed this to happen.

[edit on 5-4-2009 by LDragonFire]

Since the "Reagan Era"? Are you seriously off your rocker? President Reagan did more to limit Government's power to the bounds of the Constitution than ANYONE in modern times. If you are to blame him for constitutional violations, than you need to pursue a more thorough education upon the matter.

Yes, the Constitution most assuredly is eroded "bit-by-bit" as you put it, but the current Executive Administration, along with Congress, all look ready to take a proverbial Jack Hammer to the entire foundation.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 07:24 PM
Okay from everything I have read here at ATS...we all should have voted for McCain and Palin right?
I mean, that was the other choice.
For eight years all I heard was "Bush is evil!"
Then "If we vote for McCain, Palin is a heartbeat from the Presidency!"
Now "Obama is a puppet!"
Between McCain and Obama, just who was the lesser of two evils?
Or were we just doomed from the get go?

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by F15-Pilot
I disagree with everything about this thread - both title and content. To begin with, the first four sentences make no sense at all. Obama has not won ATS. I think somebody had too much coffee this morning. Without getting into executive orders and all that, the President of the United States is responsible for the direction the country is heading in - period. Naturally, whatever he says or does needs to go through the proper channels. I think the OP forgets that Congress or any other branch of government can't appropriate money or sign treaties without the President of the United States approving it. He has the ultimate veto power. To say that he is powerless is absurd. Nobody in government has more power than the President. It's been a long time since I've heard such nonsense. This is a very weak attempt at trying to reveal "special" laws regarding the highest office in the land that are supposed to bring oohs and aaahs. Well this topic has crashed and burned as far as I'm concerned.

The first four sentences are explained in the OP by this

There have been countless threads stating that Obama has given over the country's soverignty, etc. to different world agencies. This is EXACTLY what he wants you to believe because if you believe he has that authority then he has deflected where the real blame should be laid - the Congress - and he has increased his power over YOU. He has stated many times that he will take responsibility for all of this - this is because he wants us to think that the responsibility is his to take.

And as to your veto comment - go READ. Like I said, disinformation abounds. Yes, he can veto, but all they have to do is to take it to a vote again and pass it ... for good. Congress, and only Congress is the legislative body.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by Sabreblade
Okay from everything I have read here at ATS...we all should have voted for McCain and Palin right?
I mean, that was the other choice.
For eight years all I heard was "Bush is evil!"
Then "If we vote for McCain, Palin is a heartbeat from the Presidency!"
Now "Obama is a puppet!"
Between McCain and Obama, just who was the lesser of two evils?
Or were we just doomed from the get go?

Will anyone here just READ??? Read the OP, the blame was not on Obama, it was on C O N G R E S S.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by pyrytyes
reply to post by F15-Pilot

"Without getting into executive orders and all that, the President of the United States is responsible for the direction the country is heading in - period. Naturally, whatever he says or does needs to go through the proper channels. I think the OP forgets that Congress or any other branch of government can't appropriate money or sign treaties without the President of the United States approving it. He has the ultimate veto power."

Quoted, only to bring it into focus, as the statement was kinda buried, and for the reading challenged, as myself, it might have been missed.

You said it before I could.

With this congress, it seems that whatever BHO wants, BHO gets. I dare say, congress will get what they want, as well.

Go READ. Yes, he does have veto power, but Congress can pass it anyway.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 09:39 PM
The thread title is misleading but I was however sucked into the thread... All I can say is I feel that Miss Pelosi is somehow pulling Obama's strings and my "Obameter" has been sounding silent alarms in my head ever since the crowning of our king. I feel very british since the G-20 and I'm looking forward to burning all my paper money that will soon be worthless. I hear Campbells soup stock is doing well so maybe I'll invest in that and cut up all my gold chains into small gram chunks so I can buy food and water for the not so distant future crisis.... Oh GOD! Glen Beck come show me the way! Nevermind... I've been focusing on spinning crop circles and now I am enlightened so there is no need to fret for the future.

Waiting for the sun... waiting for the sun.... waiting.... for... the sun..

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 09:44 PM
I have to state the obvious, since my 45 seconds are gone-Obama did not 'thank' the website, AboveTopSecret.
OK. Moving on...

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