posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by el.rebelde
Hi el.rebelde,
Closead is correct, the question you raise is a common one when trying to get your head around light and space-time.
In the standard model of cosmology light travels at a constant 299792458 meters per second, that is to say that the individual quanta of light called
Photons travel at that speed relative to the source.
It cannot travel faster but has been recorded at much slower speeds in ion traps the foundation of optical quantum computing (basically very dense
clouds of ionised gas to slow down the propagations of light).
So to answer your question…
Image two spaceships floating stationary relative to you. Now both space ships set off at 50% light speed in exactly the opposite directions.
Now you have two perceptions of reality to consider here.
1. Your view would be stationary relative to the two ships, so from your point of view you would see both ships set off at the exact same speed. The
reason is that the light would take exactly the same length of time travelling at 299792458 meters per second from each ship to you.
2. The people on the spaceship however have a very different view of reality, from their point of view they would see you travelling away from them at
50% the speed of light 149896229 meters per second ), but their perception of the other ship would be very different. From their point of view they
would see the other ship disappear. This is because the time it would take light to get from the ships to each other is equal or more than the total
time it would take the light to travel the distance covered between the ships.
Time/space is to be considered as a single entity as they are intrinsically connected; there could not be one without the other.
When considering a black hole you can think of it as an area of space where space-time is so dense that everything within a radius around it (the
event horizon) has to travel more than 299792458 meters per second to escape the gravitational pull.
I hope this answers some questions.
All the best,
NeoN HaZe