posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 01:13 PM
This is just a personal theory and would like to just discuss this theory to others here on ATS, I have noticed a few things for the past year in 2008
and this year, the government in the U.K has been loosing information rapidly, they have 'lost' prisoners, riots have broken out, information has
been misled for example if you call up on some information when you have received a letter in regards to your rubbish or your tax's saying you need
to pay certain amount, you call up and the customer service representative will tell you the computer will say you have paid your amount when you
haven't or if you call the police to pay a fine their computer will say either you have paid and you haven't at all or you have paid and on the
computer it says you haven't, murders have increased dramatically in the U.K and America, minority of protesters are becoming violent and our banks
are falling apart while a purposed civilian army is been built.
The western world is clearly falling apart however something dose not seem right, for example miraculously the first supposed black President of
America has been raised by just of coincidence of coming in to office when things are going down the drain, and he is been praised like a messiah all
over the world, so called terrorists are been accepted in to the u.k and america recently to course havoc, Obama has said Europe is more at risk from
terrorism, they want to take the guns from Americans and take all weapons from the British to stop a revolution for when the immigrants take our jobs,
food and are seen as a threat but some how they have guns and weapons at their disposal?.
They seem to of totally set all this up, make out everything is going wrong, make the computers some how mess up, the economy failing etc, has anyone
not noticed how miraculously all this has happened?
I hope i have explained myself, basically has anyone noticed that everything has been not going as it should be in a steady line? everything is
messing up?