Originally posted by Turbohale
I would love to hear peoples ideas of why it appears these experiences are gathering pace (so to speak) and becoming more and more regular.
I'm not that keen to wander down the whole "The world is entering a place/space of expanded consciousness" or "The End is Nigh! These things are
happening to prepare those who may have a hand in influencing the outcomes" or "The planes are attracting" etc etc etc ...despite whether I
personally feel that or not...
I'm wondering if however its just that with the growing media accessibility via the internet, TV, Radio, Printed media etc that discussion of such
things has just inevitably increased.
Now we can talk with people anywhere at any time.
Now we can share our opinions, or our experiences globally.
Now we can log-on and have a wealth of knowledges, experiences and opinions all streamed to us from every country and every walk of life at the click
of a button.
Perhaps its not so much an increase of these events...maybe its more an increased ability to share them with others.
*editted to add:
Another thing I'd like to add is that personally I think theres a greater acceptance within society for such discussions.
Be it due to the growing number of 'spirituality' type Tv programmes, or websites, books etc...the discourse is out there.
Perhaps in the freedom and growing methods of discussion comes an increase in willingness for people to talk about their experiences.
To talk about those times they have seen things out the corner of their eyes, or walked into a room and just *felt* something, or heard
something....where previously they may have just kept that to themselves through fear of being ridiculed or considered crazy etc.
I know from working within the Mental Health system for some 14 years now the concept and question of "Is this person having a psychotic experience
or a spiritual one?" seems to be gaining a tad more traction and/or acceptance.
back in the day if you were to say to someone "I hear the voices of my dead family members" or "I see things" etc you may well have been deemed to
be experiencing psychosis, hallucinations, delusion etc.
That certainly happens now - people are still certainly diagnosed with Psychosis based disorders through voicing those experiences...but thankfully in
some ways and some services that is changing. As slow as change may be.
For instance the Mental Health Service I work within is attached to the main Hospital Service/Mental Health Service in my city. The service I work
within is specific however to my own people/culture.
One of my roles within the service is to assist in and carry out what are called 'Cultural Assessments'. Cultural Assessments are really just a nice
Eurocentric term for 'Spiritual Assessment'. There are a small team of us within the service who in some way assesses that question of "Is this a
psychotic or a spiritual experience'...provide input and intervention in regards to that etc.
That is quite a large shift in thinking and approach within what is still larger a Medical/Clinical/ Eurocentric model within the Mental Health and
wider health system in my country (New Zealand). So there is certainly a willingness there to engage in that discourse.
One other thing - and I assure people I mean no offence here - but with the increase in Spiritual based/focussed Tv Programmes and the like
unfortunately what happens is you can also get a number of people who for whatever reason wish to be on that bandwagon.
Perhaps they have had what may well have been a simply coincedence happen and might just leap straight to the conclusion that they are *psychic* or
whatever term people wish to assign.
The other thing is that one of the undeniable traits of Humanity is that we humans are not always honest - with ourselves or with other people. So you
do have people who falsify...who do lie about their experiences for whatever reason.
I'd almost garauntee if I was to post up something incredibly absurd such as "When I pass gas a little pixie pops out, dancings a jig, sings 'Good
Ship Lollipop' and sets off party poppers" that someone is likely to reply with "No way! Me too!!!!".
Thats just the nature of humanity.
So while more and more people may well be discussing and sharing these things...we also need to remain mindful that not all that is claimed to be
happening is indeed happening.
[edit on 8-4-2009 by alien]