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How to end terrorism?

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posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 01:07 AM
It's pretty simple, and I apologize if this is a repost.

Step 1: End all public reporting on terrorist related acts, or refrain from reporting responsibility of a terrorist act.

If no one knows about the attack, the attack loses meaning, if no one knows who planned it or why there even was an attack, the longterm and ultimate goal effects of a terrorist act lose overall meaning.

Terrorist organizations rely on news reporting in order to spread fear to victims and spread hope to sympathisers.

These organizations' intentions are precise in order to create an anti-statement to their targets.

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 01:40 AM
No one agrees that if reporting terrorists acts was in violation of international law, terrorism would lose influence? It would be well worth the loss of civil liberties to not have to read about a car bomb killing 20 children, and then listening to some radical terrorist justify killing those 20 children.

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 02:08 AM
I could hardly agree more.

Publicity is exactly what some people want and reporting these incidents (along with several other subjects) only encourages them.

Unfortunately the M.S.M. is only interested in ratings which these reports generate.

Do what I do and immediately change the channel or switch off when these segments air.

Protest with your wallet, or on this case, your attention (advertising wallet).

Oh yeah........flag too

[edit on 4-4-2009 by OZtracized]

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 02:09 AM
In answer to the title of the OP.

Make everyone happy... or at least content.

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 02:17 AM
I don't think ignoring it will help matters. It would probably make the terrorists more inclined to do something more drastic and deadly.

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 12:59 PM
Terrorism is a reality. Especially islamicist jihaadist terrorism. Why does this not sink in? Terrorism is only going to get worse. Islamicists and jihaadist terrorists are not going to pull back.

So looking the other way and hoping that terrorism will go away is futile and foolish. That kind of attitude will get us more 9/11s. You have got take an active part as responsible citizens against the threat of islamic terrorism.

Be alert. Keep abreast of events and develpments. See how your neigborhoods are being infiltrated by muslim jihaadis posing as moderates. dont be fooled that they appear western in mode and dress. They are clean-shaven mullahs.

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 01:10 PM
I'm afraid thats a simplistic solution. It wouldn't work in real life.

Would Hamas stop attacking Israel if they were denied coverage?

Would LeT stop attacking India if they were denied coverage?

Would the Taliban stop attacking Coalition troops if denied coverage?

I dont think so.

Islamic terrorism is rooted in open warfare, and uses propaganda tools only as an aside. Terrorism would continue even without the news coverage.

Terrorists are brainwashed into that way of life- they would not stop.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 05:26 AM
You cannot end it, they fiend upon our response. yeah, their are some good ones, but not a whole lot of them. I used to fly in the Middle East but quite around two years ago: took photos, scouted, that whole deal. I wouldn't asses what was going on but through a tiny little hole I could see recruiting, leaders, that whole bit; it is all bad, and I wish the world would agree to do "something about it"

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 06:10 AM
It's real simple if you ask me.
Take away the influence the US-politicians have on the world. This way we would stop the biggest Terrorist-network ever. By stopping them, there would not even be half as many terrorist acts in the world anymore.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 07:07 AM
The largest reason that individuals are drawn toward the extremist organizations that undertake terrorist actions, under the leadership of the often delusional and probably psychologically ill, is because in their lives they live in situations in which they have little or no recourse to better themselves and their social, economic and/or political situation.

Why do young, poor, politically unrepresented people in the Middle East join groups such as Hamas or Al Queda? Because they are young, poor, and have no political representation. The leaders and recruiters of the terrorist organizations use tactics to recruit such people because, in such a situation, individuals are incredibly vulnerable to suggestion.... "you are poor because the West is suppressing our people...if you join us, we will lead you to wealth and happiness..." Etc. As they get deeper into the system, what little is left of rationality is quickly replaced with fear/hate of the other, who is doing the repressing. It is a socialization process like any other group.

The same goes for any extremist group, from white supremacists to extreme fundamentalist Christian groups to homegrown is about locating and further isolating those who are already isolated in the social/political environment...because they are often most easily converted into acting in an extreme manner against those who they are guided into believing are the source of their isolation.

Clearly in this situation, the cure, although not as immediate as one would perhaps like, is to prevent these sorts of individuals from joining the terrorist groups in the first place...which means figuring out ways to remove them from political/social/economic isolation...

There is no panacea. But the best cure, as in most things, is more than likely prevention.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by Pakd-on-mystery

i had no doubt that some one would turn this in to a US is evil thread. whatch out there is an american in you closet and under your bed we are watching you sleep. buggidie buggidie boooo.

to the op. when there is one race and one religion and one social class and everyone has and does what everyone else has and does the it will stop. as long as there is diffrence there will be hate. and to be honest i love being diffrent

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 08:11 AM

Originally posted by DaleGribble
reply to post by Pakd-on-mystery

i had no doubt that some one would turn this in to a US is evil thread. whatch out there is an american in you closet and under your bed we are watching you sleep. buggidie buggidie boooo.

to the op. when there is one race and one religion and one social class and everyone has and does what everyone else has and does the it will stop. as long as there is diffrence there will be hate. and to be honest i love being diffrent

And I knew that there would be so over-patriotic americans here telling me i am wrong.
If their Propaganda were true it would be called the truth and not propaganda.
Who caused the Iraq war? Who has to get involved with everything going on somewhere in the world? I believe it to be the US playing World Police! The Us doesn't even have a reason to get involved with what they do most of the time. If they wouldn't you guys wouldn't have the problem of numerous terror-threats towards the US. All Al Qaida ever wanted for example is the US to F*** off out of their country, and stay involved in the things that actually affect them. Why bother bringing "Democracy" to countries, that don't want it if you don't even have democracy in the states? Why nose around in other Countries Politics, if the USA has the biggest Immigrant-problem out of all countries in the world?
Get your Issues solved before you get involved with other countrie's.

You wouldn't try to teach people how to read if you couldn't read either right?
If you want to call me a terrorist for questioning your Government, but that is not called "Terroristic", it is called "Freedom of speech" Before telling other Countries How to save energy, You should probably start by maybe not using twenty plastic bags to transport a bag full of groceries every time you hit wallmart.
Seriously, the US is not the nation to tell other people anything at all.

[edit on 21/4/2009 by Pakd-on-mystery]

[edit on 21/4/2009 by Pakd-on-mystery]

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 12:40 PM
Anyone every stop to think that maybe terrorism was a creation of TPTB in order to keep people in a constant state of fear, confusion and distrust? It makes sense to me. Terrorists are supposedly using fear to get what they want and TPTB use fear as well. I think that all of our "enemies" have been fabricated or at least started in order to keep people in a state of fear and chaos. Just my take on it.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 12:43 PM
The easiest way? Avoid entangling alliances, just as George Washington said. In other words, KEEP OUT NOSES OUT OF OTHER COUNTRIES BUSINESS.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by Pakd-on-mystery

how did you get all that out of my two little paragraphs. im not even going to try and give you an answer, it is apparent you have already drawn you conclusions. so when you want to stop putting words in my mouth and reading between my lines when there is nothing there to read. i will argue this point with you. thanks though, from your posts in other threads i thought you had a better mind than you are showing. now i know i was wrong.

i said what i said in that post because this can be discussed with out bashing the us or any other country for that matter.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by DaleGribble
reply to post by Pakd-on-mystery

how did you get all that out of my two little paragraphs. im not even going to try and give you an answer, it is apparent you have already drawn you conclusions. so when you want to stop putting words in my mouth and reading between my lines when there is nothing there to read. i will argue this point with you. thanks though, from your posts in other threads i thought you had a better mind than you are showing. now i know i was wrong.

i said what i said in that post because this can be discussed with out bashing the us or any other country for that matter.

Please do not get me wrong, I am not accusing you, me, or any other citizen of the United States. I am Blaming the damn government. These people chose to lead their own nation into the same reputation Nazi-Germany had during and after WWII. Dale please tell me that you do not believe that the wars being started or beind lead by the US are Legit?

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 01:06 PM

I am not accusing you, me, or any other citizen of the United States.

Especially not you in specific dude, you are cool, and have a very down-to-earth opinion on many subjects here. I mean those people who actually believed and strengthened bush with what he was doing and so on

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by Pakd-on-mystery

the war in afganistan is justified if you ask me. however we should have left Iraq alone. had we not went there the war in Afg would be over by now and we could have already reestablished their government and moved out of there. but this thread isnt about war its about terrorism.

edit to add. like my first post said as long as there are diffrences it doesnt matter what the US or any other country for that matter is doing there will always be hate so in effect this thread is a mote point, and a waist of my energy.

[edit on 15pmu52007 by DaleGribble]

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 05:51 PM
To most people they're a terrorist, to others they're a freedom fighter, and to a few they're a hero. I like the word Rebel myself, it's a more neutral word. Maybe aggressive rebel.

I guess by terrorism you mean people who kill innocent people in order to further their own agenda. Harming your enemies loved ones instead of your enemy. Many words could be applied here. Killer, Murderer. Seems more appropriate than terrorist.

I guess it depends on the cause that is being fought for. Maybe it shouldn't.

Independance is usually seen as a good thing, yet it is usually gained through at least some acts of terrorism.

When I read the definition, it's a pretty broad term and is used all over the world, and not only by small groups of extremists.

It just sounds good, "The War Against Terrorism"

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 04:46 AM
Rockefeller Admits The War On Terror Is Bogus And 9/11 Was A Staged Event


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