posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by Chairface
I saw this as well and thought' " the cat keeps coming on out of the bag" many people are waking up and its greatly to do with the fact the
mainstreammedia is reporting on the NWO. Peole are automatically conditioned to not believe anything unless CNN or FOX reports it anyway, so this is
now making us all feel like saying " I TOLD YOU SO"...(lol) But yeah, I'm checking out how this is all over CNN, FOX, YAHOO news, EVERYWHERE...I
watched Bill Mahreagain tonight and he is really turning me off by talking against Glen Beck and Lou Dobbs. I feel that he envies them becaue they are
way more courageous than he is. But back onthe Obama's New World Order: they realize that the NWo can't be sugarcoated anymore but I feel that the
powers that be have instructed them to report on it cuz its finally here and they want the masses warmed up to it. Now Glen Beck and LouDobbs? I
really admire them cuz they straight tell it like it is. See, the powers that be realize that the sheep have been exposed to discusion on the NWo and
figure the sheep are scratching their heads, so they decide to 'come on out with it' so that it appears like a good thing and then people will
accept it better