reply to post by el.rebelde
loved reading this post more so because im a big fan of heroes
"tho my fav cha is sylar" he is the true hero i think
god dont get me started
But to answer your question - i think in my own opinion based on what i understand .
Time the way hero works is that time does infact stop but only on a level that supports the theory, in orther words time has many levels.. not just
time that he stops on the show "bad guys ect" but that he infact uses time as a tool and there are many tools he uses. lets look at afew he does in
this regard
He stops time for others but not himself - would require 2 times.. one for him and one for the "escaping" the bad people
as you rightly pointed out by the observation of his own movments!!
Then he can also traverse times past/present.. like peter did when he went to new york but that timeline was corrected by the actions of the past!
also matt parker seen time via his paintings and blew up the capitol.. when infact he didnt!! but yet this was the future he saw and painted
So one can see a pattern here with time
its based on many levels and is also able to stop giving each sonario!
or level ect and also depends on what one is doing within time.
So if time is a river then for each partical that makes up the river that flows is infact one mans time not anothers "as is clear in heroes" and
when it does infact flow one can go back in time but one does not infact change time as it was already a possiblity in the first place "quatum
so no matter what one does with time the outcome will be the same as to stop time itself would destroy the universe
Time is the very thing that enables the universe to expand and ecsist on a level we understand as logical..
I hope you can get your head round that.. I did my best to try to explain time travel and why you was correct that time does not infact ever stop..
"into infinity"
nice thread s+f for good obersvation skills
and coz the show rocks hehe