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God pulled one on all of you!!

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posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 03:22 PM
All i can say is God is the best practical joker, God is all Jokes and laughter, with that it goes like this. God is the only creater whos creations are perfect. Knowing this you know God is all perfection which is the only perfection which emulates itself through you, his creation which is also perfection, for you emulate your creater. To the angels this is a big deal. The angels being immortal beings having been created in heaven are very intelligent not to mention devoted beings. The Angels could think of the concept of war, but to them it is a sporting event they never go anywhere like dying, they may tire but who doesnt enjoy a work out and a long rest, they are immortal so their strength like Gods is forever growing and this is a way of exercising it. We know that christ was the first creation by God for whom all existence was created for and through and we also know that the soul is what we are talking about because " In the beginning God created the Heavens and Earth", heavens being first before the earth. To understand things you must think of the concept of infinite fore seeing, and at the same time making a plan. Christ was the first being God "planned" to create, hence the saying, " all of creation was made for a through christ jesus". With God he could have spent infinite years planning this never making existence, and the Angels know this also, thats why it is so important to understand why Gods will is so important because it was at the moment of Gods choosing that we all came into existence. Its like trying to measure the time before the big bang, trace back each particle to its original origins before existence before pre existence before that, as of now its an understanding that has not been put into words other than the Holy name of our creator God. And you also have to remember God has named you, the implications of that must be found by finding God for one self. Knowing that it went in this order, Christ, Angels, Mankind
we know that if we Diverge from a "perfect" 0 we start the count of 1,2,3 etc. Math is just a symbol of our existence and proof of Gods creation role. That 0 , the whole pi infinite enigma is showing there are no limits to God, each day his power multiplies by infinites which is also portrayed in his name, which goes back to the "beginning" and "end" ideas. Now knowing that God is God, plain and simple he put that into math and it means " I am the only God i am all perfection i created this world, this existence and anything and everything" plain and simple. Now lets go to the Garden of Eden, this was an extension of heaven for Gods latest creation man. The symbolism is what you have to hang on to. It is all symbolic while at the same time actual fact, and this feat is by God alone. Adam and Eve were perfect, for God is all perfection. It all started when you try to describe the undescribable, and that is what we are. God is so great words can not be made for it, as it is with his creations, but God whom all this perfection belongs to named us and all our fore fathers just as he himself has a name, and has known and seen all, always. The idea and concept of a serpent talking to and seducing Eve is wholly factual. (Considering Pi this pun is great, and you will notice this more and more....its really funny how much God jokes, who would know the "whole" truth non other than God. lol) Adam and Eve were given names, they live forever in perfection but you cant call them God! God is the only God. So instead we were given souls, something new to even the Angels ( here comes the confusion that the Angels were jealous which they werent), not even animals are given souls. Near the beginning God tells Adam and Eve do not eat from the tree etc, and they are given the knowledge of Good and Bad, how would they know the name of the tree without being given a definition of the words?? If God was hiding anything he wouldnt even let them know of the name or show the tree.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 03:46 PM
Welcome to ATS.

I don't understand what your point is in your post.

Please tell us why you think God is a practical joker.

If I missed the point then forgive my ignorance.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 04:08 PM
sorry i just wrote alot more but it didnt get posted i will have to retype it.....

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 04:54 PM
So its very ignorant to think they did not know the definition of bad evil etc. Now the tree looked like all other trees, this tree is infact another creation but even below the animals. So now we have establised dual pictures for evil, a tree and a serpent. We know now that it is a double, the fact that the "serpent" talks is a sign of it being another person but not a man with a soul and not even an animal and this is shown with the image of satan being a half man half animal being( and with man being given and soul before the angels). Of all the things this "person, serpent, tree, thing" does is say that YOU can be God!! Now this can go 2 ways, if you are living in perfection with God, this serpent might have been complimenting Eve.....on the other hand why would a being want to appoint someone else God or tell them how to do it without doing it themselves??? So one can either laugh at something like this or get angry (hence the angels). But then you must ask yourself this question, in all Gods perfection why would he make something so dumb that it went around trying to appoint others to be God, who would fall for that?? Why not do it yourself serpent? But look it doesnt even know God, does it even know its here??? If it doesnt even know its here it has no idea about pain, pleasure or even if its missing out? If its missing out and doesnt know its missing out what would it do??? This is where we get evil people. Evil was essentially made to laugh at. We all know if you hang out with murderers your going to get murdered. People who murder dont believe in God or the love of God which makes them essentially blind, if they are blind they dont even know they are missing out when they do die and are gone FOREVER(this doesnt bother most of them either because they will argue and insist that them and everyone else arent going to be here after death, why kill someone if they are going to be waiting for you later?? Unless your too dumb to grasp the fact your here and so are they and neither of you should kill and are going anywhere). And the concept isnt that hard, you know your own name you should know the name of the creator. And to make things even funnier, harder??, they will usually go around saying there is no God, believing that death and murder is good, but hey why not do it to yourself if its so fantastic, wait no you want to follow God and not commit suicide. So true when the bible states you can not serve two masters. Adam and Eve knew of "death" but they knew they were coming back, God said you will surely die, he didnt say ill wipe you clean from existence sucker. And the warning is do not eat from the tree, IE taking things from the serpents, the men/animals, who dont believe in God who pretty much dont know they are here who at the beginning were trying to make YOU God but now say there aint no God. But to the same extent they dont know we're here so they cant get you either here or later, so evil essentially has no power "fear not he who can destroy the body but only he who can destroy the soul". When adam and eve were "cast" into the wilderness, decided to "play the game of life" the warning was, these are the hardships(level of difficulty), if you mess around with the men/serpents/devil/demons or associate with them, eat their "apples" they bring nothing but problems. But at the same time they want to be safe so they fight against one another, they are a kingdom that is divided by 1's , the me me me me me, but they are really ( i dont even know im here) which is shown by the serpent being a one symbol. ( won being one, as there is only one God who is all wins and victorys) it is also stated " do not trust the wolves in sheeps clothing" which is another indicator of the serpent. To make things worst (worse?) they know math by the "one" "won" person they think of themselves, they know their name, but they are essentially stupid just as evil is stupid. I might have left some out ask any question.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 05:02 PM
So here is the Joke. There is no Devil and you live forever. If you live forever how can the devil ( who doesnt exist) harm you? And also evil which you think was created by accident doesnt even know its here (so the real joke is on evil! which isnt here which isnt getting hurt feelings) and you can tell by just reading the bible.

this is only a part of it....i had alot more typed by my comp erased it and im tired of typing. All this also ties to Heaven, which has its own "history" which helps explain us here also.

If you ask me, with music, booze, weed, TV, movies, the opposite sex, food, sports, video games, they participate in mostly all of these and they dont even know the joy of it.....are they really missing out if they still get to participate? You know God is a loving God when he yanks them out of existence when they are "judged" and they didnt even know they were here, but at the same time you break the rules and your not even sent to hell.....your gone forever???? werent even here to begin with?? Ha Ha dont even get to think about what your missing out on???

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 05:02 PM
Like I mentioned in your other thread on the same subject.....

Please break down your thread into easily readable paragraphs. Most people do not want to have their "eyes bleed" while trying to discern the point of a post.

If you do not take the time to make it easier for people to understand/read... most will not take the time to read it.

[edit on 3-4-2009 by TwiTcHomatic]

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by romdog11

I agree with TwiTcHomatic, please breakdown what you are trying to say, use bullet points if you have to. You are quite passionate about what you are trying to share, so please give us a clear and concise thesis statement and number of items (bulleted or numbered) that support that thesis.

Edit: a thesis statement being "what you want to prove" and "how you will prove it".

[edit on 3-4-2009 by pluckynoonez]

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 05:31 PM
ok.....well its really really hard, Im trying to compress chapters into a few paragraphs.......
it would go like this.

Chapter 1: Pre-Creation (Foreseeing process of all souls in a timeless state)

chapter 2: Heaven created

Chapter 3: Angels created

chapter 4: Earth Created

chapter 5: Adam and Eve

Chapter 6: The tree and Gods Warning

Chapter 7: Adam and Eve living in the wilderness

chapter 8: Ancient civilizations and the Bible, Stonehendge the pyramids atlantis etc

chapter 9: Ice age and Dinosaurs (Dinosaurs were the same thing as the serpent/man, Just as with Atlantis we "raptured" into heaven after killing the dinosaurs hence no human artifacts. The "barrier" was a dinosaur instead of being "wolves in sheeps clothing", and the rapture is a sign of the end of times or "days" as we know them.

chapter 10: KNown history breakdown

thats how many examples i can give.

My thesis would be. what i wrote before was written kind of on a personal level but i know how you guys like facts and figures.) is "Those who know God know and have a understanding of existence, making evil the only true illusion, to itself and all proving itself powerless"

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 06:44 PM
OK here is a shot at what i have to say.

Chapter 1: Pre creation

Before God had created the Heavens and the earth God was all existence, or non existence it was at Gods command. In a timeless state the future is infinite fore sight while the past is a dip into the inner workings of the future. To imagine that you must be able to set yourself in a state of contentness looking into the past to see how you were created and formed and how you have evolved since that time and what it was like before you, the creation, while you do that you are instantaniously projecting your growing strength to the future.

Much of this is stated in the bible. (I will not quote all word for word because it will be A LOT for now). The parable of a sculpter making an image then the question is asked, " Does the image ask " What are you making?" ". This is an example of the creation is named by the creator and it is the creator who is the only God, with the power to give life.

God is all life love and happyness, God in this period of creation, foresaw our growth and development and created a way of explaining our free will and the workings of creation. As Jesus stated, "All that is hidden will be revealed". In Gods wisdom he foresaw the creation of the first soul to share Gods perfection Jesus christ, He created a perfect environment, Heaven, to suit him and the angels as companions. Now heaven has existed for infinites x infinites and back to the "start" of their calender.

The angels were created seperate from christ to show that christ was the embodiement of Gods will, while they were also created in perfection as immortal beings as a sign of Gods love and never waining perfection and his will. To the angels this is easy to grasp, they were created by a creator, they will be here forever, God is the only God, and only God has that ability. Also the fact they live in heaven where the environment is at their disposal they live lifes of pleasure and excess as there is no shortage and you are in the presence of our creator at all times. And what do you know all this was planned because of Jesus, that is why Jesus and the angels have the relationship they do. All you have to think is when Jesus said " He who is without sin cast the first stone" now with angels and you get the idea. It is of mutual admiration, the old saying "without you this wouldnt be possible" and they all trace it back to the heavenly father God.
Now just as nothing is static, neither is creation or the gifts of God. God will never stop giving. In heaven this is a known fact on the account that they are the "source" of souls for all creation.Every soul is formed in heaven. Before man angels knew what it was like to be in Gods presence without the creation of new beings. Since the question of existence has never been a question to an immortal being they are devoted entirely to God. God making a mistake and creating a "bad" angel is impossible, and the idea of an angel falling will and never will happen. Do not under estimate God.

All of this is in the bible, ancient religions, modern teachings, history etc.
To quote and go over all this would be very tiresome. so thats a summary. ill just write summarys and answer any questions on my hypothesis.

[edit on 3-4-2009 by romdog11]

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 07:00 PM
Chapter 2: Creation of Heaven

Heaven is where everything happens. There is no keeping track of time and the environment is at your disposal just as the Garden of Eden. There is a calender system but it is based on math that is way beyond what any of us learn today in school. Instead of designating a sterile environment while one would conduct experiments just the fact of you watching or thinking of it would have an impact on the results. You would have to be able to entirely "forget" the experiment then go get the results. (sounds like this life doesnt it? lol God is a funny one.) That is the only way to sum up heaven for now without getting into examples that the druids egyptions babylonians atlantians all left us. But if one really really wanted to you would be able to find these "teachings" and "inventions" with the aid of the bible and a knowledge of geography. Lots of meditation also, which would teach you, you dont need technology to become advanced, IE the mayans being more advanced mathmatically enough to predict astrological events only seen with our hubble telescope but at the same time not needing things like a TV because you could create a hologram with your mind, old old atlantis type stuff. Now the angels dont have to worry about where they come from they live immortally, they know where they come from, God, so off topic the same is for man. We do not "live" in heaven the kingdom of heaven is inside you, we come from the infinite, heaven, and we return to the infinite heaven, all the time knowing our mortal bodies are limited here but also knowing we have the ability to form and mold our surroundings through prayer, inside is the soul which comes from the infinite and will return to the orginal perfection and we will have a better understanding of our significance in existence and our place in creation after the angels and what there is to learn from their experience.

Us being after the angels are shown we are just as important as the angels by the fact our soul comes from heaven where angels live and that is where it will return. And in the "end" we will have assisted the angels in spreading Gods glory, and just like the angels, our souls which the angels dont have, live forever as they do showing we are all loved creations of God and we will be with the angels in all of heavens glory. (Just as everyone has the ability to go along and do things on their own, there are times of the "year" where we ALL gather before God and listen to him this is Revelations.

[edit on 3-4-2009 by romdog11]

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by TwiTcHomatic

Please break down your thread into easily readable paragraphs. Most people do not want to have their "eyes bleed" while trying to discern the point of a post.

LOL......I loved the "eyes bleed",I saw that just as I was drying the blood from mine.Really though I must agree I only read pieces of that cause it litterly hurt to much,it was like reading a jumbled mess of equations with no logic(if that makes sense).

EDIT to add:I see you just tried a 2nd draft,lets have a look.

[edit on 4/3/2009 by jkrog08]

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 07:18 PM
Interesting ideas. Careful though...

I think the closer we get to seeing the truth, the closer we get to "madness."

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 07:25 PM
"So its very ignorant to think they did not know the definition of bad evil etc. Now the tree looked like all other trees, this tree is infact another creation but even below the animals. So now we have establised dual pictures for evil, a tree and a serpent. We know now that it is a double, the fact that the "serpent" talks is a sign of it being another person but not a man with a soul and not even an animal and this is shown with the image of satan being a half man half animal being( and with man being given and soul before the angels). Of all the things this "person, serpent, tree, thing" does is say that YOU can be God!! Now this can go 2 ways, if you are living in perfection with God, this serpent might have been complimenting Eve.....on the other hand why would a being want to appoint someone else God or tell them how to do it without doing it themselves??? "

From this point on the serpent is a symbol for a man without a "soul". This is the mystery enigma of the person that doesnt really "know they exist"

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by romdog11

Your thesis is still a bit cryptic,but I am interested.I have a comment and then a few questions if you please.

Instead of designating a sterile environment while one would conduct experiments just the fact of you watching or thinking of it would have an impact on the results.

This is an actual scientific principle on this dimension,on this planet.It is called the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle(a observation of Quantum Theory),which states-No one can perform a experiment on something(such as a particle)without impacting the results,in fact it goes further to state that 'nature' is not like once thought independent of observers,but DEPENDENT.There was a nice(really epic) series of arguments in the 30's between Albert Einstein and his associates(who attempted to disprove this fact) and Neils Bohr(who was in favor).It has became known as the EPR arguments(named after Einstein,Poldosky,and Rosen).In short Einstein was proven wrong,the uncertainty principle and the Copenhagen Experiment verified.This however in no way disproves God,only a 'point out' that might be able to help you further postulate your theory.

Now a few questions:

1.Who made God?
2.Why do we have to worship him to go to Heaven,wouldn't a perfect being just want us to live right?
3.Is there just one Universe,or infinite as modern physics suggest,also 'where is heaven and hell'?


I too am postulating a theory of God and am truly interested in some original ideas.~jkrog

[edit on 4/3/2009 by jkrog08]

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by romdog11

Chapter 1: Pre-Creation (Foreseeing process of all souls in a timeless state)

chapter 2: Heaven created

Chapter 3: Angels created

chapter 4: Earth Created

chapter 5: Adam and Eve

Chapter 6: The tree and Gods Warning

Chapter 7: Adam and Eve living in the wilderness

chapter 8: Ancient civilizations and the Bible, Stonehendge the pyramids atlantis etc

chapter 9: Ice age and Dinosaurs (Dinosaurs were the same thing as the serpent/man, Just as with Atlantis we "raptured" into heaven after killing the dinosaurs hence no human artifacts. The "barrier" was a dinosaur instead of being "wolves in sheeps clothing", and the rapture is a sign of the end of times or "days" as we know them.

chapter 10: KNown history breakdown

You forgot the most important chapter - chapter 29:

Don't show your ass in your first thread...

You would have done better to flame this mythology in a sentence or two - that's all it takes btw...

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by jkrog08
reply to post by romdog11

Your thesis is still a bit cryptic,but I am interested.I have a comment and then a few questions if you please.

Instead of designating a sterile environment while one would conduct experiments just the fact of you watching or thinking of it would have an impact on the results.

This is an actual scientific principle on this dimension,on this planet.It is called the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle(a observation of Quantum Theory),which states-No one can perform a experiment on something(such as a particle)without impacting the results,in fact it goes further to state that 'nature' is not like once thought independent of observers,but DEPENDENT.There was a nice(really epic) series of arguments in the 30's between Albert Einstein and his associates(who attempted to disprove this fact) and Neils Bohr(who was in favor).It has became known as the EPR arguments(named after Einstein,Poldosky,and Rosen).In short Einstein was proven wrong,the uncertainty principle and the Copenhagen Experiment verified.This however in no way disproves God,only a 'point out' that might be able to help you further postulate your theory.

Now a few questions:

1.Who made God? This is the best one. God is the source of all. To say something was before God or to say that God wasnt the one who said "This is where it starts" is to confine God which nothing can do. Kind of like this, Could God make a burrito so hot even he cant eat it? Well the problem with that is if God wanted to he could heat the burrito to temps beyond comprehension, he can create new degrees of heat at his whim, so we would never grasp the time to "Eat" the burrito because the question is flawed God is not flawed, it isnt questioning God it is challenging his power Jesus says "thou shalt not temp thy God". lol
2.Why do we have to worship him to go to Heaven,wouldn't a perfect being just want us to live right? It all boils down to this. You create your own hell, you must know what "sin" really is, God loves his children more than anything anyone can describe he wants you to be happy this life is more of what you can do than what you cant. God wants you to live first off thats why you were created, you living is worshipping him. You having children and loving your brother is worshipping him. worshipping God is also getting to know one self, you wont be able to love others unless you love yourself.
3.Is there just one Universe,or infinite as modern physics suggest,also 'where is heaven and hell'?
Multiple universes, aliens, ancient civs all these guys mess around with this. Aliens are mere humans disguised. heaven is all around, hell is non existent. God doesnt send anyone to think about what theyve done they are wiped clean from existence, its proven they didnt exist because IE they can kill your body but not your soul, if what they do has no impact are they even doing anything?? We existed before and we will exist after.
I too am postulating a theory of God and am truly interested in some original ideas.~jkrog

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 08:10 PM
You forgot the most important chapter - chapter 29:

Don't show your ass in your first thread...

You would have done better to flame this mythology in a sentence or two - that's all it takes btw...

Attention all this guy holds all the answers. Im on my way to call CNN so you can inform them how your sentence or two can flame mythology which is older than the pubes that grow out your nose mate. This one guy pretty much says in one sentence or two he can tell what all mankind should "flame" about mythology. LoL this is what ive been waiting for, people who will literally deny that they are even here. Or better yet they say "life is a struggle and religion is for the weak" sorry to burst your bubble but lots of people are probably ahead of you in your struggle to be the head honcho of nothingness. lol I bet this guy walks around thinking "hey all i have to do is kill this guy and im God!" "Hey if i sleep with this one girl im God look at me in my struggle to survive" God dont struggle to lol

[edit on 3-4-2009 by romdog11]

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by romdog11

It seems that you base your proof that there is a joke, on what you consider as a fact, that we do not die. You have as much proof, that we do not die, as the serpent did. Are you implying that the serpent was right?
The Tower of Babel was built so that men could have a good time by living in a rich farming region and have a high lifestyle, yet have the protection against floods that lowlands are vulnerable to. I think the rational is that they could just carry on as they pleased, without regard for the demands imposed by God, without the mechanism of punishment being able to affect them. The ultimate punishment is death and try as you might, no action on your part, in this life will help you avoid it.
A nice way to not concern yourself with the consequences of your actions is to fabricate a philosophy that ties yourself to an immortal aspect of being. The sad fact is that God is not dependent on your existence, as a person, for His own existence. You might want to get around that by claiming godhood for yourself. That goes right along with the philosophy of the serpent. But, of course, the serpent was wrong.

[edit on 3-4-2009 by jmdewey60]

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 09:07 PM
"It seems that you base your proof that there is a joke, on what you consider as a fact, that we do not die. You have as much proof, that we do not die, as the serpent did. Are you implying that the serpent was right? "

The serpent is a (Man without a soul). Sorry to say but some of us, people who commit wrong, are not even here. The serpent/man walks talks and looks like a human but he is blind, and lost. The only reason why the serpent was created was to laugh at and beat up on(for the angels). In the scripture jesus states the "End" is a time for angels. What else can you do but laugh at evil when something tries to hurt you but cant, because you come from the infinite beginning, and in the process living the life it does have enjoying what we consider nice not being able to grasp "where it came from" and in the end it kills it self by nature??

have you ever thought of evil backwards, it describes the serpent men , livE. not a live, a life but "live". it gets creepy. The only way i can explain it is "Think disneyland" considering if this is a huge game or interactive play those people what we consider evil or live is just AI in our own personal game given by God, to be honest. But no the serpent was not right, the serpent was made by God to show how perfect God is and how we are all special, those of us who are priveledged enough to know "existence" and to even be here discussing it living lives devoted to God and his commandments and the words of the prophets from moses to christ muhammod buddha edgar cayce nostradamus joseph smith all of them.

Also that is so hillarious, claim a God head LMAO. I bet in all the prophets days after they would perform miracles like moses parting the sea, you had these goofy serpent morons, dumber than mentally handicapped people saying oh moses must be a God, now if i kill him....." And thats just God joking with his prophets, because a God does not worship his creations he has a creation a dumb creation lesser than an animal say "You can be God!". Thats just God flattering us telling us with him as one anything is possible and what a great job he himself did in the creation of mankind.

[edit on 3-4-2009 by romdog11]

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 09:21 PM
Thought this quote was fitting for this thread.

"God is a comedian, playing to an audience too afraid to laugh." - Voltaire

I you just look at the world from an "alien" perspective, it is pretty damn comical. All you have to do is look at the world/universe as a whole. Detach yourself from humanity for a few minutes and you may just get the joke.

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