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Our Gov't is Giving this country away.

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posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 11:53 AM
I am so beyond pissed with our current political status and the lack of our congressional leaders having not one principled leg to stand on. While giving our personal freedoms away to other countries, without any oversight. All in an effort to acquire more votes to get re-elected, at the expense of American citizens. Other nations are viewing us as cowards because we cannot stand on any principals or the laws of the land. Our government bends our laws and takes away our rights to suit their political agenda, and we just give it to them on a silver platter. I am ashamed of what this country has become. A corrupt, greedy, self profligate, corporatist, selfish, stumbling, demented, child king, of a nation with no back bone. My friend Bob here shows us the real truths, in a very unique style of his own. Whats going on in America is an ABSOLUTE DISGRACE!

[edit on 3-4-2009 by drummerroy39]

[edit on 3-4-2009 by drummerroy39]

[edit on 3-4-2009 by drummerroy39]

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[edit on 3-4-2009 by drummerroy39]

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 01:18 PM
Drummerroy..I couldn't agree with you more...
Everyday I see something come to pass, that months or years ago seemed laughable to many, and yet here we are..
I wonder sometimes how we all became so uncaring about what our Goverment is doing to us..most of the population hasent a clue what our Goverment has been passing, even of lately..
Very few are outraged, no marches in the streets...Where the hell is the outrage against this machine thats gone arye??
Where are mass voices of freedom???
The mass voices that once sang, "Our country tis of thee, sweet land of LIBERTY, are silenced, not by Goverment, not by a Socialist President Obama, not by Democrats, but by ignorance, laziness.....
of thier own doing..
Twenty years ago, I would have let my sons go off to war for our country..
Today I say, we have no country that I respect, that I admire, that I am willing to let my children die for..
The country I live in as of lately, is a stranger to me, that I no longer even

[edit on 3-4-2009 by MissysWorld]

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 01:24 PM
It is indeed beyond scary what our country is becoming. It is incredible to realize how easily our politicians can sell us out for personal gain. Are there no descent human beings in power???

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous Avatar
It is indeed beyond scary what our country is becoming. It is incredible to realize how easily our politicians can sell us out for personal gain.

Are there no descent human beings in power???

Just "We the people", unfortunately, they don't care enough to do anything..

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by MissysWorld

If what I see is coming is truly coming, then at the end of this year, "We the people" shall be taking our power back by force.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 01:31 PM
Told you guys obama was there to destroy america.

I wonder what people in the future will think when they look back at the people in america of today who threw away there freedoms and did nothing.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 01:49 PM
“A nation can survive its fools
and even the ambitious.
But it cannot survive treason from within.
An enemy at the gates is less formidable,
for he is known and he carries his banners openly against the city.
But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely,
his sly whispers rustling through all alleys,
heard in the very halls of government itself.
For the traitor appears no traitor;
he speaks in the accents familiar to his victim,
and he wears their face and their garments
and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.
He rots the soul of a nation;
he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city;
he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist.
A murderer is less to be feared. The traitor is the plague.”

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 06:18 PM
How much more can we take, before we have to take back this nation from the idiots in charge?

[edit on 3-4-2009 by drummerroy39]

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 06:22 PM
"We the people" won't do a thing, until they come for "We the peoples" children, so they can serve the Obama in his mandatory civil service..

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by drummerroy39

I can tell you it won't be long until action is forced.

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 07:20 AM
As if the games could not get any worse. Now Fannie mae and Freddie mac executives are about to recieve 210 MILLION in bonuses. WTF

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by andy1033
Told you guys obama was there to destroy america.

I wonder what people in the future will think when they look back at the people in america of today who threw away there freedoms and did nothing.

hey it's not obama's fault that bush pushed so far right he ended up in far left field....he just gets to clean up the mess, and take the heat for it...

and, he isn't giving the country away.......we, the people sold it out, by buying crap we didn't really need, or couldn't afford, and all the while, some of yas were proclaiming just how great our economy was....those of us who were trying to raise alarms, well, we were just a bunch of losers that were too stupid and lazy to set ourselves into a position to reap the rewards of this great economy!! remember that......

I got a laugh out of fox news last week though.....
the european demonstrators are just a bunch of whiners....
but is promoting those tea parties quite nicely...
so are they whiners also???

the money is being funneled through the banking system and is being used to buy back all those toxic assetts that have been circulating thoughout the world economy!! we ain't giving nothing away!! we are paying for past mistakes (past fraud) that were made!! made while bush was in office by the way!!!

just like those europeans were a bunch of whiners when they are demonstrating, we were whining when we were speaking up about what was going on....
while some in the republican camp were all joyfull...since they were reaping a nice reward!! now that that the illlusion of a reward is fading, they are whining!!!

you played your part too!!!

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by dawnstar

Before you render an opinion, perhaps you should look at the videos I posted to see what is really going on. Yes we Americans played our role but small in comparison as to what our Congress has done with our immigration laws, Hb1 visas, giving our jobs away to other countries. True Americans are being treated like the red headed step child of this nation. Remember this congress was around when Bush was in office.

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 08:28 AM
People aren't doing anything because they are afraid. People like govt. agent #1 Alex Jones have created a mass fear of FEMA camps, mass graves, plastic burial vaults and mysterious rail cars.

It is the ultimate plan. The only thing he is preparing people for is how to be submissive and how to stand in a nice straight line while waiting for your bread and cheese.

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by drummerroy39
reply to post by dawnstar

Remember this congress was around when Bush was in office.

for the last two of his 8 years, if my memory serves me right....
the first thing that bush should have done after 9/11 was to tighten the borders of this country!! instead, well....the rate of immigrants coming into this country skyrocketed, while he set out to compromise our constitution and limit our freedoms.
and I remember alot of this "the outsourcing is good" bit coming from the republican, well, can't really blame that one on the dems either...

I don't really want to play the blame game here, but well...
you started it...
I'd rather just accept the fact that both these parties are treasonous hacks bought and paid for by big corps and foreign interests and work at building up the third parties.

but well......
I keep hearing how the dems are trying to portray obama as the messiah, when quite frankly.....the presidency, and congress, I believe was under republican control when they ordained moon as the great messiah!

we ain't gonna solve crap if we are just spreading a bunch of lies designed to promote one party or the other, which it looks to me like this is what the republican platform now consists of. oh good, the dems are in control now, we can just sit back and watch them fumble through cleaning up the mess they've made and when everything blows up, well.....we can blame it all on them....
ya, that's real patriotic there, isn't it??
how about pulling up your sleeves and putting in some efforts yourselves!! heck it seems like the only thing yous are willing to put any effort into is ensuring yous don't get stuck with any of the tab!!

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by jibeho

Wow that assesment is a bit harsh! I would hope that before that happens we would take this country back.

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by dawnstar

Yes I agree with you in theory, neither rep or dem there both to blame.

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 08:48 AM
as far as us doing much of anything, welll, whatever we do, it better be passive, because well...that danged patriot act is in place in hopes that we will become agressive!

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 08:58 AM
Our government means the builders, as mentioned in the bible who reject the capstone, as our dollar shows they do. They have adopted lucifer and and two faced cruelty to trick you into a communist dictatorship under there false god.

They have infected our country with elitism. They have perverted your minds to think that somehow one can be more special than another, when both are the same, despite opinion or feeling.

Theres a reason Jesus Christ will cap the stone the builders rejected. They are nefarious. And he is going to put an end to it all. And expose satan for what and who he really is. Of course to a mind controlled human in dualistic fashion, the symbiant can recede so the man can look pretty. But truly the gemini gate, is opened into the mind of he who is lies.

Our government since prohibition, has been the corrupt mobsters, the secret societies plaything. Its time to use real AMERICAN MIGHT. On the foreigners parading as americans, the violent criminals, and oppressive creators of false criminality. Meaning those who nit pick small meaningless things as lawbreaking.

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 09:31 AM
I have serious issues where these H1B visas are concerned because these jobs that are being taken, no longer apply to high tech positions. Their visas are expired yet their allowed to stay in country, without fear of reprisal. These are good high paying jobs that we americans can do. But because of the lax oversight where these visas are concerned were getting screwed. There is over 8% unemployment in this country and its going to get higher. This issue along with other issues attribute to the out of control government in this nation..

[edit on 4-4-2009 by drummerroy39]

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