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There is nothing wrong with a One-World Government

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posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 08:45 AM
"1) War Would End

In order for a One-World Government to be firmly established, there would have to be an understanding between all the nations of the world. The G-20 Summit is a perfect example of powerful nations co-existing for a beneficial common purpose. If all the nations in the world are united, then there won't be anymore disagreements or factors leading up to war. All difficulties would be resolved in peaceful fashion.

2) Poverty & Disease Would End

A lot of you seem to be complaining about higher taxes if a One-World Government becomes a reality. I believe that's a selfish point of view.
If the goal of raising taxes is to balance out the world economy and redistribute money to the poor, then why would it be such a bad thing?
I don't believe a lot of you have ever visited a third-world country, let alone put yourself in their shoes. I went to Afghanistan around 2006 to do some charity work and I can tell you that those people would give an arm and a leg to be able to live even close to how a minimum wage US citizen lives.

You all obviously care about the human race if you seem to be rebelling against the order in order to save "freedom". But would it be wrong to raise taxes in the wealthiest nations of the world and distributing to poor countries? Would it be wrong to use this same tax money to fund research for medical cures of the world's deadliest diseases?

3) Over-Population Would End

Let's say that this One-World Government sets a regulation that states that the amount of children you can have has to match the amount of income you make. Would this really be a bad thing? How many of you have seen or grown up in low-income families with multiple children? Some people can barely support themselves, let alone multiple children. What would happen to these children who've received a lack of nutrition and lack of education in their lives? This is the root of a moral problem that potentially leads to crime.

Let's say your parents were living off of Ramen noodles everyday and working minimum wage, would you respect them for bringing you into a world of poverty? What if they had waited until they were making enough income to raise you in a comfortable manner?

4) Violence Would End

Let's say that the "right to bear arms" is banished and punishment for certain crimes get harsher. Wouldn't this decrease the amount of violence and murder in the world? What if new technology were created similar to the weapons in the film, "Minority Report", that subdues criminals in a non-deadly way?

On a global note, this would take quite a bit of time because war would have to be abolished and peaceful coalition among nations would need to be established first, hence the One World Government.

5) Religious Extremism Would End

The age old nonsense of "My God is better than your God" has been plaguing mankind since the beginning. Even to this day, if you check the news, you will probably see "Suicide bomber hits subway, kills 15". Where do you think that suicide bomber got his motivation from?"

1 - War would not end it will merely become the war on freedom, the war on liberty, the war on drugs etc. you get the picture.

2 - Poverty & disease would NOT end, they would be more controlled...the eugenics program will be kicked into high gear to ensure all nations are vaccinated and those deemed not worthy will be eliminated.

3 - Overpopulation would end... this may be correct because of the eugenics & population control program being ratcheted up.

4 - Violence would end? people have been violent since the beginning? nothing can change our nature to destroy. Unless they intend to drug the worlds population into submission or use mind control.

5 - Religious extremism would end - Thought crimes will prevent you from practicing the religion not aprooved by the NWO.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 08:46 AM
Why is it that the American people won't give complete and total control of America's actions to the President of the United States? It's because if a Congress didn't exist, then the there would be no one to keep the President in check. Also, the Senate and House co-exist to keep each other in check. All while the Judicial Branch keeps tabs on everyone. It's a fine system to deny too much power from falling into the hands of one person or one group.

If there were a NWO, who could oppose a force when the powers that be decide that Eastern Europe has used too much of the wheat supply, thus they will receive no more? Their share will go to people in China. People begin to starve in Eastern Europe. And there's nothing you can do about it because there's no country left that could oppose a one world military force.

That's just one example of why a consolidated world government is an extremely BAD idea.

Another is simply the economy. Here in the United States the regulation of Banks was eased considerably in the Clinton Administration. Mainly to allow those with money to make more money, hand over fist. This worked great for about a decade, then the banking and housing markets crashed. Now we the "taxpayers" are paying for it (literally).

This is another reason why you don't want to consolidate power. It won't be used to the benefit of "mankind". It'll be used just as it has in the past, throughout history: For the benefit of the few.

[edit on 3-4-2009 by tyranny22]

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by Missing Blue Sky

Well I'm not a religious person and you wouldn't see me murder anyone.

So what your trying to say is that if Aliens decide to come to our planet, and all organized religion becomes defunct, then you would believe there is no meaning in life anymore and that you would start murdering people left and right. Is this what your saying?

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 08:51 AM

Why is it that the American people won't give complete and total control of America's actions to the President of the United States? It's because if a Congress didn't exist, then the there would be no one to keep the President in check. Also, the Senate and House co-exist to keep each other in check. All why the Judicial Branch keeps tabs on everyone. It's a fine system to deny too much power from falling into the hands of one person or one group

Tell me when the last time congress was able to stop any action of the president? Maybe they stopped Clinton from getting any more blow jobs but thats about it.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by depmode21

The root of crime and poverty has absolutely nothing to do with overpopulation.

Crime has been around since the beginning 3,700 years ago people tried to deal with crime thru Babylon's Code of Hammurabi. Crime is abnormal social behavior caused by greed, anger, jealousy, revenge and pride. Property crime comes from the desire for material gain and violent crime comes from the desire for power.

Ironically, neglected and abused children have the highest rate of committing more people around them might actually know a village. If the child had more siblings, aunts, uncles grandparents teaching it how to deal with negative emotions, the child would learn more positive strategies for gaining goods and power...hard work and the crime argument actually favors more population not less. This argument also favors a small local government too which can deal with matters like local crime swiftly and justly.

One world gov=bad news

[edit on 4/3/2009 by Missing Blue Sky]

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by Ellirium113

Where do you get your facts that say we will "be eliminated"? I'm still waiting on proof for this hysterical nonsense that many of you base your opinions on.

I base my thoughts on optimism, you base your thoughts on paranoia.

Optimism is what brings change to the world, paranoia is what puts progress in reverse. If many of you believe that we will be eliminated by the "impending NWO", then why would any of you still be alive? Because surely if they were the ones controlling the world, then certainly they would have control of the internet and would eliminate you for foiling their plans.... LOL

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by Ellirium113

Are you kidding? There's been numerous accounts in each administration. I'm not going to do the homework for you, but if you think that Congress hasn't kept the President from running amok, you're severely naive.

If Bush had his way, he would have went into Iran as well as Iraq and Afghanistan. Certainly their administration raised the propaganda level near the "orange" level in the last years of their administration, trying to scare Congress and the American people that Iran was a real threat, that they might have nuclear weapon capabilities. But, unlike the Iraq scenerio, the Congress refused to believe the saber rattling rhetoric and the President's Administration was never able to gain enough momentum to attack Iran.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 09:01 AM

Where do you get your facts that say we will "be eliminated"? I'm still waiting on proof for this hysterical nonsense that many of you base your opinions on.

Heres some free education for you...

Dangers of Vaccination

More eugenics info...

Read through that and proove me wrong.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 09:03 AM
I am confused as to were to post my answer , here or on the other post

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 09:08 AM
No, a one world government would not work well, at least not with the current leadership that humanity has. Let humanity take control of it's own governments collectively, eliminating the ruler class completely, and then maybe a one world government can work. Even then, I feel humanity's interest are too selfish to properly avoid all the problems that exist. a one world government wouldn't use new solutions to solve old problems, it'd use the same old failed solutions.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by depmode21

There is no proof intelligent extra terrestrial life exists. I do not believe "aliens" exist. I do not think "aliens" are coming. I believe in God. If there was no God, I would not exist, so therefore I could not murder.

We are unique creatures on a unique planet. Looking for other life in the universe is like trying to look for a copy of yourself in China. It does not exist.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by ThePiemaker

You see the problem is that you guys accuse the ruler class, then you bring up humanity. Who exactly in humanity should run the government?

What your telling me is that every citizen in the US should have a chance to run their government? So this includes educated and non-educated people trying to make decisions about the same matters?

Are you telling me that we should each have a remote that lists our laws and we just click Yes or No for each law pertaining to every moral, social, domestic, and international rule existing for our respective countries?

Now, that doesn't make sense at all!!!!

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 09:14 AM
There is nothing wrong with a one world government. The problems are that some people would and have tried to take over the world.

Out of the thousands of bad leaders you would get hundreds of great leaders that would actually listen to what the needs and the concerns of the people are and trying to help with them.

Problem number 1: More than likely the good leaders would be assassinated somehow for not playing according to the plan. Human jealously would pop up eventually. Someone thinks they can do it better.

Out of the 6 billion + on earth i'd say there are a few hundred thousand that could end up being the greatest leaders ever if given the chance, but the chance of them becoming number 1 in power is like 0.0000000000000000002 %

1) War Would End

Nope war is basically large scale fighting, fighting will never end because humans are jealous, envious, evil creatures to simply put it as a whole.

2) Poverty & Disease Would End

Nope unless he get a leader who actually gives a damn about the people and the chance of that is (see above paragraph)

3) Over-Population Would End

World is not over populated, its just that some humans live beyond what they really need to survive, jealousy and envy come into play here.

If the world was truly over populated Antartica would be a country right now with people on it. We could fit 3 or 4 times the current population on earth if people didn't need large SUVs, giant TV's, large homes where you only have 1-3 people living. We as a whole live way beyond what we need to.

Humans are greedy and that's just the fact. If we had the same amount of cities with, better Mass transit, Housing, Food access etc. we could support 70 % of the worlds population in about 300 cities the size of Cario, Mexico City, and Tokyo. Does everybody need 10, 20, or 50 acres of land no its just that we cant seem to figure out how to live without the greed.

I guarantee that if cities were rebuilt to handle the movement of people and make work and living spaces more efficient we could fit around 50 million people in a place the size of the City of New York

4) Violence Would End

See number 1, violence will never end no matter what the penalties are there will always be some sort of violence; unless you can get rid of greed and hate you will always have violence.

The day we see the end of violence is the day when we are on the receiving end and the earth itself, or some rock floating around space is doing the violence and were receiving it.

5) Religious Extremism Would End

Bull stuff, does not work all it would do it make it go underground the same way other organizations are like the NWO. Most of the major religions right now started out as obscure cults that eventually rose to fame.

So in effect get rid of greed you got a utopia but we cant get rid of it, there is no one on earth right now that has never had greed in them, heck animals can be greedy so its going no where.

[edit on 3-4-2009 by jatsc]

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 09:23 AM
1. War would end? possible, but these people profit from wars. and having 1 government doesn't mean people will suddenly become nicer to each other.

2. Poverty and disease will end? i doubt it. "One things that Absolute powers does and that is this: it corrupts absolutely!". i live in a third world country, dont tell me that having more corrupt officials will fix our country.

3. Over-population would end? possible, but i think its more important to educate the people about family planning etc rather than control them.

4. Violence would end? you really think abolishing the 2nd amendment and enforcing harsher punishment would solve the crime problem? the only reason a government would remove the 2nd amendment is to stop the masses from rising up against them so that they always stay in power. and criminals dont care about punishment.

5. Religious extremism would end? doubt it. im not against religion, its a right to have whatever god you want. but i think educating people and having respect for one another is the key to stop these religious nuts.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 09:41 AM
The biggest problem with a one world government is that we're not ready for it. We don't have the technology for it yet. The natural order is still taking place and in time we will have a one world government. There's many wars to still fight and decisions by all countries to make. There are a lot of third world countries that would need a lot of resources and man power to get them up to par with the rest of the world. There's that saying that says " you can feed a man for a day by giving him a fish, but you can feed him for a life time by teaching him how to catch a fish".

And what about religions? Will a one world government allow all religions to function or will the government swallow them up and we begin to worship the one world government? Or will there be certain religions that are left out while others flourish. A one world government just can't happen over night. When and if it does happen I hope the world is ready for it and it works to everyone's advantage. What I don't want to see is a one world government telling us all that we need to do what they say and we follow them without thinking independently. If we all follow the same path then other paths will be missed and opportunities lost.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 09:48 AM
What on Earth is happening? all this talk about the New World Order, yet all the talk is about America? is the Whole world just made up of Americans?

Anyhow, I have spent the past few days listening about the G20 on the radio, lots of interviews etc, and they where talking about A New World Order, but in a context, of bringing ORDER to an unstable World, not creating a slave Planet run by A New World Order, I've said it before, this is all being twisted to try and make everyone scared and paranoid, sure there may be a group called the New World Order, I don't know, but that is not what they were talking about.

Stability, isn't that what everyone has been screaming for? (apart from those who want the world to go to war, because they think it would be exciting, and they are just deluded) most of us want peace, but some are trying to make us think this time next month, we shall be all enslaved, that only works when there isn't 5 or 6 Billion people unable to pick up a rock to throw.

I don't know what to make of all this scaremongering, but I am sure it hasn't got every ones interests included in it, making everyone afraid and scared, why is that being done? I suppose we all have fantasies, maybe some just get a kick out of fear.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by depmode21
reply to post by ThePiemaker

Are you telling me that we should each have a remote that lists our laws and we just click Yes or No for each law pertaining to every moral, social, domestic, and international rule existing for our respective countries?

Hey , that actually does not sound that bad at all , you see maybe that would cause a tremendous change in our education systems.

That way people would REALLY be concerned about other people's education , because a #ty selection could be catastrophic.

Then we would not have all this crap going on.

Then you americans that did not want the bail out (more than 70%?) , would actually not have the bail out. But you still had it , you know why?
Because you did not have enough education to understand what not going through the bail out would be , but the reality is , you would be fine without it
but many "big people" that fund your politicians would go bankrupt. They would lose power and used the excuse that "they were doing it to save jobs etc" for you guys! So sweet are they not?

It does not have to be as simple as you stated , but it would work wonders better than the current bureaucratic system we have.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 09:55 AM
One more thought...Imagine a monocrop, a One World Food. Seems stupid and foolish right? What makes a one world government or one world people less foolish? Diversity doesn't require a one world system, it functions on heirarchy and ecology, look at species and variety of type and individuals within species.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 09:56 AM
The biggest fear is that nearly all the global elite belong to secret societies accociated with lucefarian practices (according to many documentaries and articles). The fear is that an Orwellian society is being formed under our noses and presented to us in a way which takes on the appearance of doing the right thing to prevent a problem in which they themselves have created to gain more and more control over us.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 10:44 AM
The world government will control almost everything you do. Big brother will have no end.
The global government will buy out all things such as banks, corporate agriculture such as monsanto's genetic poison will takeover our natural food supply codex alimentarius, all small business's and local business will be taken over by monopoly (big business owned by world government, basically they already own many of those things and will drive out others), much information to support over population as a myth, freedom will be taken away, wars will never cease etc etc.

If you think we need to be nannied well then it goes to show how low our level of being has dropped. That we need to be told how to eat, how to dress, how to speak, how to go to the toilet etc etc. No thanks not for me.

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