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Gerald Celente right again 4/01/09

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posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 01:19 PM
I kind of whish this guy would do a daily update. I am to the point that I trust him quite a bit. Much more realistic than some other sources. Some great points made in this video. Before any attackers go after his predictions, take a look at his succesful history of trends research.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 01:25 PM
I think something is "coming"...maybe starting with April 15th and the idea of "Tea Party's" might bring some into to the millions of sheeple out there because they might finally wake up and smell that non-Starbuck's coffee when it's on the local news?
It's like people think all this is happening in a movie or something,LOL!

This is an epic and dreadfully frightening time to me: look at what's HAPPENED in the past year??? OMG.

Totally agree with the "ghost mall" effect,I'm starting to see it here now and we're still one of the "more affluent" states here in Texas.
People here are "really angry" as well,those of us that are paying attention...I see a "Bad Moon Rising" my friends.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by irishchic

My friends and I say the same thing to eachother daily. "This is really happening isn't it?" It does feel like we are in a movie. I can't even imagine what our kids/grandkids will be reading about in their history books in school about this period in the coming decades. I can tell you that in Chicago, the commercial real estate is hitting very very hard. The Sears Tower (national landmark) is no longer the Sears Tower. I am not looking forward to this summer here in the city. I am self employed so I may have to gove myself some time off and go visit the folks in wisconsin for a few months.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 01:38 PM
The ticker forum is absolutely blowing up today, KD is on a rampage:

Something has to give, and soon...

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by elston

Here is the video embedded. Star and Flag! Great Post!!!

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by pluckynoonez
The ticker forum is absolutely blowing up today, KD is on a rampage:

Something has to give, and soon...

Holy crap, his followers have grown exponentially since a few months ago. I can't wade through all that. Any choice threads or posts from there you care to share?

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 02:00 PM
Can somebody point to a time where Celente has been wrong? I'm serious. I would feel a lot better if I knew that the man is not infallible.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by theWCH
Can somebody point to a time where Celente has been wrong? I'm serious. I would feel a lot better if I knew that the man is not infallible.

Nope. Hence the importance of this post. He is not like others in the "conspiracy" field. He has no motive to be a fear monger. The guy drives an old car and lives a modest life despite his net worth.

Near future of America "FAIL"

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 02:20 PM
Perhaps outright revolution in the streets is the only thing that could save the US. We are heading straightway into disaster anyways.

Did anyone notice the young lady's comment about troops firing on citizens? Kent State anyone?

I for one believe him and think this is what they are so desperately trying to avoid. I believe this is a large part of the age on the face of our new President, he is now in a position to really see how fragile things are here in the not so good old USA.

I hope I have enough time to put up some more food. red

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 02:26 PM
I love this guy.

I wish he was my neighbor, we'd go out for a beer, he'd tell me all the stuff thats gonna happen, happy life. All in All.

From all i've seen of him, I haven't found him to be wrong 99% of the time he's right.

I'd listen to him, if you don't plan on listening.

I wouldn't label them as 'Predictions'.

More or less, Detailed Reasoning, For a short term Future, of Greatest probable events.

There all sophisticated and stuff

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 02:54 PM
I don't want him to be right.

But I susepct that he is more correct than anyone in the government at this time.

What I can only hope for, is that people, real people, remember that the only way to get help, is to give help.

If we allow a few militant characters to weave this into a dog eat dog, Escape from New York kind of event, we will only be making matters far worse than they will already be.

Problem is, most of our citizens get cranky when they can't watch their high-def TV's. And I fear we may soon be at a time when reading, from paper books, will be the most fruitful use of our non-survival activities.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by elston

There is this thread I started which no one at ATS seems interested in:

I have been following the tickerforum for a while. Only in recent months has the Mad Max scenario been discussed. Karl Denninger has the freshest doom on the internet, although Celente is in the top 5 (possibly).

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by pluckynoonez

Made a comment on the thread. Karl is very knowledgable and I follow him regularly. His posts are mainly financial which are important but I also appreciate Celente since he has the broad picture of events and the trends that lead us there. It was after researching Celente relentlessly trying to find flaws that I was convinced to stash food, etc. For those who doubt Celente listen to the old dude Jim Rogers, they are pretty much right in line with eachother about our future.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by redhead57

Alot has been learnd since Kent State. Could it happen again? Oh, absolutely. But would we see large scale deadly force used on the US citizenry by the military? I'm not sure. From mylimited contacts within the military (officers) such an order would not sit well. Would some do it? Sure. But again, I somehow doubt there'd be widespread general compliance with such an order.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by jtma508

Agreed. If there was a news report of even a police office killing a non-violent protestor I believe it would be game on. I am amazed there weren't riots over the recent BART incident. If we experience another Kent State incident and it was FACTUALLY reported by MSM, then I would watch out.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by pluckynoonez

thanks for the threads listed!

star for you

[edit on 2-4-2009 by whoshotJR]

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by elston

True. And remember: the world has changed alot since 1970. With the ubiquitous nature of cell phones, digital cameras, YouTube and the Internet (and even if the latter two were shutdown) any such incident WOULD get out.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 03:55 PM
Everytime I hear this guy I get the impression that he is spot on about the rising climate of protest and what not. He seems sincere when he speaks. I must say that his "lose it" mantra is getting a little old though.
I'm getting tired of hearing it, probably because it rings with so much truth and its implications are so dire. The truth hurts.

Also, I am noticing that all of these talking heads across the spectrum of MSM networks keep referring to the protesters as anti-capitalist. But they fail to mention that the government interfering the the free market by bailing out all these corporations and banks is as anti-capitalist as you can get. They also lump all the protesters as one, saying "MANY are willing to resort to violence to spread their message." I find that hard to believe, because we know it is only a small percentage. Stupid MSM and their blatant lies.

One thing I have to ask and shed light on though. Celente often talks about the 'ghost malls' and commercial real estate markets failing. But I swear, here in Florida, suburbs of Orlando, they are building a new strip mall every week it seems like. Construction around where I live doesn't seem to have slowed at all. Any one have any thoughts on this?

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by PH43DRUS

Same here in Chicago, but I have also seen highrises under construction for one year and the next day construction stops because financing falls through and they can't get another loan. Don't forget, when the financing was taken out for those malls was probably more than a year ago and now that land and mall is not worth what the original loan was made for. So if costs go up on the project and they always do, they will need to get more financing and they will not be able to since existing credit for the project far outways the properties value.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by elston

Good point. I guess it is just strange to hear all of these predictions, while just in the last two weeks I've seen a few plots of land being plowed under for new development. And on top of that, I'm still getting new credit offers in the mail, a couple a week, in fact. I suppose it hasn't reached the proportions that Celente thinks are just over the horizon. Also, I suppose the crisis is affecting different areas in different ways and at different speeds. I'll give it til the fall, when the summer of rage has passed.

On a good note, we did have a tea party in Orlando. Not sure what that accomplished, but it is good to know some of my neighbors are awake.

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