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obama in book of revelations?

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posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 12:09 PM
hi there sorry if this has already been covered but thought i would put my two cents in..has it been noticed that the presidents car is called the beast? here is a quote from the book of revelations

I saw another beast, coming out of the earth, he made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast whose fatal wound had been healed. And he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men. He deceived the inhabitants of the earth. He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. 666. (Rev. 13:11-14,16-18)

i think we could be just be about to enter this stage

And he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men. He deceived the inhabitants of the earth.

thanks for reading.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 12:25 PM
what are you talking about? can u provide me a link where he brought fire down from heaven please....
i'll wait.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 12:29 PM

can it be that we chat together some times?

cause i really had the same idea about obama.

just called it the "false leader"...

My opinion: It stands already into the bible


posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 12:30 PM
lol cnn just said my ATS screename..HAH maybe they know me..

anyway 666 is a reference to the 3 pillars connecting back to the sun essentially for wormhole travel, dimension shifting. The fact the beast is so tyrannical is because its likely he has been life jumping and is tired of existing the same way each incarnation, so in ours, there are convergences of energies released by the movement of planets, magnetism, and energys that meld into us all. The beast, human but distorted, is in a position that locks him into a paradox of decisions. He may not be intently evil at first, yet his paradigm forces him to do things, I argue its the world not doing the right thing, on top of the leaders acting selfish and deceptively conspiratorial.

So to me 666 resonates masonry. The four horseman are masonic as well in my view. Obama is a masons choice as photos and stage setups depict, and he was reaching out to them as well during his campaign in silent symbolisms. If people cant see what im saying, ask a specific ill try to answer it clearly as I can.

The beast from the land then to me is human, the beast from the sea, is alien, and in disguise. Using a combination of technology to create a paradise for psychosis freak wannabes that visionaries 2000 years ago, deduced while on a mind altering substance of some kind. OR they were naturally induced by electromagnetic anomaly.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by Enigma Publius

to enigma there is a small organistion you might have heard of called the US airforce who have the ability to "fly" and drop bombs from the sky and Mr obama happens to be the commander and cheif and can order those brave men to do his bidding.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 12:50 PM

Bible Codes that warn of assassinations of two major political candidates for NOV 2008 elections. Both John Edwards and Barak Obama are encoded with "assassination" and "gunman", also found Hillary Clinton as President encoded with The Antichrist.

Although these codes represent possibilities, it is amazing when we consider that the current USA Political Campaign, was encoded 3500 years ago in the Bible Code.


This Bible Code shows Hillary Rodham (Clinton) winning the Presidency in NOV 2008. Then we have Hillary welcoming, accepting, honoring and praising Antichrist, The Beast, in 2010 AD.

This code makes complete sense as Hillary Clinton backs the United Nations Plan for Global Socialism and the Disarmament of the American Public.

It is also interesting that The Bible Code refers to her as Hillary Rodham, her maiden name and not as Hillary Clinton. This is because Bill Clinton was also found in the Bible Code and two "clinton's" would cause confusion. Also Hillary Clinton was quoted as saying, "She wants to be known as "Hillary Rodham" when she wins as President."

Even if the date of this code is off, Hillary Clinton could still be elected President in NOV 2008 and then accept Antichrist in 2011 or 2012 AD, the "Mayan Year for Doomsday".


The Bible Code seems to tell us that John McCain will be the Republican candidate who will "not be President", that he will lose to Hillary Clinton. This code also says that McCain may develop heart problems that insures his defeat.

MITT ROMNEY and MIKE HUCKABEE are found in The Bible Code, encoded with "President". Romney is also encoded with "return" and "substitute". At this point, we will stay with JOHN McCAIN as he is the clear frontrunner, unless of course John McCain develops a serious heart condition and is forced to drop out. If this happens, we will revisit the Bible Code in light of what happens next on the political scene.

Now what about the fate of the other two democratic candidates who seek to stop Hillary from winning the democratic party nomination.


GEN: 29:15

Here we have the Bible Code warning that one or both of Hillary's Political Rivals could be assassinated. My guess would be that if one of these candidates surged well ahead of Hillary Clinton, they could be assassinated to clear the way for Hillary. UPDATE: 2/10/09: JOHN EDWARDS DROPPED OUT OF THE ELECTION SO HE IS "SAFE" FROM ASSASSINATION AS A THREAT TO HILLARY. Yet Obama and his message of "change" (and honesty) continues to surge in the poles. If I were Obama I would invest in a bullet proof vest and a pope mobile or maybe even Vice President.


The Bible Code gives the month of December (once) and ADAR (three times) which could be the month Obama is assassinated. ADAR falls between Feb and March 08.

The Bible Code also has the month of TISHRI encoded with REPLACEMENT or SUBSTITUTE. Tishri is the Hebrew month of October and runs from mid September to mid October. This code gives us a startling possibility.

Barak Obama could win the Democratic Nomination and then be assassinated in TISHRI, about a month before the Election. This would spell panic and an emergency, democratic party re-nomination for a REPLACEMENT- SUBSTITUTE.

Either way, The Bible Code warns Obama will be assassinated and Hillary Clinton will be elected President of the USA, the "Doomsday" President as she will greet, welcome and accept Antichrist, THE BEAST in 5770 HC (2010 AD).

Note: I am not saying that Hillary Clinton would be behind this assassination or even have any knowledge of it. I am saying that there may evil "shadow" forces at work in our government that are doing the devil's work. (the JFK Assassination still remains a mystery and controversy to this day).

There is another Bible Code that suggest a Bio Terror Attack against Philadelphia, USA in MAY of 2008. Iran will be blamed and President Bush will utterly destoy Iran and their illegal nuclear weapons program. If this code comes true, then Hillary Clinton will never be elected President as this counter attack vs Iran will trigger W.W.III and the start of the Tribulation in MAY- JUNE 2008. (this may also be what Nostradamus meant in his MABUS Prophecy?).


[edit on 2-4-2009 by komp_uk]

[edit on 2-4-2009 by komp_uk]

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by mastermind77

hi sorry but your dates seem to be wrong?

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by insider15

to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. 666.

this is the RFID chip contains all your data finacial medical you name is caldd 666 also...

coincidence... ??

you decide.

it is even onder the same revelations as you state.. it just says it all

[edit on 2-4-2009 by whatshenneping]

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 01:17 PM
I Knew it OSAMA is the anti christ ALALALALALALALHAHAHAA!

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by insider15
hi there sorry if this has already been covered but thought i would put my two cents in..has it been noticed that the presidents car is called the beast? here is a quote from the book of revelations

My car is also call "The Beast" actually it is a 2006 Honda civic. Is Revelations also referencing me as the Antichrist? I also have a mark on my hand that I put there with a sharpie.

The coincidences are truly frightening. I hope that I'm not the antiChrist and don't even know it!!!

Can there be more than one antiChrist because Ima gettin skeered!

[edit on 2-4-2009 by whaaa]

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by whaaa

i understand what your saying about coincidences but look at the world war, famine pestilence plague all prediicted all coming true and it "just so happens that the most powefull man on the planet fits the bill for one of the prophies

ALSO the secret service codename for him is renegade

dictionary defination of renagade

Renegade (Middle Ages), a term for a fallen Christian or a knight without allegiance. From Spanish renegado, from Medieval Latin renegatus, perfect participle of renego deny.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 01:36 PM
wow what a coincidence... i have been thinkin about all this too.

this is what i put together

The beast is part of a world power... but this is a bigger one than ever before maybe like NATO. It looks like a leopard (camo) and it has 10 horns that are kings that will rule with the beast for 1 hour = 10 of the Global elite probly tri latteral directors

The great Harlot ... Babylon the Great . I am pretty sure that is America which is going to be devoured or is being devoured by the beast right now. It says the Beast will make her Naked and expose her. And we Americans have been exposed ... We believed that we owned the Government ... just like a drunk whore believes she can control a vicious wild beast. But we all know thats not true. And now the Beast has exposed us... a country of people who traded in their freedom and morals for what ? Money... sounds like a whore to me.

Next is the part you guys are talking about. The false prophet. Yahoo or google The Maiterya or something like that... you will be interested to find that they have this miracle worker in tibet that they say is going to do some wild # soon (telepathically communicate with all people at once) = The false prophet. He will trick everyone into believing he is christ

Next are the three frogs that come out = final emergence of E. T. 's

them Christ comes back to earth to kill everyone except for a handful ...

those people start the new world governed by Christ


to be continued in 1000 years

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by insider15
reply to post by whaaa

i understand what your saying about coincidences but look at the world war, famine pestilence plague all prediicted all coming true and it "just so happens that the most powefull man on the planet fits the bill for one of the prophies

I'm sorry insider15, but I have a real hard time putting any credence in someone that can't or won't use spell check. Perhaps I'm just picky but I
prefer my prophets and interpreters of Revelation to at least be able to spell.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by whaaa

Your more than welcome to your opinion and i apoligise for having dyslexia i hope it doesnt upset you to much, on the flip side i dont take advice from people who call their car "the beast".

I have stated facts in my thread which are all checkable i dont realy see how the spelling of a few words alters checkable facts.

[edit on 2-4-2009 by insider15]

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 02:06 PM
i really wonder what goes on in peoples minds...

the reason that the bad guys win , is because they arent arguing over grammar. English Comp class . People are so weak sometimes. I hate to inform you but im sure that Moses probably mispelled a word or two when he wrote Genesis . But you arent complaining about that are you ? Geek

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 02:12 PM
This may shed some light.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by whaaa

Originally posted by insider15
reply to post by whaaa

i understand what your saying about coincidences but look at the world war, famine pestilence plague all prediicted all coming true and it "just so happens that the most powefull man on the planet fits the bill for one of the prophies

I'm sorry insider15, but I have a real hard time putting any credence in someone that can't or won't use spell check. Perhaps I'm just picky but I
prefer my prophets and interpreters of Revelation to at least be able to spell.

That was unecassery and low.

Atleast the creator of the thread seems sincere in his/hers ponderings, and that is the mainthing - not his or hers spelling. Please try to stay on topic.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by insider
reply to post by whaaa

Your more than welcome to your opinion and i apologies for having dyslexia i hope it doesnt upset you to much, on the flip side i dont take advice from people who call their car "the beast".

I have stated facts in my thread which are all checkable i dont realy see how the spelling of a few words alters checkable facts.

[edit on 2-4-2009 by insider15]

Sorry about being so critical of your spelling but how is your interpretation of Revelations "Facts"?

Are other interpretations that might disagree with yours just to be discounted? What are your credentials as a Bible scholar?

Your interpretation is no more "factual" than mine. And I see your OP as
nothing more than a transparent, racist "I hate Obama" and I'm gonna trash him any way I can and use the Bible to try and add legitimacy thread.

[edit on 2-4-2009 by whaaa]

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by whaaa

I am not dicounting your intrepation which to be honest was just to trash mine and insult me.

well no i am not racist i actually quite like obama as he seems a nice guy and i do truly hope i am wrong(i probably am as what i have stated is just an opinion) i am not racist i am insulted by that as i am a christian and Jesus would have been of a dark complexion as he was from the middle east, it is what in someones heart and soul that counts NOTHING ELSE. The anti-christ is known as the great deciever so it makes sence that he would come to earth as a nice guy who every one likes.

My orginal post did contain "facts" which can be checked if your read the Bible and visit the whitehouse website.

As for my credentils??? Did i state i was an expert??? no, i simply put forward some interesting facts and my opinion and people can make their own mind up(hopefully with out insulting the messenger.

thanks to the other posters who offered their opinions with out insults.

No i agree can we not get personal and stay on topic please

thanks again everyone.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 06:50 PM
I have read some books by Tony Bushby and Silvia Brown that say the Book of Revelation and the Gospel of John are not completely genuine. Bushby gets most of his material from ancient manuscripts suppressed by the Vatican. The book of Revelation was originally written by a famous psychic in those days by the name of Sybil. It was edited and reworked adding christian terms etc. The Gospel of John was taken from the Essenes
and edited and added things to make Jesus seem devine. Check out Tony Bushby's "The Bible Fraud" and Sylvia Brown's "The Mystical Life Of Jesus"
They are both excellent. I think Brown's is more accurate of the two.

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