posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 06:41 AM
Hey @ll
Had the Mayas some telescopes?
This question came into my head some days ago. I read many stuff about the Mayas. About their language, their gods, the calendar..etc. And i
recognized that they had a really high knowing about Astrologie.
They knew exactly the ways of the planets.
But how?
At these days we are looking at the sky with telescopes. High technologie instruments, etc..
But why the Mayas knew such things. Guess they had not the technologie for those instruments.. or?
I posted a thread before, out of a magazine, where was written: "the mayas knew the exactly way of moon, merkur, mars, venus, etc.."
How did they know those things? Without the technologie?
The question came into my head as i read some posts in here, this star there, the other star there.. and many replied: You dont see it with a
telescope, so it cant be real (pointing at Nibiru).
So please tell me your opinions
I will be glad to hear them.
Nia Wind