Love -the benevolent affection of God for His creatures, or the reverent affection due from them to God.
While there are almost 20 definitions of the word I find this one to be the closest. What I do believe it should say is
Love - the benevolent affection of a creature for his fellow creatures, or the reverent affection due from them to oneself.
A recent atheist, after 46yrs of following the Catholic faith, I believe I have really found love.
What is love? Love is the ability to show your appreciation for your fellow creatures. Some dictionaries use the term 'creature' vice 'man' and
that leads me to believe that we should also love all animals as well. They live within this world for the same purpose, whatever you may believe
that may be. Love is benevolent, and therefore is given in an altruistic way where one does not expect anything in return. Love makes you feel good
when you express it and feels good to have it expressed back. I know as well as all that are reading this to be true, check your internal feelings
when someone makes this claim to you. It's a great feeling.
I've had some people tell me in another thread that they don't love me because they don't know me. Do you have to know someone to love them?
Is it not possible to love someone without knowing them?
If your a Christian do you love God? Have you met him, or any of the many other people that represent Christianity? Same for Muslims who love Allah,
they love their leader as much as the Christians do.
Then we have people all over the world telling President Obama that they love him before he became president. Why? Is he worthy of everyone's
love like our Gods seem to be, or does it depend on your stature within a community that decides whether the general public can love someone?
Is there a conspiracy against LOVE? In a way, yes there is. Most religions preach love to all, human and creature alike, but seldom do I see any
reflection of this. Somewhere within the folds of religion we have groups that make it so Christian can not love the Muslim, or the Jewish cannot
love the Christian. Yet they preach love every day within their walls of spirituality.
Those that say this is wrong must watch the news and see that most wars are between religious factions. A faction is a group of cohesive members
that form a minority within a large organization. These factions exert pressure on the majority of the religious groups to believe that another
group is preventing their beliefs from being practiced, thereby stifling their rights to freedom of choice. The fact is that no religion is being
attacked by any other religion but by these factions that are acting on behalf of a silent group representing a religion or hierarchical group in
The whole purpose is for them to divide the masses so that conquering is easier and it is done by the people themselves believing it for their
God's sake. This is where we as humans fail to see the logic.
Would a real God ask for someone to kill another when he tells you that life is sacred? Would a real God have you believe that a soldier is alright
shooting and killing anyone just because they are on the other side? Would a real God pat you on the back and give you a medal to let others know
that you were awesome because you killed the most people when compared to your comrades? I for one don't think any being that would be called God
would want any of these questions answered yes.
I've been told that some of my comments were construed as hatred towards certain groups. I hold little respect for those that can so easily kill
in the name of a God or a leader. I for one believe that murder is no way to get anything done. The killing of innocents to forward an agenda is
done daily within the world and its increasing each day. I do not hate anyone. What I do hate though is the actions of some, be it law enforcement
or religious person, that use religion or law to justify their actions against another creature.
I watch in horror as protesters for peace at the G20 summit get led into an attack by provocateurs against the police. All the while the police
believe they are fighting for their lives, probably because they are told that these protesters will attempt to do damage to them. This is quite
evident in the news where they use the terms 'Anarchist' and 'Revolutionary' and other terms that are negative. The same for the police's
side, we are told they will use certain avenues to subdue the protesters, thereby having the protesters ready for anything coming their way before
I made a post in another thread about the G20 protests
here that I thought made
much sense. I just don't see these protests as being seen as non-violent. This mostly due to the medias coverage and their exacerbating the
My idea of a peaceful protest would be to have thousands of people showing up with loved ones, children and babies. They sit and make their
comments, all the while obeying the laws of their country. Maybe somehow letting the police know through speeches etc that they are only there
because it is their right to free speech and that they are also speaking on the polices behalf. Letting the police know that it is love of fellow
man and country that has led them to do this. In this way I think if you have a police officer that is then told to charge the protesters, doubting
that this is in need and that it would be clearly against the law of the land as well as any Gods law. I realize this can't happen in our
societies because of the provocateurs we have within our own governments and law enforcement. But that does not stop me from dreaming.
Although most of these protesters are there for the right cause, we have groups that are with them that's main purpose is to instill fear and
violence. This is counter productive to the cause of peace and should be obvious. Unfortunately, we the people don't have the choice whether
these provocateurs show up or not. Therefore I believe most peaceful rallies and protests are lost before they are started. The other side, the
PTB are really in control of these protests from inside without anyone really knowing.
If a group were to get together and have nothing else planned but to sit on the steps of Parliament or wherever and then sing songs of love and
caring about one another, and did nothing in the way of violence, I don't think too many law enforcement officials would follow the orders of
'beat them with batons' or 'spray them with CS gas'. Just my feeling that what media we do have that is true to their trade would make them
look savage assaulting peaceful protesters. Even that word protester is in a way derogatory. These people are asking for rights that have been
taken away illegally by their governments and it is their right to voice their opinions. It would be fine if our politicians would listen to their
constituents but they really never have in my opinion.
We have leaders talk of their love for their fellow man and their rights to this and that and yet you have some that are threatening countries with
nuclear strikes against millions of innocent people. Is this in the name of love for their fellow country men? I for one don't want the
responsibility of thousands of lives on my head because my country decides to attack another because of their beliefs. Defense is one thing but to
attack with no provocation is clearly not human in my sight. Even defense must be used with a limit...
[edit on 2-4-2009 by AllTiedTogether]