posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 02:43 AM
When we look at sacred geometry through the lens of the universe itself, what we see is that mind, or more specifically, the mind of the creator, is
the precursor to all existence. In other words everything in existence is plainly made by God consciousness, who is the first/last cause. This is
remarkable, when we consider the true nature of the human being, in all aspects of the design, with the apex being consciousness itself, whereby the
whole is greater than the sum of the parts. The "I am" of human being, is a sphere within a sphere, the outer sphere of which is God Himself. We are
in God with God in us, and it is the same with the universe, we are in the universe and the universe is in us. We are a part of life, perhaps even the
highest expression of the evolutionary process, since we've only arrived on the scene very recently, in the grand scheme of things. Furthermore, if
modern science is correct, that we live within an acausal, and NON-LOCAL, holographic universe, then the implications of this are utterly astounding.
The question then arises, about our responsibility as conscious beings in the universe, having a human experience, relative to what is whole, perfect,
and ...just or righteous, even holy? Can any of us escape judgement within the relative framework of an absolute, objective truth or reality, and how
could we stand apart from ourselves, and from our imprisoned position as subjective observers within such a framework and render a just judgement? And
so the dilemma remains, and it is indeed a precidament. Can we gain entry into the eternal realm of all being and becoming, and if so how could this
be accomplished. Is there anything we can DO to somehow justify ourselves in relation to the center and source who is perfect? Is there not a blind
Praise God for the tree of life, that we would not be left orphaned, imprisoned within our subjective reality forever, without recourse to
justification by works, since who among us could prove themselves worthy of inclusion in the Godhead? I know that I fail the test, and we all do.
But there is a return path. And the value assigned to us, by this supreme gift of grace, unearned, yet freely given, is of infinite measure! Greater
than the sum total of the stars of the heavens themselves, since everything was created by God, for the son, by the great lover, for the beloved
other, for TWO circles, intersecting. Now this is an even greater marvel, since it indicates an inclusion in an eternal realm of cocreation and
continuous active participation.
But there is still a measure, and none of us measure up. That's the bad news, thank God for the good news!
If I can "grok" this, why can't others?
"There is a principal which is a bar against all information and proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting
ignorance. That principal is contempt, prior to investigation.
~ Herbert Spencer. to which I would add the word assumption, prior to..
There is only one thing worth worrying about and only one thing worth knowing. Am I forgiven, CAN I be forgiven, and by what standard am I measured
AND forgiven?
We we somehow engineer our own salvation and tunnel a way in absent such a thing? No, for everthing there is a price to be paid, a sacrifice, and one
that neither I nor any of us are equipped to make.
There is a rational basis for faith, a knowing, and there's nothing wrong with that at all.
[edit on 2-4-2009 by OmegaPoint]