posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 08:51 PM
However we are receiving disturbing reports that London police have a secret anti-Twitter sabotage team that scans tweets from the cell towers in real
time, with the ability to change, re-route, or delete them. In a test of this technology yesterday, police succeeded in completely demoralizing a
Black Bloc anarchist group by changing the messages they were sending each other, causing them to march twenty blocks the wrong way, then get into
fist fights with each other
This caused much mirth among police. However, unbeknown to them, an anarchist double agent had infiltrated the Twitter sabotage team and the chaos
they thought they’d caused among the anarchists was simply part of a devious plan by protesters to to confuse police. The police may think they
control the twitter stream, but in reality the G20 protesters do
GOod one