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Early Traces of Alien Influence on Mankind

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posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 05:41 PM
My opinion.

Its hard for me to understand, the idea that E.T'S, having influenced our race since the beginning of time. When it took heroes like megellan and Columbus, to prove the world was round. Not to mention it took copernicus, to prove we revolved around the sun. If E.T.'s were influencing our human race it must have been during ancient times. I dunno maybe I am in the wrong forum, but thats just my opinion. Don't get me wrong I am very curious and want to learn the truth as well, or be prepared or try to be around other people like me. I just hope I am in the right place.

[edit on 1-4-2009 by Adrifter]

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 05:42 PM
There are literally hundreds of renaissance and medieval paintings from all over the world that seem to show strange objects floating in the sky. Many people have claimed these to be depictions of UFO sightings but in reality are nothing more than Christian iconography which can be seen used by many different artists with in their paintings, architecture or writings.

This is one of the most famous paintings, including those published on many ufo websites. People misunderstand the meaning of art only because those who do not know the symbolism of art. In fact in most crucifixions in this Byzantine style there are these depictions of flying objects on the either side of the cross, these represent the Sun and the Moon, often represented by human being

Although, imo all the ancient cave paintings, petroglpyhs and strange reptillian beings and giant heads are a little harder to explain away.

[edit on 1/4/2009 by Funklestiltzkin]

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by sos37
There's one thing to consider in all of this that may or may not break this whole "ancient alien contact" thing wide open:

Has anyone ever thought to consider that MAYBE ancient people used their imaginations in the same way we do today and wrote on cave walls, carved statues, carved images, etc. the same way we make toys and books and films about the same kind of things?

We have plastic toy figures of transformers, aliens, ufos, starships, monsters, etc. If one day mankind were extinct and alien archaeologists were to excavate our world, might they conclude that we were visited by transforming robots? Or that our planet was destroyed by aliens depicted in any of the number of Hollywood movies?

Why could this not be along the same lines for ancient peoples?

Exactly. A great example would be Leonardo Da Vinci's painting of helicopters, flying machines, tanks etc.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by Adrifter

Very good point. Like these "ancient astronauts" couldnt have just took the Egyptians for a cruise to America in their spaceship. Then they could have stopped, pretended like they were having a Chinese fire drill, and then when the Egytian got out they could have bolted for a good laugh. Thus, the Egyptian discovers the Americas.

I like your thinking.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 05:45 PM
Here is a small selection of "Crucifixion" Orthodox Byzantine style, all with Sun and the Moon depicted by human faces

[edit on 1/4/2009 by Funklestiltzkin]

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 05:51 PM
that Lolladoff plate is a joke of course,
(no offense to OP) nice picture of a Minkey though!
it should have been called The Llodolaff's Plate.
The other pictures are interesting though,
some of which Erich Von Daniken has used in the past.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 05:56 PM
here's a good compilation i watched last year
the music aint bad too

[edit on 1-4-2009 by ronin-dex]

[edit on 1-4-2009 by ronin-dex]

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by Adrifter
When it took heroes like megalon and Columbus, to prove the world was round.
Sorry for the off-topic, but Columbus was not trying to prove the Earth was round, he was trying to prove that the Earth was smaller than what other people said, at that time most people accepted that the Earth was round.

PS: did you mean Magellan (Magalhães in Portuguese) when you wrote "megalon"?

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by coredrill
i got to go through the 1st post ..but one thing i can state is that the lolladorf plate is a hoax by daniken!! he even confessed to it.

Originally posted by smurfy
that Lolladoff plate is a joke of course,
(no offense to OP) nice picture of a Minkey though!
it should have been called The Llodolaff's Plate.
The other pictures are interesting though,
some of which Erich Von Daniken has used in the past.

He confessed it? A joke "of course"? Then, would you care to provide a link?

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by ArMaP

When I was a kid in grade school we were taught absolutely that Columbus was a very courageous explorer because 'everybody believed' that if you sailed into the ocean far enough you would just 'fall off the edge.' Everybody but Columbus, that is. He even convinced the queen of Spain that the Earth was in truth not flat, but spherical.

I have considered this a fact for a long, long time ...

When I checked on your statement, I found the following, and post it here for others who may have felt, as I did, that Columbus was a remarkable genius who singlehandedly 'proved' the world was round ... very interesting !

Christopher Columbus - Navigation plans

Washington Irving's 1828 biography of Columbus popularized the idea that Columbus had difficulty obtaining support for his plan because Europeans thought the Earth was flat. In fact, the primitive maritime navigation of the time relied on the stars and the curvature of the spherical Earth. The knowledge that the Earth was spherical was widespread, and the means of calculating its diameter using an astrolabe was known to both scholars and navigators. A spherical Earth had been the general opinion of Ancient Greek science, and this view continued through the Middle Ages (for example, Bede mentions it in The Reckoning of Time). In fact Eratosthenes had measured the diameter of the Earth with good precision in the second century BC. Where Columbus did differ from the generally accepted view of his time is his (incorrect) arguments that assumed a significantly smaller diameter for the Earth, claiming that Asia could be easily reached by sailing west across the Atlantic. Most scholars accepted Ptolemy's correct assessment that the terrestrial landmass (for Europeans of the time, comprising Eurasia and Africa) occupied 180 degrees of the terrestrial sphere, and dismissed Columbus's claim that the Earth was much smaller, and that Asia was only a few thousand nautical miles to the west of Europe. Columbus's error was put down to his lack of experience in navigation at sea.

Source : Wikipedia

Thanks for the update.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 08:16 PM
Hey I was going to mention alien figurines that were found in caves in the dead sea caves, but it seems that's been covered... also there was a tomb in egypt depicting world war 2 with UFOs depicted further on the wall. perhaps we may have a violent encounter with them next...? that wouldn't be very smart. they probably have technology's far more advanced than our own. One theory I have that explains a lot of things in my opinion is that aliens are simply humans that are far more advanced than us, they found us and now are monitoring our progress(?). Different planets may have different stages of human evolution on them. and mars and the rest of the "inhabitable" planets could have had a war that completely wiped all life from them several millions of years ago sterilizing the planets from almost all lifeforms and creating their barren landscapes.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 08:39 PM
Here is a site that explains pretty well how many of these works of UFO art are just plain misunderstood by many in the UFO community.

Only the first 1/4 or so is in English so you might need something like babelfish to translate the rest (which is in Italian). Just browsing through the site is enough to get the point though.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 10:01 PM
thanks for the pics, OP.
I'm wondering about the origins of religion, and I guess that it is closely related to very old sightings / ET contacts

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by ArMaP

Originally posted by mikesingh
After all a painter just can't paint something that he has never seen or heard of.
Sure, everybody knows that painters can only paint what they see, writers can only write about what they see, etc.
H. G. Wells really saw the Martians land in England, after all, if he described them then he must have seen them, right.

And how can you prove that he never saw any aliens/Martians??
Did you have an opportunity to interview him?


posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 10:36 PM
Did anyone watch UFO Hunters on the History Channel tonight? They were discussing the exact same topic and even had some of the pictures that are at the begining of the post. If you get time check it out!!! Great post by the way!

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by Adrifter

What!?! the World is round?!?

We revolve around the Sun!?!

Man!! I really have to change my view of what I observe.

Being facetious, of course....

The concept of a possible ET influence in our development is not new.

Arthur C. Clarke (Sir Clarke, actually, now deceased) did it best in his seminal short story "The Sentinel", which was later fleshed out to become "2001: A Space Odyssey".

It may have been Sir Clarke, or perhaps Carl Sagan, who said that 'any sufficiently advanced technololgy would be indistinguishable from magic'.

That is an incredibly salient observation.

Given that a very primitive group of Humans, not scientifically savvy, could be fooled by technology...and consider those who wield the technology as some sort of 'gods'....well, the premise of the OP's thread holds.

THIS is why, in a completely different vein, a show like 'Star Trek' invented the 'Prime Directive' as to NOT interfere....

But, that seems to be merely a Human 'concept'....non-interference....

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 11:07 PM
Great thread, flagged. Notice that all the hardcore pseudoskeptics have left this thread completely alone, hmmm I wonder why!! The one or two people who have a skeptical viewpoint raise issues that logically requires consideration.

But I believe there is a greater chance they are merely recording their own history as they saw it, rather than 'using their imagination'.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 11:48 PM
i believe Noahs Arc was a UFO, not a wooden ship and the book of revelation already happened a very long time ago. problems stem from mis-translations, corruption and probally stories that have been passed from mouth to mouth for eons finnaly written down already distorted.

Human Beings dont really fit on earth properly. they destroy things unlike most animals..

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 12:00 AM
Awesome thread! Though I was familiar with some of this, you included many images I had not seen before. Thanks so much for sharing this!!!

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by ArMaP

Originally posted by mikesingh
After all a painter just can't paint something that he has never seen or heard of.

Sure, everybody knows that painters can only paint what they see, writers can only write about what they see, etc.
H. G. Wells really saw the Martians land in England, after all, if he described them then he must have seen them, right.

Originally posted by RFBurns
Do you suppose the ancients who painted these things in caves, created pieces of art work, written in text, were also basing what they put down on their records from assumption and or imagination?
If so...what would have been their base of reference for the assumption or imagination?

Spot on RF!! Your move ArMaP!


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