posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by se7en30
As has been said in most of the answers so far, it's money.
Name one cure that has come out of big pharma? Just one cure.
No? That's because there aren't any cures. Just treatments.
Where are all the cures? Why are there no cures? Money.
Once a person is cured, there's the end of the money trail.
Cancer is just one killer that is allowed to propergate and continue, as it's a 'nice earner'. Never mind about the hundreds of other conditions
out there.
Think how much cash is tied up in cancer. Cancer charities ALONE account for over $100,000,000,000.00 annually!
Drugs and treatments is astronomical, so therefore is the tax paid to host governments.
Then you get into research monies, social security money saved because the sufferer is dead etc etc.
The final figures would be truely astounding.
And that's JUST cancer!
It's sickening (no pun) i know, but that's the ugly truth of it.
I've always wondered though, why big tobacco doesnt expose big pharma, then it could sell 100 times or more tobacco if a cancer cure was released.