posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 01:38 PM
Realistically, there probably isn't just one single cure for "cancer" since cancer is a general catch-all term for numerous types of, well,
cancerous afflictions.
For the same reason that we can't use a single drug to get rid of all viruses, a single drug for all bacteria, a single cure for for all pathogens,
different types of cancers will very likely end up having very different cures.
And considering that the majority of the cancers that exist are simply unrestrained natural processes of the body (cellular growth and division), any
catch-all fix that prevents that will also prevent our bodies from recovering from a simple scrape or paper cut, and would stop our bodies from
growing. If the process of cellular division were stopped completely, our bodies would end up breaking down and decaying in a fairly short amount of
I should note that methods already exist to cause cell division to stop, but these methods cannot yet be localized; they are not advanced enough yet
and affect the entire body, not simply an individual part.
Simply stating, anything that affects a cancerous cell is going to affect every type of cell, regardless as to whether or not it is a cancer cell.