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Wrong or right? (Told not to do something in school)

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posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 01:31 PM
We are doing a class "The Apprentice game in my 11th grade marketing class. This task is to design a new water bottle logo and a new brand of water.

The twist is that the OTHER marketing classes will look at all the labels and vote. The winner (by the voting of the other classes) gets an automatic 100% on the next test.

So rather than take a serious approach (come on, what high schooler would pick something serious over something tongue-in cheek), I decided to name my water "Jesus Juice" with the slogan "A miracle in a bottle." There would be a picture of Jesus on the bottle. After designing the label I was told by my teacher to "pick a new idea."

Why should I have to? What rules am I violating? If I am not allowed to express religious beliefs (wether I believe them or not), then I don't think my friend Zakia should be allowed to wear her head covering.

I am not trashing religion and I feel by going with tongue-in-cheek humor I might be able to have fun AND win the project.

What do you guys think?

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 01:36 PM
You are sick, funny but very sick, looks like can not come out with something better ha?

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 01:38 PM
Well, I might add that we had to design a slogan for a product before and I chose Planter's Nuts and my slogan was "Put our nuts in your mouth." He accepted that.

I also did Oreo Cookies with the slogan "You'll Get Creamed" and he accepted that.

So why not the inoffensive Jesus Juice?

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 01:40 PM

So rather than take a serious approach (come on, what high schooler would pick something serious over something tongue-in cheek), I decided to name my water "Jesus Juice" with the slogan "A miracle in a bottle." There would be a picture of Jesus on the bottle. After designing the label I was told by my teacher to "pick a new idea."

theres a thing called "christianity" and its followers are "christians", these "christians" are not going to like the fact that your mocking their main figure head are they?

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 01:40 PM
Did you ask for an explanation of why the idea is rejected?

If he allowed the other ideas, and isn't up for this one, it's likely a problem with the use of Jesus. Ask for a detailed explanation of why you can't go forth with the idea.

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 01:41 PM
"Jesus Juice" is what Michael Jackson calls red wine.

He probably has it trademarked and will sue you blind!

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 01:41 PM
Who are they to say wether I am mocking it or not? For all they know I could be expressing my beliefs in christian teachings and showing my devotion to God.

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 01:42 PM
If you'd like to persue this to the extent you can, I could give you some resources which will inform you on your rights to express religion in school. I realize you don't take Him seriously, but it's still good to know your rights.

If you presented the laws that allow you to have Jesus Juice to your teacher, the resource I could give you also has free legal assistance which will help you in fighting the teacher.

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 01:42 PM
I think you should submit your design as is. If you get into any trouble, you can bring up the head covering thing, and threaten to make a big deal to the local media about discrimination.

Of course, you should make sure that you are not violating any school rules. Talk to a guidance counselor or a trusted teacher and see what they think.

I imagine that your teacher, rather than being discriminatory, is trying his/her best to avoid a situation where someone else will get offended by your design. It is concievable that someone would be offended by it, but so long as you don't portray Jesus in a negative way on the bottle, I think it's a flimsy argument at best.

I say go for it. Fight the good fight. Make sure your parents are on your side before the battle starts, however. If your parents get rowdy, the school will roll over like possum and play dead.

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 01:43 PM
Haha, I'm not planning on taking this to court or anything. I'm just curious if I'm doing something wrong that I'm not seeing.

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by Cutwolf
Who are they to say wether I am mocking it or not? For all they know I could be expressing my beliefs in christian teachings and showing my devotion to God.

yes, but have to take that into account. Religion is a sensetive subject.

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 01:44 PM
Well, you don't need to take it to court, but if you inform your teacher that religion is protected by the courts, and state laws, (s)he should allow you to do your Jesus Juice idea, and (the part I'm interested in
) allow future students to use religious references for stull they do believe in.

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by 23rd_Degree
I think you should submit your design as is. If you get into any trouble, you can bring up the head covering thing, and threaten to make a big deal to the local media about discrimination.

Of course, you should make sure that you are not violating any school rules. Talk to a guidance counselor or a trusted teacher and see what they think.

I imagine that your teacher, rather than being discriminatory, is trying his/her best to avoid a situation where someone else will get offended by your design. It is concievable that someone would be offended by it, but so long as you don't portray Jesus in a negative way on the bottle, I think it's a flimsy argument at best.

I say go for it. Fight the good fight. Make sure your parents are on your side before the battle starts, however. If your parents get rowdy, the school will roll over like possum and play dead.

The school legaly cannot make rules limiting religion, at least in America. Also, if we live our lives and make our rules so as to not offend, we will have to stop discussing politics, presenting the news, and pretty much restrict extreamly our freedom of speach. I say go for it, and present with it a copy of some of the laws. Let the teacher decide if you're bluffing on taking it to court.

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 01:49 PM
Controversy breeds publicity...and they say that there is no such thing as bad publicity.

Jesus Juice:

Really gets your blood flowing

Because everybody likes to be nailed

Nothing goes better with Rubba Rubba

More refreshing then a crown of thorns

Perhaps you could also market disloving tables that turn the water to wine.

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by Jonna
Controversy breeds publicity...and they say that there is no such thing as bad publicity.

Jesus Juice:

Really gets your blood flowing

Because everybody likes to be nailed

Nothing goes better with Rubba Rubba

More refreshing then a crown of thorns

Perhaps you could also market disloving tables that turn the water to wine.

lol jonna, thats one way to get a lawsuit filed against you

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 01:51 PM
Jesus Juice, straight from God's armpit to your mouth.

Does it also slay vampires?

Seriously, if the teacher makes a big deal, just pick something else.....

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 01:52 PM
The lawsuit could be filed, but it would never stand up in court. Freedom of speach. Freedom of (read NOT FROM) Religion. It would be dismissed from court if you actually found a lawyer to take the case.

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 01:52 PM
If you want to use religious icons or not for you ad thats fine with me I like your slogan, religion to me is nothing more that some thing people hidde behind to make themselfs look good starting with our retarded presindent he thinks he is jesus.

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 01:56 PM
ok what about if you choosed Islam instead and used muhammed?? that could prove dangerous. People have been killed for mocking islam

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 01:56 PM

The lawsuit could be filed, but it would never stand up in court. Freedom of speach. Freedom of (read NOT FROM) Religion. It would be dismissed from court if you actually found a lawyer to take the case

Why wouldn't it? They would be discriminating against my religious beliefs.

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