posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 10:49 PM
Stuff like this happens just about every year, without fail now. April 1 trojans and viruses pop up in mid March and send every scrambling for the
latest copy of (brand name) Virus protection and latest updates.
You all do realize that its the virus protection developers themselves that create more than half the viruses in curculation just to keep the masses
paying for updates. How do you think there is always a fix on hand or a daily latest definition package? They create the virus, then the fix, then
they release them both into the wild.
If you run a viral detox on your machine and think you cleaned it up because Norton or McAfee didnt find anything, you better make sure to check the
Spy/Ad ware and run a registry inspection. I would do all of this with the network connection disconnected.
If you are completely sure that you are clean, but still wonder if you might get infected at the last minute, just wait until Tuesday night, last
thing before going to bed (or before midnight) and unplug from the demon inter-webs. Without a connection, no data can leave your computer.