I went to JordanMaxwell.com and browsed around for a little while out of boredom. I was looking through a few areas on the page, and decided I'd send
Jordan an email and try to explain to him how his theories were absurd.
I went to this page:
and say this:
Jordan is available for consultations at the rate of $250 per hour. Click here for more information.
Now, I thought that was rather absurd, but I'm what you might call upper class. My family for generations has always been well off, so money isn't
much of an object to me. I was really interested in speaking to the man myself to attempt to argue with him over his theories (as I have looked into
them ferociously).
So, I went ahead and called him up. I figured an hour might not quite be enough for what should be discussed - mostly because I figured he'd try to
cut me off and just explain things verbatim like he does on his videos. I ordered three 1 hour phone calls and was told in my email that I would be
contacted for an appointment. Okay, I thought - and I got together all of my documents and rebuttals to his absurd theories so that everything would
be ready.
A week later, I received an email as to when I could call, and later that day, I did just that! The phone rang, a recording, and then an answer.
We talked/argued for about an hour at first. Everything he said to me was brilliantly rebuked by factual evidence, or by submission that no evidence
existed to support his speculation. I used my logical magic to beat his theories into the ground. He even told me a few times, "That's what they
want you to believe" and really started with the semantics on me, going everywhere from saying that you are born from your mother's WATER to a
DOCK-TOR to JUDGES WEAR BLACK and are EL-DERS because they are EL-EVATED.
He even mentioned that the EL in Spanish had something to do with it. My heard about exploded. It was like I was listening to a semantical mad man. I
just about hung the phone up.
I demanded that he tell me what etymological source he found all of these only phonetically related associations because they certainly weren't in
any of the books I have in my collection HE DENIED ME! I asked him to give me the name, once more, and again HE WOULD NOT TELL ME.
I told him that he didn't have the book, and that he made all of that up, that he cherry-picked the words on the basis of their application to his
... and you know what his response was?
"That's not true. This is a very ancient book and I won't risk giving out any information about it."
"Uh, it has sources with blah blah" He started talking about ancient aliens and time travel. I was actually having an inner dialog with myself about
how much another person could be so full of it.
I went on for about 45 more minutes about how he was full of it. That he was making all of this up for a profit. That he had a fan club of
"believers" who shared his "gospel" with the rest of the internet. I told him exactly how and why he was making his money, why he can charge $250
per hour on the telephone, and why he can charge absurd rates for seminars. I told him that I knew how his plan worked, that I knew how he used the
gullible as a catalyst to spread his ideas.
... and then.... and then I realized.
It was only then that my whole attitude changed. I had a veritable epiphany. I began to praise him and tell him how clever he was. Then, he started to
calm me down. I'm not sure why he decided to tell me, but he did. He divulged his...
SIMP-EL four step process. (yeah, I know.. wtf?)
1) Make up an absurd claim.
2) Skew and take advantage of ambiguity and ignorance of the evidence and process.
3) Use semantics to support your idea.
4) Wait for the Internet to spread the theory like wild fire.
He told me that he's working on some new and really good original ones, and that they should be finished around next year. He said he was in no rush
because he's making plenty off the current ones.
After that, he said one last thing:
"... but no one will ever believe you "
I'm not sure if he meant that nobody would believe
me or that nobody would ever really believe the
theory because they were never quite
'concrete'. I assume the malleability is what lets them grow and take a life of their own. Interpretation seems to be an important part of any good
conspiracy theory.
Anyway, I just thought I'd share. Thanks for reading.
I'm off to start a web site. I'll be awaiting your phone calls.