This video is pretty self explanatory how the government makes a mockery of those who choose the blissful life of ignorance .
When the Government can hold an apple in front of us and tell us its an orange, and we agree how good the orange juice taste (metaphor ) you know its
only a matter of time .
thank god for the new Real Id card (sarcasm) is releasing soon , who doesn`t feel safer knowing the government (proven to be revealing its hand ) has
full control of knowledge of your bank account / criminal record / passport / ability to drive a vehicle / GPS tracking device and ability to
INSTANTLY yes in a split second . freeze all categories if they feel the need be .
I myself find it sickening the responses from people excited for this new change and say they feel a sense of "security " in this perversion of
In British Columbia, I believe it is the Government income tax building that has a roof that basically contains the mockery design of a giant mouse
trap. I believe it's in this video.