posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 06:45 PM
I was doing a search today on many different topics and somehow came across this guy Anton Parks. I did a search on ATS and didnt find anything. He
has a site which is interesting to read yet I dont know much about him. His site is titled "The Age of Uras: The Deep History of Planet Earth and
it's Peoples as Known to the Civilizations of our Galaxy."
He has written books in the form of fiction but says his experiences are real. The site has a lot of information to read and I am only a quarter way
through it. He claims to be either a reincarnation of Sa'am or that he is reliving Sa'am's experiences in flashbacks. Sa'am from what I have read
on his site belonged to a reptilian race known as "Gina'Abul." I am still reading all this and wondering what to believe. I was just wondering if
anyone else has heard of or read about this guy. I only posted this since I couldnt find anything on here about him. If there is please direct me and
if this is in the wrong forum I am sorry go ahead and move it
here is a link to the site
I have no idea what to think of this guy so far.