posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 04:03 PM
There was a documentary a while back where a poor fellow ate off the McDonalds menu for a whole month and had to upgrade to supersize whenever
They filmed him and a team of medical experts monitered everything including weight, sexual appetite, collesterol levels, liver counts etc........
Aparantly fastfood is addictive
it lowers your sex drive
it is full of chloresterol, fat, salt, emulsifiers, all the E numbers
the salad dressing contains more sugar than the coke
a large portion of fries is 1lb of fried potatoe
a large coke is a 2 litre measure
cars have been modified to hold these containers
and Milkshakes are NOT a vegetarian option as they use PIG
FAT to stabalize them...........
That is why you can leave it out all day long and it won't
So what do you think of that?????????
Do you still eat it??
I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But I NEVER eat the chicken nuggets or drink the milkshakes!!!!!!!!!