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Reactions to Obama

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posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by GLDNGUN

Originally posted by XXXN3O
I have a pretty simple question here that no doubt will tickle some peoples temper but it is just a question.

No doubt many of you will know christians or people who claim that they are true to their faith etc. I ask this question as my partner is a christian but does not attend church, preach her views on anyone or tell me what to believe as I hear so many people on this site telling others christians do.
The first time she saw Obama before he even spoke she said he was going to be the president as he is the anti christ. Naturally I just about spat my soft drink over the wall in shock at a statement like that, asked how she could just say that and I got the reply that it is just truth that needs nothing to back it up when you see him for what he is if you truly believe in god.
I did some reading into the bible which is a common topic I speak about these days because of this. It is said that a true christian needs nothing other than a look at the anti christ to see right through it.

My question is, have any of you had a simlar experience be it family, friends, coworkers or even yourself feeling or mentioning this??

I am not a christian but the evidence that I can see in this guys actions and the coincidences surrounding him are making me question a lot more faith related topics.

Cheers in advance in the hope that people might approach this with a little maturity.

[edit on 30-3-2009 by XXXN3O]

I have a Christian source that tells me Obama for a FACT is a human/"alien" hybrid. He says this is really why there are so many questions about who his real father is - that he doesn't have a human father. He says "aliens" are actually fallen angels and clones of fallen angels, and that they do a lot of gentic tampering with humans, including "abductions". One reason is to try to find out the secret of the human soul, which angels do not have. Being half "alien", Obama has no soul. Perhaps this is why he gives off some very bad vibes to some people, especially Christians. I am not sure what to make of what this source has told me, but I'm certainly keeping an eye on Obama.

Like a few replies on this thread I have not heard of this?

I have heard that aliens are in fact demons using the aline phenomena as a cover but I remain as open minded as I can.

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 04:50 PM
He is the anti-christ, but the population will not see it. The thing about being the Antichrist is that in order for it to be true that means that the vast majority has no idea. If he is the anti-christ then we can sit here screaming it at you and you would deny it until the end. That is how it supposed to go or else how is he going to take on a false pretext.

Here is how it is going to go down according to prophesy just to enlighten everyone.

He is going to start out by acting that he serves god.

He is going to do a lot of things that are nothing short of miraculous in the name of god and probably around this time become the NWO leader.

Then he will claim to be god (he will be believed).

Offer the mark. If they choose not to take it they will either be killed or die of starvation. You see the mark is your method of commerce. It is said that you will not be able to buy anything without it. (I'm thinking some sort of credit card implant or any other kind of chip) Therefore without it you will not be able to survive and therefore die. Which is the ultimate goal. (if you take the mark you burn in hell)

After that is the apocalypse.

And that's all she wrote.

[edit on 31-3-2009 by DaMod]

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by DaMod
He is the anti-christ, but the population will not see it. The thing about being the Antichrist is that in order for it to be true that means that the vast majority has no idea. If he is the anti-christ then we can sit here screaming it at you and you would deny it until the end. That is how it supposed to go or else how is he going to take on a false pretext.

Here is how it is going to go down according to prophesy just to enlighten everyone.

He is going to start out by acting that he serves god.

He is going to do a lot of things that are nothing short of miraculous in the name of god and probably around this time become the NWO leader.

Then he will claim to be god (he will be believed).

Offer the mark. If they choose not to take it they will either be killed or die of starvation. You see the mark is your method of commerce. It is said that you will not be able to buy anything without it. (I'm thinking some sort of credit card implant or any other kind of chip) Therefore without it you will not be able to survive and therefore die. Which is the ultimate goal. (if you take the mark you burn in hell)

After that is the apocalypse.

And that's all she wrote.

[edit on 31-3-2009 by DaMod]

I want to see your answer to this if you dont mind.

You notice something strange about him with the way people are blindly following him.

Coincidentally you are looking into the bible etc at the time.

Many more things happen in your life to be short. Check some of my other threads going back over a year or so.

It just seems that to me he might be but the whole part of the antichrist theory or viewpoint is that no man can do anything about it. I find this particually frustrating and believe that if he actually is then there is something that can be done that does not involve burn the witch, if you get me.

I cant think of a better way of putting this as I have always saught knowledge and experience. Ive got it now in short albeit ignored in many posts.

To be clear I am not saying anything other than from experience and reading up on certain subjects I feel that not all is lost if this is the complete case.

Another member asked if I have watched left behind. I have read the books and watched the movie but I still feel strongly that something can be done from alterior motives realting to a primary one.

This might be a little controversial etc but i have seen far worse on this site so who really gives anything.

Im still on a fence nevertheless because of this on a personal basis.

[edit on 31-3-2009 by XXXN3O]

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by XXXN3O
The thing with this is, you are basing this on the tangible reality of the situation and assuming no alterior motive.

I'm not sure I'd say I'm assuming NO ulterior motive. He is a Chicago politician that has risen to high station in US politics. He might be completely clean, in fact all public evidence of which I am aware indicates he is. But given where he's from and where he is, he might not be, also.

1) Why accept a job like this if you dont believe you can sort it?

I think he believes he can sort it, and that is why he applied for and accepted the job. He may be wrong, and cannot, or I may be wrong, but again no objective evidence yet.

2) If he does fail it will prove this whole religious thing to be false with him and I for one will not subscribe remotely to anything like it again and I have never before. I am still on the fence but everything I look at is proving the theory correct. It would be silly to just deny things because you simply do not believe them would it now. That is ignorance.

OK, this and a comment you make later intrigue me. I hear often that people are following Obama "blindly" or "religously".

I am sure there are the extreme fringe types for which this is true, just as we have Bush followers who still want him carved on Mt. Rushmore. I do not believe, however, that they constitute a significant portion of the population.

I support Obama. I voted for him, and so far do not regret it. He has already done things, and holds positions with which I strongly disagree. And I've told him so. I'm sure he reads all my letters...

But I, and everybody I have talked to personally that also supports him, do not "follow" him in any sense, blindly or religously.

So I'm not sure there is any "religous thing" with him for him to fail. He has been unusually up front so far about the problems we face. And he may screw it up. He has said over and over that he expects to be judged on his results, which sounds good to me, and is what I plan to judge him on. As he has also said, if his results warrant it, he'll be a one term president.

We'll see.

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 05:46 PM
You have to think about it this way.

In order for the anti-christ to be able to come into power what will have to happen?

There would have to be some sort of world wide crisis in order for him to have a chance. Probably an economic crisis followed by a massive war. It would have to be so horrific that the world cries out in one voice for a savior. In comes this guy.

(Queue super hero music)

He will then promise a solution to all the world's problems. When in fact he is worse than any dictator we have yet seen. He will start off slow to gain our trust. Then he will implement policies one by one that are meant for our "own good" when it fact it would become more of a police state. You can see it beginning already. Just look around. We will have a New World Order

[edit on 31-3-2009 by DaMod]

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by XXXN3O

Especially on a site like this that stands for denial of ignorance.

Denial of ignorance, yet you and a multitude of people continue to spout ignorant references of calling the president the anti-christ.

Stop waiting for some nonsensicaal esthalogical salvation to wipe away your life mistakes. The term 'anti-christ' is only a metaphor for the sum total of all your (not just you, but everyone who mentions this topic) failed aspirations and dreams.

The world is not going to end.
The president is not the anti-christ.

And that 'feeling of distrust' you get when you see President Obama is called racism.

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by Simulacra

Originally posted by XXXN3O

Especially on a site like this that stands for denial of ignorance.

Denial of ignorance, yet you and a multitude of people continue to spout ignorant references of calling the president the anti-christ.

Stop waiting for some nonsensicaal esthalogical salvation to wipe away your life mistakes. The term 'anti-christ' is only a metaphor for the sum total of all your (not just you, but everyone who mentions this topic) failed aspirations and dreams.

The world is not going to end.
The president is not the anti-christ.

And that 'feeling of distrust' you get when you see President Obama is called racism.

I completely disagree with your points as I have no regrets in terms of my life so far.

Hide behind political correctness as you please but I have nothing to fear as far as that is concerned or to hide.

I have not said one single statement in this entire thread or on this site that confirms your viewpoint chief.

The reference you made earlier is made up of a thing that is frequently deemed as dung where I come from but the actual word is something I cannot say on this site im afraid.

Thanks for the input though and for anyone who feels that it is relevant to the original post then feel free to comment.

Sometimes I wish there was a smiley with a raised eyebrown feature.

Read the whole thread please and if you already have, understand it please.

[edit on 31-3-2009 by XXXN3O]

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by Simulacra

So what your saying is that my aspirations and dreams include wanting a evil dictator to rule the world? Ok, then. You know, the reason we say that is because he is following a pattern. If he really is the anti-christ is up for debate. All I did was explain according to how it is written how the whole thing is supposed to play out. I did say that he was the anti-christ but hey I voted for the anti-christ so no harm no foul right?
Mainly i just stated that if he where the anti-christ that is how it would play out. Even though he is the anti-christ.

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by XXXN3O

I doubt he's the anti-christ, but I wouldn't pee on him if he were on fire.

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 10:14 PM
He is the continuation of Bush.

I predict that in another few Presidencies they will have something like the anti christ.

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by felonius
Pagan reporting in.

I believe your Christian friend is spot on. Anti-Christ to me? Hey, if you can have the personification of good in human form (the Nazerene, Buddha, what ever) then the opposite is true.

Not to get all "fuzzy bunny/new agey" here but I do believe in reincarnation (my germanic kinsman and I discuss this). My wife and I saw him on the TV and looked at each other and said "PHAROAH!" with a certain amount of not quite terror but definate unease.

His lips are the connection. Dont ask me why. I dont know which pharoah but the lips were the same.

Yeah. He's bad news.

Obama is of African descent. The Pharaohs were in Egypt. Egypt is in Africa. Do the math? This gets down to his appearance again because he is black and resembles some statues of pharaohs doesn't mean he is a pharaoh anymore than I, a Celtic mutt, am Hans Christian Anderson, Adolf Hitler, Augustus Cesar or King Henry the Eighth.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by XXXN3O

I don't think Obama is the antichrist. Because according to what I've understood from the Bible, the antichrist will be like Christ and may even descend from the Sky/Space in glorious starships.

But I'm not sure, we haven't seen anything yet. Who knows Obama might be assassinated, then 'resurrected' as angelic being descending from the clouds with lightning and thunder causing many to mistake him as the real Jesus Christ.

"Even the elect will be deceived" - from the Bible forgot what verse. It won't be as simple as Obama, he doesn't even convince me a bit that he's Jesus Christ..

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 12:28 AM
Ok, I made it through the fifth page and I have been laughing, cringing and shaking my head the whole time. I would like to address about a dozen or more posts but that would be laborious and likely annoying so I will try to sum it up here.

Reverse speech: I thought this died in the 80's after every rock and roll record was played backwards looking for implanted programming that was turning the youth into satanists. It is still just as silly. One of the videos demonstrating the reverse speech of Obama starts off with the words "all in good fun".

OBAMA: Antichrist? This notion is silly to me as I got none of the bad feelings from watching him or reading accounts of what he has said. I never understood the "messiah" thing either. Who made that up? I certainly NEVER called him the messiah and neither did any Obama supporter I ever met or talked to. It seems to me that part of the press ran with the word and in a way brainwashed a lot of people in to believing that a majority of Barack Obama supporters looked to him as a messiah.

For me personally Barack Obama represents the best realistic choice I ever had for president. I mean look who the left has put up to run in all the time since Carter. Mondale/Ferraro, Dukakis/?????, Clinton/Gore, Gore/Lieberman, Kerry/Edwards and finally Obama/Biden. Were any of them Antichrists?

I will tell you what you are in fact doing and this goes to the whole fake birth certificate bullcrap as well. You are setting the bar so low for Obama that he cannot help looking good.

Carry on I suppose.

[edit on 1-4-2009 by mandroid]

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by XXXN3O

She can cut through the crap and just know things, as I can - sorry, I can't really explain it - either you can or you can't.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 01:56 AM
reply to post by Simulacra

I really have to protest about this label of racism. The feeling I get from Obama has nothing to do with his colour - I am not a racist.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by DaMod

All I can do is agree with you.

And agree with you big time.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 04:59 AM
She saw Bush as a potentially bad figure and she saw this black amn and thought - DEVIL. else do you explain a pre-judged statement without hearing a man speak?

I ask that with the utmost maturity. I can't see any other way someone would reach that conclusion.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 05:23 AM
I have to disagree with the racist comment. I am not a racist and if I were to see a white man talking, acting and doing things the way Obama does, I wouldn't trust him either. Besides, how do you know I'm not black or hispanic or anything else? The color of one's skin does not determine what is inside. He is a man that cannot be trusted, whether it is because he has his own agenda or he is being used to push someone else's.

As I said before, I can not watch him on tv and I loathe seeing his pictures, there is something about him that makes me almost physically sick. I have met people in life that are this way, not many, but never once has this gut feeling been wrong.

[edit on 4/1/09 by opal13]

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 05:26 AM
Presidents are puppets of the real Govt. they have no power over the situation...

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 06:20 AM
Everyone please answer this one at least:
First impressions of Palin versus first impression of Obama?

Extra credit:
Why isn't Palin the Antichrist? You may use your list of Antichrist characteristics.

[edit on 1-4-2009 by mandroid]

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