posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 10:13 PM
For the last 3 days, I've been reading up on black magick, Crowley, and other occult themed data sources. As I've had a lot of spare time recently,
I've been spending many hours of each of these last 3 days attempting to find magick words which have a discernible effect on reality.
So far, I have found two of these words, which, in fact, alter the very reality in front of me! I've practiced using various symbols as well, in the
hope of manifesting portals to other dimensions, but alas, they had no effect. There is another user here who says that he has been able to achieve my
alternate aims, but alas, I have not heard back from him. To put it bluntly, I do not believe that the user is honest in his portrayal of what he has
discovered otherwise, it should be obvious that he would share his discovery.
I shall, so that you may test the words yourself, reveal them in this very post! I do not portend to keep these words to myself, or to forget them. I
believe these words are far too powerful and that the human race deserves to utilizes the magick that is around us.
As I've said, I have discovered at least two words. There are more phrases that I am working with, but I Have not tested them enough to truly know if
they are actual magick words, or just simple speech which has an effect on the psyche of other people. I call them "words" but they are closer to
phrases; however, I have found that they are more effective if you mentally treat them as single words.
Word #1
Word #2
Now, I am only releasing the words I have discovered for peer review. They work for me about 95% of the time. I am hoping that other people will
attempt to use these words to control the minds of others, and then come back to this thread with their results.
I believe that the words will be used differently by everyone, however I will explain how I have used them to control the minds of other people.
I only believed the effects of these words when, after discovering the first magick word, I was at an ATM. I attempted to control the mind of the
person currently using the ATM, so that she would withdrawal a certain amount, and give it to me.
Don't worry, I did not keep it! I do not believe using these words for evil purposes (plus, I was on camera!)
As the women in front of me put her card in, I concentrated on her mind. I don't know exactly how this happened, but I concentrated on the center of
her head. As this happened, I concentrated on what I wanted her to do (hey guys, don't be getting any bad ideas here!). I let my mind absorb her
thoughts, and as I became her, I again concentrated on the actions I wished her to perform. At the climax of this process - when you feel that the
link is about to be broken - you must speak the first word three times!
It was then that the women withdrew the amount of money that I thought about, turned around, and handed it to me!
I must say, I was startled! I could not believe it! I asked her what she was doing... but no response!
It was is if her mind was taken over. She was as a zombie.
I dropped the money and ran.
I suggest that you do the same, if you get the same results as I have.
As for the second word, I shall not divulge what I've used it for. I believe that I must keep my activity with that word secret for now, until I am
comfortable with the implications of us, as a species, utilizing it.
Thank you for reading.