I haven't been able to find a topic with this video; it is the third and newest "official" version of the famous "Shift Happens/Did You Know?"
video by Karl Fisch. This version was released in 2008 with updated statistics and a much better visual presentation.
I thought it was worth passing along in case anybody is still using the old version.
The video really does not provide any sources for all the information, but it is interesting nonetheless.
Star and Flag for you DwaynetheSpecious, I really liked the video. It shows how fast the world is progressing. But, is it progressing in the right
It is an excellent video! I recommend everyone watch it (even though their stats don't have sources). It hit it big in the last few days on Digg so
I'm sure it's getting more exposure currently. Brings up big questions....hints at the scale of exponential growth...all in a well worth the time.
This is how far we've come. Well judging by those statistics we are going to overrun the planet in no time probably destroying everything in our
wake... Go us....