posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 11:15 AM
No no no, this is not posted in the aim of discussing the almost systematic and centuries old murdering of religious followers at the hands one
another in the never ending arguments that continue to this day, this is not a debate of the “I'm right, you're wrong” nature in any way shape
or form. Instead this post will look to draw a conclusion in my mind on whether, religious followers are largely contributing to the downfall of
their own religion.
Ever since the English naturalist and much acclaimed Charles Robert Darwin presented compelling evidence that all species of life have evolved over
time, from common ancestors, through the process he called natural selection, religion has since that fateful day ridiculed these findings, largely
unknowingly and systematically de-constructing their own belief systems through the much documented criticism of the evolutionary theory.
The evolutionary theory presented through the release of texts on and entitled The Origin of Species caused an instant and unrelenting response from
religious groups, with many followers dismantling the theory peace by peace, section by section highlighting any section of the currently
unknown/unresearched for their own gain, with the ultimate aim of strengthening the beliefs they present to people through religion. Only to
eventually strengthen their opposition.
Darwin himself said, and can be found being quoted as saying "Light will be thrown on the origin of man," each and every person to exist in
humanities past and present at some point, whether Religious, Creationist or another form of Atheist each man or woman has at some point pondered the
question of our creation, however arguably none greater than people driven to believe in religion as being the answer to this ever evasive question. I
believe they will ultimately have one of the largest impacts on the issue of mankind's origin, perhaps unknowingly.
Even at the beginning Darwin was given much support from friends such as Gray, Hooker, Huxley and Lyell, all of these friends however still expressed
various reservations but gave strong support, as did many others, particularly younger naturalists. These strong reservations where seen to have
ultimately largely substantiated the theories of Darwin, not immediately but their intelligent counter arguments against the given theories ultimately
lead Darwin toward the answers he required to sway the minds of many to believe in his findings, through the birth of facts he hadn't previously
contemplated resolving.
The Origin of Species was translated into many languages, becoming a staple scientific text attracting thoughtful attention from all and massively
varied walks of life, including the 'working men' (working class citizens) who flocked to Huxley’s lectures. Darwin’s theory also resonated with
various movements at the time and became a key fixture of popular culture. Darwinism became a movement covering a wide range of evolutionary ideas.
All the time faced by great opposition by religious movements, the very opponents of the theory all the time fanning the small fire to ultimately
create a flame of magnitudes unseen before, all through there own publicity... any news is good news after all.
Although the Churches of England produced a flame of unrivalled magnitudes through the continuous publicity they gave to Darwin's theories, this is
not what I consider to have been the suicidal element in their opposition to Creationism, the unrelenting opposition at this time was where the
opposition to his theories gave birth to the child of Darwin's mind.
I argue however and ask you to conclude and share your views. Religion created a monster in trying to kill off the theories of Darwin, undeniably.
But, has since then religious sects continued in a vein attempt to kill contradicting theories too their beliefs missed a huge lesson given, through
their past attempts to shut this ever increasing in popular belief down. Have they missed the lesson that they only fuel the fire and continually make
the texts they so nobly oppose stronger and stronger day by day, year by year, thought by thought and counter argument by counter argument.
Lessons should have been learnt by the Religious peoples, I suggest and conclude myself that perhaps the people in opposition and a relentless battle
against us Evolutionary believers, are to this day as in the past contributing more greatly than any other theories or religion to the downfall of
their very own beliefs. Through continued ridicule we're handed on a plate the very answers that are most significant and need to be resolved, and
I'm sure just as every other question has been answered in the past, that our scientific knowledge allows, we will find the answers Religious peoples
feed the Evolutionary theory.
So I beg the question, why do religious followers wish the feed the fire? I also ask, please if you agree or disagree could you please put forward
your thoughts, has religion ultimately since day one been destined to kill itself?
These considerations can only lead me to be thankful of religion and religious followers for being by and large the greatest contributors to our
establishment, research and continued pursuit of the answer that is so hard to find yet so desired.