posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 04:41 PM
I have an idea, that may not sound too outlandish. What would be better than the 100's of small rallies/protests going on in our country today?
What could bring a nation of it's citizens together in any better way? What day and event could be so huge, that it actually could make a
I would say a 4th of July event, in the center most point of the United States, Lebanon, KS.
Center Most Point Of U.S.
The "Million Man March"? How bout a "real" million man march, or two million or ten million???
Is it too soon? With the country sinking like the titanic, do we have a choice? We must make a difference now, and on a grand scale. We have to
come together for the sake of our future generations.
Any ideas or thoughts?